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Making myselft known... I am here, I am here! Dr. Suess, anyone?

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I just wrote up a NOVEL introducing myself for my profile, so here's a quick copy and paste! So you don't really have to read my profile unless you're like, day-um, I need to read me some of that AGAIN. Then please, read it again.

I'm the type of nerd that you can't distinguish out of a crowd of normals. Maybe I'm a spy? Or maybe I just have an addiction for shoes and eyelash curlers. Unfortunately, I'm usually so hot on the pursuit of dreams/life/love, that my time pursuing my other interests is rather limited. My newest book of CHEW (best. comic. ever.)? Still yet to be cracked open. Those pile of 360 games (and PS2. And GC.) I have waiting? A figment of my fantasies, for the most part.

I work with bunches of children and angry teens. I really love it, and it's amazing to think that you may make the difference in a youths life. It's been a crazy busy year, with frequent 60-hour work weeks, but the summer came with more free-time than previously. So, Mass Effect 3, here I come, baby. And P90x? Sure, I'll bring it. Paleo? Portobello hamburgers are delicious, let's just say.

I have dedicated myself to my cause, to get SMOKING HOT, HOLLA'! This has been, of course, the plan for years, but something always throws me off the waggon. Like cookie dough. So. Yeah. You should know... Cookies, cookie dough, all that gooey goodness... Well, we have a history. A delicious history, filled with sin, lust, and raw... batter! Yum. A novel will be coming soon to a store near you. At any rate, I've been fairly active for the last few years in the form of recreational sport leagues (floor hockey is where it's at), pole dancing lessons, wogging (walk/jogging, anything else is a lie), gyming it up and group fitness. But I am a monster in the fast food lanes. It's like lady, get out my way, there's a Two Cheeseburger Meal with Super-sized Fries with my name on it and I will bring you DOWN! So, starting the last week of June, I was like, McDonald's, it's not you, it's me. Rinse and repeat with every fast food chain in the planet. I'm a food slut. Don't be hatin'.

THE REBELLION: I am working out nearly every day. I tried to get back into cardio equipment, but I was like, um, boyfriend cuddles or achy knees (and ankles. And hips. I am old, this I understand)? Obvious choice is living in sin. Instead, I make a point to get to those yoga and Zumba classes. I finally started P90X Lean and I die a little every day so I can be reborn as a smokin' hot pheonix of STEEL. Mostly, though, it's diet. I have been using a food diary, reading those labels, and making those changes. Like substituting grains for lettuce wraps and soy milk for almond milk (so much more delicious! Who knew, right?).

So here I am at NerdFitness. To keep myself clean by accountability. Is this like AA for the fast food addicts? I've never been an alcoholic before, this could be fun. Wait, what?

I had "before" photos, but unfortunately my phone decided to go into a seizure/coma yesterday, and it took the photos with it. And I don't have Internet (whut?) at my house, I've been using my coma-phone as a portable hotspot, so there really is no updating right away. But future updates will come. :) I started at 150 lbs. at the end of June, and I am currently down to 141.8 lbs., as of yesterday. It's still a long journey ahead of me. I've been down this road before, getting to 117 lbs. with the help of some post-surgery weight loss (bye bye angry tonsils), but it was always a "diet". I'm hoping to make an educated lifestyle change. It's easy to motivate myself to be active, since I really enjoy it. I'm exploring paleo, and reminding myself that I am human -- a human with a cookie addiction and a mouth packed full of sweet tooths -- and I will falter sometimes through this transformation. I won't let it stop me this time. I was working an over-night shift at the group home last night and thought I'd make cookies (... yeah) for the youth. Well, my control caved and I ended up licking out the bowl, and the spoon, and having three cookies, one from each tray, "just to make sure they're okay". So I looked for solutions -- there is such thing as paleo cookie dough. Really. Not lying. Google it. Next pay cheque, I'll go get myself some cacao nibs. It'll be easier to resist DEVIL cookie dough when I know I can have a little piece of something-something when I get home. Don't you get this anxiety when there's delicious, sinful food in front of you and the little fat kid that is your brain is screaming "LAST CHANCE, TAKE IT TAKE IT TAKE IT"? Just me? Anyway, then I started today off fresh! No giving up. Like Ms. Frizzle says, "Take chances! Make mistakes! Get messy!"

