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Feel on top of my game.


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Ghost here,

Lately I have been, as the title suggests, not on top of my game.

My grades have been slipping, I average 70% on most everything I do now.

Not good enough.

I always feel pressured, both in a workload way and in a physical way.

Even though my workload is manageable for a top class Year 10 student, I feel overwhelmed.

My head is fit to burst, aches are appearing, I feel constantly dull, my wits and senses are less than normal.

My fitness is improving, I know that, strengthening and leaning up.

Right now it is 9:20, but already I feel tired. This should not be so.

In fact, I can barely think straight right now, there should be more for me to say, but I just can't.

When I say my sense are dull, one example is my eyesight, despite dropping most videogames

my eyesight constantly feels like after a marathon of Battlefield.

There are other things, I think. I have been trying to locate and improve/neutralise whatever is causing this.

No luck so far. I've improved fitness, dropped videogames, and I am improving my social life. But I still feel terrible.

Could it be my nutrition, lack of vitamins?

I don't really expect much help. But I just need to express my problem. But it you do comment, thanks.

I need to step up. Year 11 is soon, things count.

I can be better than this.



Great, this shouldn't even be in this area. Sorry.

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An average day of exercise for me?

Full body bodyweight exercises, around 40 pushups and squats, 20 pull ups, plank holds, back bridges and about 10 handstand pushups.

Nothing amazing. Actually, I've even taken up some balancing yoga to help.

I don't think it helps how I feel though.

My nutrition is quite poor, I think. An apple a day, 3 eggs for breakfast, often a stirfry for dinner.

And sometimes a few snacks.

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I would have a serious look at your diet, if that is your average day then you are massively under nourished. Very hard to over eat on the right food, you are eating the correct sort of food but not enough, even for a slow day.



STR - 4 DEX - 3 STA - 2 CON - 2 WIS - 1 CHA - 3

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Several ideas to think about

1) Maybe its a food allergy-wheat or dairy allergies can cause these symptoms

2) You need to eat more-you don't say how big your stir fry is but having 3 eggs some snacks and then a stir fry doesn't sound like much.

3) What do you mean by snacks? If its junk it'll effect how you feel

4) Maybe a trip to the dr is in order-there are several causes of fatigue and what if changing your diet and sleeping more isn't helping it may be time to see a dr

5) Maybe you just need more sleep. You say you shouldn't be tired but what happens if you go to bed when your tired and sleep a good 8 hours maybe 9, do you wake up feeling refreshed or are you still tired. If you are still tired after consistently (several weeks) of getting 8 hours of sleep you need to find out why. But if you look around and all your college friends think that sleep is for wimps and you should get by with only 4-5 hours of sleep, well then you're going to be tired (they are too-they just won't admit it)

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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I don't actually eat bread anymore, unless on a rare occasion like going out. When I say snack, I usually mean an Ice Cream. So that isn't great but it is not the cause of how I feel like this. My sleep patterns are usually pretty good, being in high school and having a small social life means 10:30 bed, 7:30 rise.

It coming into winter here, and the sun has said bye for the past month or so. There is a high possibility of lacking Vitamin D being the cause.

I should eat more, but I don't feel hungry often. I used to be able to eat a whole large pizza (4 years ago), now I feel full at two slices.

I suppose I should be having more fresh fruits and veg, but they aren't cheap.

And I don't buy the groceries, and I'm 15 (and a half!), so no car or job.

This means I can't go out and buy them myself, and I don't want to place unnecessary financial stress on my mother.

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I don't actually eat bread anymore, unless on a rare occasion like going out. When I say snack, I usually mean an Ice Cream. So that isn't great but it is not the cause of how I feel like this. My sleep patterns are usually pretty good, being in high school and having a small social life means 10:30 bed, 7:30 rise.

It coming into winter here, and the sun has said bye for the past month or so. There is a high possibility of lacking Vitamin D being the cause.

I should eat more, but I don't feel hungry often. I used to be able to eat a whole large pizza (4 years ago), now I feel full at two slices.

I suppose I should be having more fresh fruits and veg, but they aren't cheap.

And I don't buy the groceries, and I'm 15 (and a half!), so no car or job.

This means I can't go out and buy them myself, and I don't want to place unnecessary financial stress on my mother.

I was confused as to your age, thats why I said college. Your very thoughtful that you don't want to stress your mon-very sweet! Sounds like your sleep is good. I think it may be good to see a Dr and see if he can help you get to the bottom of it

Ok I thought about it some more in light of your age. Teenager need a LOT of sleep. So the answer really may need more sleep. If you're tired at 9:30 go to bed and sleep. Your body probably just needs extra sleep. See if going to bed when your tired helps. Now that you're exercising it may just be that you need more sleep.

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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I will try sleeping more, maybe an extra hour each day. Hopefully that will work, and on a side note the sun is coming back! I'm just going to sit outside and soak up some Vitamin D while reading Game of Thrones.

I'll get this sorted out, thanks for your advice, and for caring.

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