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Nerd Fitness Musicians Unite

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I think we need a place for all of our musicians to report into. I have noticed a lot of us play some sort of instrument.

This is my list:


electric bass

a little bit of mandolin

even less fiddle

less than that of banjo (I really want one)

I used to play bass in a punk/alternative/classic rock band back in my crazy youth. Now I am more focused on the singer/songwriter thing (sucking at the songwriter part at this moment). I have been playing a lot of acoustic guitar and singing. Mostly old school country and Irish folk music.

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i just noodle, mostly on acoustic guitar. between me and my partner, we own 2 acoustic guitars, an electric piano, a violin, a clarinet, and a few harmonicas. im hoping to get some piano lessons from her-- ive always wanted to play that instrument. shes a pro singer, and im ok. we like to improvise while washing dishes. i listen to metal (and everything else, just less) but ive never owned an electric guitar.

on the move...probly not here, or where it says i am over <there

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I am first and foremost a singer. I own a clarinet in bad shape, I want a new one but alas! no money. The list of instruments I am able to play at a level worthy to be considered music is/was as follows:

1. voice. Soprano, mezzo soprano and alto. Not contralto. Yikes. Love the harmony

2. clarinet (Bb sporano and bass clarinet)

3. tenor saxophone

4. trumpet (at least, I was decent in high school,)

5. I played bass guitar for a while

6. played at a decent grade 4 piano level, could play some grade 6 songs well around the time of highschool as well.

I regretfully don't have the money to buy all these instruments, but gosh I'd be all over a good clarinet and tenor sax if that money ever came my way!!!!

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oooo me me me!

first 3 years of college = music major.

main instrument: bass (guitar, but mainly play classical style, when i get a house with enough room i also want an upright)

played flute, saxophone, and recorder (yes, its actually a kind of serious instrument) in hs/university

can also play guitar, piano, and violin, just not well.

oh, and i'm awesome at the bass drum. you know, if thats the only drum i'm playing. :D:D

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“There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind.”
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Wow, there are a lot of versatile musicians on here! I studied piano for 11 years, but stopped when I was 16. I'm grateful for the music education it gave me, but I just got tired of it. I've also studied the clarinet for a couple of years.

These days, I'm a singer. I studied for two years in college and participated in an a capella group for a year as well. I don't have time for formal study these days, so I just practice on my own.

I have to say... that "Rock Star" achievement for Music sounds like a good idea. Maybe we should start a "Nerd Fitness Has Talent" thread for people to post songs/videos for those achievements which require them.

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I have to say... that "Rock Star" achievement for Music sounds like a good idea. Maybe we should start a "Nerd Fitness Has Talent" thread for people to post songs/videos for those achievements which require them.

that would be awesome.

or we could have a "NF jam".

One person records a riff, sends it to the next person.

Next person records over it... sends it to the next...

till its a whole song :)

I'm no longer an active member here. Please keep in touch:
“There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind.”
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Spezzy you were a Music Major? That's epic!

Growing up I always thought I wanted to be a professional musician (I played the violin, then the cello). I was pretty in it for a while, practiced two hours a day. Ate movies like "Music of the Heart" for breakfast, watched orchestras every weekend and all that jazz. I can't say I was very good though.

Hahaha, crazy. The day I stopped was when we had an international concert here in Manila. And in the cello section, we were arranged by chairs and the two girls in front of me were 9 year old Koreans. I was already 17, FML. And about that time, college was already becoming a bit serious (obviously I didn't end up taking a music course) and my teacher told me that if I wanted to progress any further, I need to devote 4-5 hours practice time each day. I was like "FU THAT" and haven't looked back! I miss playing orchestras/quartets though! Making harmony is one of the most relaxing things ever.

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Hey, there is a big difference between working at a profession and getting good at a hobby. I have serious respect for musicians, professional or amateur. Music rocks.

"Let another say. 'Perhaps the worst will not happen.' You yourself must say. 'Well, what if it does happen? Let us see who wins!' ".

- Seneca, 63 AD

"There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength." - Henry Rollins

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Spezzy you were a Music Major? That's epic!

Growing up I always thought I wanted to be a professional musician (I played the violin, then the cello).

I also thought i wanted to be a professional musician... and then was in a car accident that put me back quite a bit, so I switched majors last minute. I picked the only major I could switch to and still finish on time :D

Looking back, I think I actually used the car accident as an excuse to stop it... because practicing 8-10 hours a day really killed my enjoyment for it.

Hey, there is a big difference between working at a profession and getting good at a hobby. I have serious respect for musicians, professional or amateur. Music rocks.

me too!

I did post a pvp challenge in the challenge thread for NF musicians. Not sure if everyone has seen this. I'm going to try to get my recording equipment set up this weekend in order to participate.

I will be taking part in this. One of my 2010 goals, actually, was to record me playing something and post it on the internet. Just because performing/playing in front of people scares the shit out of me. It scares me so much, actually, that I didn't do it.

So thank you for this challenge, good sir.

I'm no longer an active member here. Please keep in touch:
“There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind.”
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I will be taking part in this. One of my 2010 goals, actually, was to record me playing something and post it on the internet. Just because performing/playing in front of people scares the shit out of me. It scares me so much, actually, that I didn't do it.

