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I'm finally doing this

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I signed up for this months challenge so I figure I'd better introduce myself.

I'm nic, I'm 35 and I have no energy. Over the last decade I've got out of the habit of doing anything, and I'm really starting to feel it. A few months ago I could suddenly see the rest of my life carrying on like that for another couple of decades and it scared the crap out of me.

I joined a gym and booked a week in france learning to surf as motivation, which was beyond fabulous, but since I got back I have been having trouble continuing. It's so much easier to sit on my ass and watch tv, despite the fact that I know I feel so much better when I make the effort and get moving.

I want to surf again this summer and I want to be fit enough to enjoy it. Last summer was fun but it destroyed me for about a month afterwards, and I know if I put the effort in consistently between now and then I'll be able to do so much more while I'm there, and to have it not wipe me out would be ideal.

This months challenge is about getting moving on a regular basis. Once I've made that normal I'd like to explore fighting of some sort - I need to do some research about the different types of martial art, find out what sounds good to me and what classes there are locally.

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Hi Niko! I know how hard it is to overcome the enertia, but you have to remember that it's FUN to be up and moving. You just need to get started. : ) I tried surfing once and couldn't even stand on the board. It looks like fun, though! Yay water!

"Let another say. 'Perhaps the worst will not happen.' You yourself must say. 'Well, what if it does happen? Let us see who wins!' ".

- Seneca, 63 AD

"There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength." - Henry Rollins

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awesome plan, welcome to the rebellion!

not spamming here by any means, but I just wrote a blog post today on something I think could help you. Why? Because I have been in that exact same situation in the past. Take a quick read - http://justinhamlin.com/2010/12/27/your-life-is-a-business-why-you-need-a-plan/

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slaaneshque - I've never tried this sort of challenge, so I'm hoping it'll help. Half my problem is that I don't know what sort of workouts I enjoy - so I'm going to try a bunch of stuff and see what sticks. What do you enjoy? Surfing was amazing - I was rubbish and still had so much fun, I can't wait to go back. You should give it a try if you get the chance.

Althea - I didn't manage to stand on the board either after a weeks worth of lessons - nearly but not quite. Hopefully next time I'll get there but even without standing I far more fun than I'd anticipated - I had forgotten that moving could be such fun.

makotosie - I'd never done anything even vaguely like that but it was hilarious. With all that experience you'd pick it up in no time.

Justin - thanks so much for the link. You're right, I need a plan if I am going to make this work.

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This months challenge is about getting moving on a regular basis. Once I've made that normal I'd like to explore fighting of some sort - I need to do some research about the different types of martial art, find out what sounds good to me and what classes there are locally.

Would you like to join up the Monk class team for this challenge, Nic? We welcome those just starting to look into martial arts as readily as those who have been at it for a while, and would be happy to help you get moving and to find a style that suits you!

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Justin - thanks so much for the link. You're right, I need a plan if I am going to make this work.

Hope you enjoyed the post. I find a good plan helps achieve everything, from the most basic of goals to the impossible.

If you need any help, feel free to give me a shout on here, or on my website, would be glad to help.

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Justin - I tend to make lists. A plan is the logical next step, and not doing that is probably why I haven't got anywhere yet!

Halftruths - thanks, but I think I'll stick with the druids this month. I'm aiming to be monk worthy, but right now that's probably asking too much of myself. Baby steps so I don't scare myself off.

Coastie - thanks. It is hard. I am having trouble getting myself moving at the moment - the weather is so foul all I want to do is curl up under a blanket and drink tea.

slaaneshque - I live on the coast (south coast of england) but the water here is filthy - you couldn't pay me enough to go in. It's never been a problem before, but now I really resent the fact that it's right there and I can't swim in it. I am heading along the coast this weekend to visit my best mate - the water quality is much better where she is so I'm going to scout the place out - see whether moving there might be an idea. I had no idea how much I missed playing in the waves until last autumn - the pool just doesn't compare.

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