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Battle Plan for the Forced Reconstruction of Arzune

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Battle Plan for the Forced Reconstruction of Arzune

I am 32yrs old, and for as long as I can remember clearly I have been heavyset. I have recently come to the point where I am unhappy enough with my current situation to do something about it. I am interested in activities and hobbies that require a little more physical fitness and a lot less weight to do, and am tired of being tired.

I have gotten several books on exercise and diet plans, so my battle plan for the weight loss is going to look like a scattergun target. I am going to keep trying different things till I find what works for me.

I should have posted this about 7 weeks ago now, but better late than never. I just wanted to get started with the challenge for May31 – June11. After having completed that challenge I now one thing that I need, and that is constant challenge or competition, I found that during the first mini challenge I had I did a really good job on my personal and diet goals, not so good on the fitness goals, but every step counts as long as it is a step forward, right.

I am planning on changing classes for the next challenge to get more weekly challenges, and I have conscripted a cohort for this challenge to help keep me accountable in the everyday of life.

As for what I bring to the table, well I would like to say that I can be counted on to give good advice and be there for anybody that needs my help, however as I am currently having a hard keeping myself motivated and encouraged all I can promise is that I will post my own trials and tribulations and if anyone can draw strength from knowing that they aren’t the only one going thru that at the same time then more power to you.


Celtic Adventurer Working toward Ranger/Monk

{STR 3} {DEX 2} {STA 2} {CON 6} {WIS 7} {CHA 1}

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June 18th – June 24th


Morning of Day One, knocked out a morning workout and feelin good today, only one set of four excercises, gonna do the other sets tonight and get the first days workout out of the way.

Signed up for a trial at Lumosity.com, and played some brain training games this morning, that was fun as well. Need to work on finding a rythm for my morning routine. I think once I locate that everything else should flowing easier.


Goal for Monday Workout

30 reps BW squats

40 reps Incline Pushups

60 sec Plank

30 reps One Arm Row


Actual Workout

15 reps BW squats

20 reps Incline Pushups

15 sec Plank

15 reps One Arm Row

After doing this on Monday, I realized that my goals for the workouts may be set a little higher than what I can currently achieve. I need to push myself, but for somebody whose only form of exercise was climbing the stairs to my front door, the numbers can be a little lower and still be pushing myself.


Spent Tuesday recovering from Monday, and thinking about what I could change the number of reps to and still feel like I was getting something out of the work I was putting forth.


Evening of the third, Just knocked out my daily.

20 reps in three sets BW squats

30 reps in three sets Incline Pushups

30 sec in three sets Plank

20 reps in two sets One Arm Row

Overall I feel better now than I did when I got home from work tonight.

I will keep posting like this to keep myself accountable.

I changed the number of reps to a more manageable number and felt better after completing the full workout. Also waited until evening, and did this after I got home from work, to give myself some more time to recover from Monday, because everything still burned from that workout.


Noticing that my legs don't burn as much as they did on Tuesday and the stairs outside my apt are easier today than they were on Tuesday, feels good to know that I am getting stronger.

Have finally started down the long road to a better me, and feeling good about it.

Along with the stairs to my door, I went shopping for food and didn’t get as winded as I did the previous week. Really feeling good about the path I am now on.


Evening of the 5th day, did these right after I got home from work, and then went to a friend’s house for game night

20 reps in three sets BW squats

30 reps in three sets Incline Pushups

30 sec in three sets Plank

20 reps in two sets One Arm Row

Overall I feel better now than I did when I got home from work tonight.


Morning of the 6th day, did these right after I woke up

20 reps in three sets BW squats

30 reps in three sets Incline Pushups

30 sec in two sets Plank

20 reps in two sets One Arm Row

This workout was only planned after I decided to take on the Ranger Challenge for the first week.

This one worried me a little as it has been a little over 12hrs since my last workout, and I don’t want to overextend myself and get to a point where I can come up with excuses for stopping, but after having done it I can say I feel great.


Ranger Week One

To give yourself a physical boost AND the confidence you'll need to triumph in future battles, this week we want to see you ramp up and accumulate more training than you're used to.
The plan for this week is 30 BW squats, 40 Pushups, 30 Rows, and 60sec Plank 3 days this week, with Capoeira stretching. Will add one extra day for the strength training, and two Capoeira BW exercises as well. That should have me good and useless by the end of the week.
I had a teacher once that asked me as I turned in a test if I felt comfortable with the work that I had done, would I be proud of the effort I put forth. I didn't understand it then, but I think I do now.

I changed the number of reps after I couldn't complete the first workout, I sat down and thought about the goal reps and decided they were a bit lofty for me at this point in my journey. What I have changed them two is something that I can actually do, which will benefit me more than setting impossible goals. So, with that in mind I and proud to announce that I have done the necessary work for the Ranger weekly challenge.

Morning of the 6th day, did these right after I woke up. This workout was only planned after I decided to take on the Ranger Challenge for the first week.

20 reps in three sets BW squats

30 reps in three sets Incline Pushups

30 sec in two sets Plank

20 reps in two sets One Arm Row


I will be counting this as a success for myself even if nobody else does.

Adventurer Week One

So – are you ready for these obstacles? Do you have the physical ability to dodge impending arrows of doom, or the mental capacity to make your way through a field of hidden traps and mines?

I'm in

Physical - Side Step Test

Mental - Sign up for classes at the college

Never really got down to doing the actions necessary to complete this challenge, have done more work this week than in any given week for a very long time. So, while I didn't complete this challenge, I still feel good about last week.



Celtic Adventurer Working toward Ranger/Monk

{STR 3} {DEX 2} {STA 2} {CON 6} {WIS 7} {CHA 1}

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