So thank you for this challenge, good sir.

I'm terrified of needles, so step 1 was getting my ears pierced. Step 2, three months later, was finally pulling them out and changing to a different pair of earrings. So do it!

I played the clarinet, 10 years up through my first year in college. (Then I quit the orchestra to play sports.) I've also dabbled in guitar and piano recently. I really want to learn to play the ukelele, though.

Oh, and I sing. On key.

For the PVP challenge, I might record something with my roommates, just because it's cooler than a clarinet solo. We're working on a cello/clarinet/oboe interpretation of Star Wars, and a guitar duet mashing I'm Yours and Hey Soul Sister.

Level 3 Human Jedi Apprentice / Assassin

{ running, rock climbing, frisbee }

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I did get my recording equipment set up this weekend, and recorded some scratch tracks for 4 songs. I added a couple of tracks to one of them. I did get one song "fully" recorded and mixed down, just to remind myself how my equipment works. I made a crappy video and posted it on Youtube. The sound is a little quiet, so I have turned up my levels a bit for subsequent recordings. This song is not for the PVP challenge, I just wanted to post it for my fellow rebels to check out. It is a song that I wrote a chorus to, and got stuck.

It can be found here:

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I've played guitar for over a decade now... have a Strat ele and a Taylor acoustic, and picked up a bass to add to some tracks I was laying down. Also played piano and saxophone since my early days and I've been getting back into the keys with a new keyboard :)

My favorite though is singing, and I've been in a few choirs and an acapella group. If anyone wants to jam in Atlanta come on by and we'll throw some NF recordings down!

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I'm a self-taught guitar, bass and harmonica player. But I like singing the most. I pretty much sing every day, when I'm walking down the street, when I'm at home, while standing in line for something or sitting in a waiting room, or a tram.

Also, I absolutely like the NF Jam idea. :D

Picked his face up from the ancient gallery and into the sunset he rode, forever free.

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I rock out on the hand clap!

Other than that, I play bass guitar, drums, a little guitar. I can make music on a keyboard, but not consistently. I've been getting into some simple percussion stuff recently like cajons and bongos. I really want to get a set of tablas soon.

I play the clarinet as good as Billy Madison, too!

Ranger - Rheno - Rising Hero

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I was at one time somewhat competent on piano. I haven't touched it in literally years, though - probably about 15 years since I last was able to play regularly.

Clarinet - I've had about 6months of lessons, 2yrs ago. I've put clarinet practice for 20min a week in my life goals, though, so I can get started on learning it again.

Voice - I performed in choir during high school, the university choir during my first year of university, but not really since. A combination of chest infections and colds kept me away from it for five years, and I haven't really gotten back into it. I'd like to, someday - although I'll require lessons, as my registers are all over the damn place, and I tend to jump octaves.

Half Dragon, Half Elf, Level 0.5 Assassin - I flame people when cranky, but I'm seriously kickass.STR 4 | DEX 2.5 | STA 3.25 | CON 5 | WIS 8.75 | CHA 4 | Challenges: 1  2 3 4 5 | myFitnessPal | Spreadsheet | fitbitChallenge 6, Back to the assassin's rootsBlog: float knowledge return wisdom;


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I am primarily a guitarist - used to be in rock/metal bands. Handy with a riff, addicted to FX and prefer to improvise my solos (results may vary!)

Its a 2011 goal to get back into it, part of which may involve a collaboration with a friend in Dubai. He likes his power metal and he likes it cheesy. yum!

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I used to play for a living, even have a very embarrassing record on iTunes. I'm glad I recorded that thing but man I would do so much differently now.

Anyway I still play every now and then for some pocket money. Just got a call to do some studio stuff in a few weeks.

One of my 2011 goals is to sing the national anthem at one of the velodrome racing events here. I've been practicing in the car.

Thankfully track racing events are not well attended :)

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wow. this thread is awesome.

i grew up playing flute (classical) and oboe.

i can play one handed fake piano

i'm middle of the road with guitar, and still a beginning banjo-ist.

i also produce electronic music on my macbook.

"Come with me if you want to lift" -The Brominator

"Later, I would learn that coincidences are the most planned things in the world. Later, I would learn that every single moment is a coincidence." - Douglas Coupland

"Anyone who doesn't want french fries every day is a commie." - AngelaTheGeek

Current Challenge


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This is so great!!

Just joined the community and its great to see so many musicians here.

I played Tuba all through middle and high school, including four years in the Marching Band playing sousaphone. (my brother I used to arrange cartoon theme songs as tuba duets)

I play bass, drums, sing (poorly) and play guitar (poorly).

Been in a lot of bands and studied Bass as a major for two years in college. grew up learning how to play by playing metallica albums after school.

Lots of percussion experience in several orchestras in south florida during high school and some of college.

But Taiko is my bread and butter. this is a youtube link to the group i used to be in (long story, ill tell if anyone asks)

Semi-recording studio in my old room at my moms house. haha.

Rock on NERDS!

the world is too incredible to bring such ugliness into it

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