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Hi and thank you from Germany

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Hi Guys,

I watched this video

(Sugar: The Bitter Truth) a couple weeks ago and it got me thinking. I suddenly understood why I haven't been able to get sixpack abs despite working out. (Or lets just say that progress has been very very slow.) I read around quite a bit and ultimately stumbled upon nerdfitness.

I wanted to try going paleo for the past weeks but I just couldn't do it. That was something totally new to me. I didn't know what I was doing wrong. I just wanted to eat up all non-paleo food I still had and then start... Guess what. Without realizing it I bought ever more of the bad stuff because I thought "Oh there is some flour left, lets bake a cake so its gone." A few days later "Oh now I got some sugar left, lets bake a cake..." You get the picture.

Then I read Steves post on "why people suck at getting healthy" and I just want to say thank you for this paragraph:

"“But Steve, I already paid for it, I need to eat it.†At this point, it’s a sunk cost. Eating it because you already paid for it just compounds the unhealthy problem…if you’re truly serious about turning your life around, the few bucks you spent on this junk food is a small price to pay. Throw it away, give it to neighbors, donate it to a food shelter, whatever you need to do. Get rid of it, and maybe only go out ONCE this week, or bring your lunch in twice to make up for the extra money spent."

That was my thinking exactly! So I just went and threw everthing away. (Faster than giving it to someone else, I might reconsider on the way there...) That was about a week ago. I have now been on a paleo diet for 1 week and feel awesome. My diet was the one thing I just could never change. I didn't really care about vegetables and I freaking love meat. Sounds good and seems to work :)

I work out about 4-5 hours a day (I'm a crazy karateka/judoka/yogi/qigong practitioner) and didn't think I could live without *putunhealthyfoodhere*. But I can! I'm just extremely happy right now and wanted to share this. I have been trying to transform my life since graduation and did it slowly but steadily.

I found a great teacher for my martial arts passion and will actually relocate to his hometown in a month. I quit my crappy job, that I didn't like and now I'm becoming a physiotherapist and make a dream come true. I even have enough time to support my gaming website.

So right now it looks like I will have achieved many of my goals in about 3 years.

So another time: Thanks for this great website and forum. It gave me the last push I needed to make the necessary changes to my diet and it would have made a lot of things easier for me if I had discovered it 2 years ago.

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Welcome to NF and congrats on decding to change your life - awesome feeling to take control, isn't it?

Wow on your multiple martial arts account - seems like the Monks' Guild is the place to go for you! Your change in carreer is also amazing - looks like you are going for a clean new start right now!

Where are you from/to which place are you moving? Nice to have someone new from Germany around here. Halt die Ohren steif und viel Erfolg!

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Rix - Level 2 Amazon Assassin

STR 7 | DEX 6 | CON 7 | STA 5 | WIS 7 | CHA 4 | LVL 3

LVL 2 | LVL 1

Work hard, be kind, and amazing things will happen.

Conan O'Brien


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Yeah, back to square one and I love it.

Currently I am living in southern Brandenburg (Herzberg to be specific) and I will go to Münster(NRW).

Danke dir, hätte gar nicht gedacht hier auf Deutsche zu treffen. Die Welt ist halt klein :)

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