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Improvement in my BP


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Backstory: I went vegetarian about 11 years ago... about the time I got into a very stressful job. After two years, I dropped the job, and got a better one. A couple of years later, I went all the way vegan, as I was struggling with some very severe health issues, and identified dairy as a probable culprit. Over time, however, I gained more weight, and I became aware that my blood pressure was an issue - to the tune of 190/120. I did a short stint of medication, but I never have believed in drugging the symptoms.

I did a lot of trying to lose weight, get more healthy, get fit... and, while I lost some weight, and got more active, my bp was still hanging out at 170/110 most of the time.

About a month ago, I decided to try primal - style eating. No grain, cut out the soy, put meat back into my diet, along with eggs.

Today, I got my bp checked - it's down to 143/92! This means a LOT to me!

TL : DR: I went paleo/primal, and my bp is nearly normal now.

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Well done:) this is great news!

I went primal start of this year & combined with exercise I have smashed my BP prob's. Now I have been on tabs for 5 years & have a terrible family history of heart problems/strokes etc. But...

I'm actually about to cease or at the very least cut down the dosage (dr visit in 2 weeks time). My dr asked what I have been doing that may have helped to get my BP to normal range, he just looked at me funny when I said primal eating, but shrugged his shoulders & said 'it must be working'! He also said this is really rare as most people get more med's as they age.

'Don't quit, two words, that's it' :-)

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