So, how you doin'?

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I was able to take some "now" photos... sorry for the low quality! Ten pounds down, here. I wish I had a proper before. Anyway, hopefully in a few weeks I'll have a mini transformation! Thanks for cheering me on! :))

Weighed myself today: 139 lbs.

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Very awesome. I wish I had the courage to post a before (or a current photo). Lol. Maybe when I lose another 50 pounds. Heh.

Still, you are apparently doing awesome, and looking great.

Ogre Ranger (1st Level)

Stats: (STR) - 3 (DEX) - 1 (STA) - 2 (CON) - 3 (WIS) - 3 (CHA) - 3

Because your own strength is unequal to the task, do not assume that it is beyond the powers of man; but if anything is within the powers and province of man, believe that it is within your own compass also. -M.A.

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No wonder you're kicking butt with weight loss...Takes some mad skills to stand on the wall while taking pictures of a horizontal mirror. :P

I hate making cookies, because you always say "I'll just have one...to test them..." and then you've eaten half the tray. :ambivalence: I'll have to check out the Paleo cookie thing, sounds interesting. I've tried P90X before for a bit, and man did the upper body workouts kick my ass upside down. I really liked their yoga (even though it's tough as nails) and the Kenpo exercise. Tony is good motivation.

Anyways, welcome fellow newbie Canuckian, and keep rocking that exercise! Show those cookies who's boss!

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]We will lead by example.

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Thanks so much! Why don't you do it!!! You can compromise with your comfort zone by maybe wearing more than I did! I wanted to post mine so I could show however many people that I can do better... I will get better!! And I will work hard for that after photo! Besides, everyone here is making a change. My thighs touch, but maybe one of the old timers here used to have that too... they'll cheer you on!

Remember: you don't know me! *snap snap* Haha, or they don't know you. :) Everyone is gorgeous.

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No wonder you're kicking butt with weight loss...Takes some mad skills to stand on the wall while taking pictures of a horizontal mirror. :P

I hate making cookies, because you always say "I'll just have one...to test them..." and then you've eaten half the tray. :ambivalence: I'll have to check out the Paleo cookie thing, sounds interesting. I've tried P90X before for a bit, and man did the upper body workouts kick my ass upside down. I really liked their yoga (even though it's tough as nails) and the Kenpo exercise. Tony is good motivation.

Anyways, welcome fellow newbie Canuckian, and keep rocking that exercise! Show those cookies who's boss!

What you can't see is that I'm flexing my toes so the tension on the wall between toe and foot is holding me up. I have Hulk feet. ;)

Yoga X is HARD. Kenpo was a lot of fun, I was surprised how much I enjoyed it! I sweat buckets with every workout. I can't do a pull up yet so I die with those workout. How far did you get with p90x? I'm only on the second week and want to keep my motivation strong! I have another crippling weakness, probably more so than with cookies, for icecream. I was really relieved to see there's paleo knock offs of it. Really, if there wasn't, there would be no long term hope for me.

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I'm saving my before photo for when I have an awesome after photo to show alongside it. It's good motivation, and at the end I'll look back at the before photo and wonder who that guy was and why I took a picture of him, heh.

I made it a week with P90X and then my friend took the DVDs.

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]We will lead by example.

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I finished a full run of P90x last year and was happy with the results. Of course, no sooner had a finished then life slapped me across the face and things fell back apart health wise. I did end up losing about 15 pounds through the 90 days and got in significantly better shape. It is a great program, especially when getting going or if you don't have access to more than body weight/bands. The DVDs get a bit old after awhile, but they offer the ability to just play the music or mute everything. I've picked the back up for when I travel (copied them to my iPad) and mute them and just play my own music.

