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As in Yo + Hola = Yola.

It's a strange thing I say probably way too often.

Along with things like Totes McGoates and Ridonkulous.

Well, that should provide some quick insight as to the type of person that I am (the correct answer is: an awesome one.)

Now how about some actual introduction.

My name is Cody. I use "Sicarius" as my handle most places on the internet, because years ago when I was a wee little lad I thought it sounded cool. Because it's Latin. And I love everything about that language. (It's the only language other than English that I'm fluent in. Est non quod utile? Mihi respondere non est utilis. Though that might be kind of rusty, it's been a while.)

Anyway, I am a 19 year old (soon to be 20 as of July 8th) film student.

I'm 5'11'' and I weigh ~260 pounds.

I've had the goal of getting fit and being healthy for a long while now. For years I've tried, but I've always failed. And I've always had the same excuse.

"I don't have anyone to work out with. There's no one to keep me accountable so I slip up once and then fall off completely."

And for the longest time that excuse seemed valid to me. After all what's to stop me from cheating on a set or skipping a day?

But then I asked myself, "well, what's stopping me from cheating on this test? From Oghma Infinium glitching Skyrim? (Truth be told I did end up doing this one after I created my fifth character. But after having poured 200 hours into the game, I felt like I deserved playing as the greatest assassin to ever live.)

The answer of course was me. I'm accountable for myself. Seems pretty obvious, but it took me a while to get that.

So I buckled down and started doing research into how to exercise properly when I came across this magnificent place.

Before, I wanted to get fit. But now I wanted to get fit.

("That's when we stopped being a family, and started being a family. In italics." If you know this, I love you and we can be best friends.)

Seriously. This place is fantastic. I have never nerded out more over the thought of getting healthy. I mean you all have classes! How awesome is that?! I'll tell you: totally awesome!

I've been doing a ton of reading through everything on this site, and I am prepared to start with the Beginner Body Weight Circuit (before moving on to the Angry Bird Workout) and Interval Training with my end goal of being able to join the Assassin's Guild and start learning parkour.

Parkour, to me, is the coolest thing in the world, and it's something I truly want to be able to start learning someday soon (hopefully in time for when Run For Your Lives --the zombie version of warrior dash-- comes to town in December. As of were I am right now, there's no way I'd be able to complete it, let alone make it out alive, so my true goal is to be able to do just that.)

Anyway, this has been a pretty long winded and scatter brained introduction, so I'll leave y'all for now!



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