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Well, hello! This site came to me at the exact perfect time and it's very nice to meet you all.

I spent pretty much all of my childhood at least 100 lbs overweight, if not 150. I had just about the worst diet any kid could ask for, and I spent almost all of my time on the computer or reading. It wasn't until my freshmen year of high school that I decided I wanted to get healthy, and I began to change my diet (fruits, veggies, meats, nuts, etc, practically no processed grains). Over the past four years (I'm 18 and about to start college now, and boy, I'm terrified) I've lost about 90 lbs, and I know it's a bit of a cliché line in the weight-loss community, but I feel better than ever.

It wasn't until about April of this year that I decided I wanted to start adding exercise to my health program. I graduated from the Couch-to-5K running program a few weeks ago and am thinking about starting the Bridge-to-10K variation next. I've found I really enjoy running (or, let's be honest, slow jogging), and I'm looking into the barefoot variation. Muscle building has always been a bit more strange to me and I never knew quite what to do for it. I found this site by searching "how to do a squat properly," and once I finished with that I started reading. Seriously, this is exactly what I was looking for.

As for the nerd part, I was never much into video games (except The Sims) but I read a lot and am planning on becoming some sort of a scientist, does that count?

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Welcome to the Rebellion!

Speaking from the voice of experience and not being able to walk normally for 4 days because my calves hurt so freaking bad, make sure that you do calf strengthening exercises (example: the Vibrams Five-Fingers website) for a few weeks before you try to barefoot run. Also, don't run for too long. They say something like only run barefoot 10% of the distance you normally run, then increase slowly from there. Barefoot running is great, though. My form sucks in shoes (heavy heel striker all the way), but I swear something magical happens when I take my shoes off....there's like rainbows and sparklies coming off my feet when I run barefoot. :tongue: But seriously, my form improves instantly and my knees/heels don't hurt at all, unlike when I use regular sneakers. Regular sneakers now make me feel like a Wookie in Link's iron boots. :ambivalence:

Current inspiration for my journey: Prov. 14:23

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

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Highly, highly (highly) recommend adding some muscle-building/resistance training to your running regime, if you can swing it. Do you have specific goals related to this, or concentrating on running right now?

What you do, and what you don't do, matters.

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Wow, thanks for the replies everyone! I've been reading a lot on this website over the past couple of days (it's hard to stop), and I'm definitely adding strength training. (I was already doing a little bit of it, but I do want some more muscles).

I was also hesitant to start B210K because I wasn't really sure I wanted to spend 70 minutes of my life three times a week running (even if I did enjoy it), and I'm starting to amend my decision and go for switching it up with intervals and sprints and such along with my longer runs. (For probably no more than 45 minutes 3X a week).

I'm not sure I'm definitely going to go full barefoot, but my current shoes weigh 13 oz and have a high heel, so I got some lighter shoes with a less severe dropoff and I'm going to start phasing into those. Maybe getting closer to barefoot later if I like it.

I tell you this is exactly the community I was looking for! :)

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