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Just thought I would take a moment to introduce myself. It's great to be here - the nerd culture angle to this whole life philosophy makes me feel mounds more comfortable about diving into a more active lifestyle!

So, to introduce myself - My name is Paul... and I am a nerd.

For much of my life, I have been a bony nerd(to the point where people thought I had an eating disorder - little did they know how much I could pack away). I've gained a fair amount of weight in the past couple years, but I'm still not enormous - Last I weighed in, I was around 185, which is up from my high school weight of 145(which was fairly low, at 6 foot 3). But, I still have little muscle and a high amount of body fat for the weight I am at - and, I figure my weight increase has been fast enough that if I don't begin practicing a healthier lifestyle now, I'll be in size 50 jeans before I know it(at least at the rate I'm going).

I have been perpetually in between jobs the past few years, surviving off freelance work and caring for a friend of mine, who became paralyzed a year and a half ago. The time I spend looking after him has significantly increased how sedentary I have been, and combined with a higher ratio of drive-thru lunches(and dinners, and occasionally quick runs after a few evening micro brews).

The past several weeks, I have tried to get back into running with the couch-to-5k program, but have decreased my runs due to the climb in temperature and humidity around me. But, in spite of that, I have still increased my activity in the safety of the air conditioning, with a bit of daily yoga, which I love(and am beginning to pine for, on the days when I have to wait until later in the evening to engage in), as well as some light weight training(very light - my upper body is still fairly weak, although I seem to have naturally strong legs).

Right now, I'm using free weights and bodyweight exercises 2 to 3 times a week, which I'd like to increase to 4 to 6, depending on how safe that frequency is. I've also set a short-term goal of going Paleo for a 7-day minimum to see how my body responds. I've always had a milk sensitivity(although dairy products of all kinds are a big weakness of mine) and suspect that a grain/gluten sensitivity may be to blame for some of my energy problems(as well as my extreme caffeine dependence). I do have a pretty slim food budget, but it seems like there's no better time than summer to give the Paleo diet a try. And, I suspect the money I will save from not buying fast food will more than make up for the extra cost for produce and such.

I have to do a little further work to get more specific on my goals, which I may elaborate on soon... perhaps in less of a rambling fashion than I suspect this post has turned out to be(I haven't proofread it, so I don't really know. And, I apologize for any spelling/grammar errors that may have occurred as a result).

So, I'm glad to be here, and look forward to diving into this journey. Everyone be well, and I look forward to "getting to know" you all!


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