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Hey everyone!

A couple days ago I was stumbling randomly around the internet at three in the morning (because my sleep schedule is crappy) and I found one of the NF blog posts. One post lead to another, and I started imagining not being sleepy and depressed and miserable all the time. The next day I did one of the workouts and my legs almost collapsed from lunges. They were sore the entire day. And it was awesome.

I've already taken an hour or two, rearranged my living room and placed a whiteboard on the wall with the Angry Birds workout on it. I've cracked out my old (never used by me) yoga mat and cut my hair because Angry Birds + 30 C (86 F) weather = sweat. Today I finished my second day (with a rest day yesterday) and decided I should join the forum.

For a long time I've alternated between periods of happiness and periods of crushing depression, and I'm tired of that noise. I always feel better when I work out, so the logical thing to do is...to work out. Finding this group of fellow nerds was the kickstarter I needed. I'm not too overweight, but I am a large guy for how short I am, (5' 7" and 200lbs, broad shoulders make it not quite as obvious) and although people have told me I'm not fat, I hate feeling my gut, I hate how flabby my chest is, and I hate not being able to sprint the 100m dash in 14 seconds like I used to be able to do. I've taken the before pic, and maybe, just maybe, if I keep calm and carry on, I'll post a before and after in a few months or a year.

I like anything to do with Greco-Roman history (it's my major), Starcraft 2 (if that wasn't obvious from my username and this thread's title) and RPGs. I've long overcome my addiction to World of Warcrack, but Skyrim and Morrowind still steal hours away from me, as does Assassin's Creed (any of them). I'm also beginning to realize that another thing I like is working out until my muscles collapse. That burning you feel is better than any level up ding ever, and the soreness all the next day is more rewarding than a hundred boss kills.

Although this post is already pretty long-winded, I also wanted to say that right at the bottom of my little whiteboard is a monthly goal and a day count. This month it's to stop smoking for good. I felt like I'd throw that out there to get a little more accountability; no cheating for me!

Anyways, just thought I'd say hi and meet some fellow rebels. The Assassins might have a new member soon, because parkour has always intrigued me and I've always wanted to get into it, but I'll be a secret druid on the side; I have tried yoga, just not with the mat. I really liked the flexibility and agility I had for the short time I did it. It's like super-stretching.

I keep rambling so I'm going to stop right no-

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]We will lead by example.

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Congratulations on your decision to improve yourself! I'm in the same weight boat (5'6, 180 lbs, broad shoulders) and I also experience similar mood changes. Have you checked out the paleo diet on here? I'm thinkin I should be sticking to that. If you can find the time to play those games, try peeling away a half hour to do the bodyweight circuits and just exploring this site a bit. I think it would be a healthier use of time ;) haha

Not like I'm the Grand Leader of the Rebellion or anything but, welcome! We're glad to have you! And way to get over WoW! That's always a good

Level 3 Martial Monk, True Neutral

STR: 6.5 | DEX: 6 | STA: 7 | CON: 9 | WIS: 8 | CHA: 6

My First Challenge

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Yeah, once I get a job again I'm going to start buying healthier food. Pizza and snack food is tasty but...not really worth it. I have my computer desk set up so that I have to stand at it to play games, so at least I'm not sitting on my butt all day.

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]We will lead by example.

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