I'm still working on getting up the courage to do the before/current pictures... soon though, people on here keep inspiring me to do it.

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I finished a full run of P90x last year and was happy with the results. Of course, no sooner had a finished then life slapped me across the face and things fell back apart health wise. I did end up losing about 15 pounds through the 90 days and got in significantly better shape. It is a great program, especially when getting going or if you don't have access to more than body weight/bands. The DVDs get a bit old after awhile, but they offer the ability to just play the music or mute everything. I've picked the back up for when I travel (copied them to my iPad) and mute them and just play my own music.

I'm still working on getting up the courage to do the before/current pictures... soon though, people on here keep inspiring me to do it.

I still do the Yoga X and Kenpo sometimes, they're the only two I was able to copy to my computer before I gave my friend the DVDs back. They're also the most fun, in my opinion...nothing quite like dousing a shirt in sweat after an hour of Kenpo.

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]We will lead by example.

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Underling: I was going to be all, but you'll still be the same guy, just more inclined to strike poses in the nude. That's what I do to celebrate weight loss. :P Today after the scale I was doing full leaping prances and giggling with joy. BUT, then I was like, no way!!! Is any hero the same man he was after he first set out? You gain discipline and self control! And ambition! And you get confident, and happy naked! You're right. :) You're changing yourself, man, good work. Also, steal that stuff back! Use Kenpo! Fist to balls! I'm pretty sure it teaches that, because I was all, hehe, he means balls. Learning life skills, I swear.

Shey: Thanks. <3 And welcome to the rebellion!

Unmeekgeek: Congratulations on p90x!!! Way to be a beast! And isn't that always how it is? You're getting in the groove of being healthy and then life gets jealous. It's easy to find the motivation until you lose momentum.

Brah: I never joke. Except when I do. But not about the internet! I just moved out into my own little basement suite, and there is no money for the interwebs. Which isn't too big of a deal, because I prefer playing single player RPGs. Is okay. I strong.

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Hi, aFirefly! As a fellow Spy Nerd, I love your intro! And speaking of cookie addictions: maaaan..... I haven't baked a thing since February, I think. And all in the name of working towards an awesome body. It's worth it though, right? RIGHT??

(For the record: no, I'm not insane or a robot. I have purchased baked goods, but that way I'm forced to only get one rather than make a big ol' tray. =D )

Caitriona - Gallifreyan Adventurer
Level 1

STR:1 :: DEX:3 :: STA:2 :: CON:2 :: WIS:3 :: CHA:4

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Hi, aFirefly! As a fellow Spy Nerd, I love your intro! And speaking of cookie addictions: maaaan..... I haven't baked a thing since February, I think. And all in the name of working towards an awesome body. It's worth it though, right? RIGHT??

(For the record: no, I'm not insane or a robot. I have purchased baked goods, but that way I'm forced to only get one rather than make a big ol' tray. =D )

Hello SpyNerd Caitriona! Cookies and icecream. I miss my BFF DQ. We never talk anymore, and I miss eating her out [of business]. Oh no I didn't!! I love baking, but with going paleo I cook all. The. Time. I'm like a chef that's not all that great and no one would pay. It's fun! I want to pick up some almond flour to make some paleontologist cookies. Or some sort of junk food.

I'm really hungry.

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Oh man, don't even talk to me about blizzards. Really, don't. I can't take it. Okay, wait. I lied. I love talking about blizzards. But I've decided that my next blizzard is gonna be a pumpkin pie one (my fave!), which means I have to wait until fall. Good plan?

Also, you should totally make paleo cookies in the shape of little paleontologist dudes.

Caitriona - Gallifreyan Adventurer
Level 1

STR:1 :: DEX:3 :: STA:2 :: CON:2 :: WIS:3 :: CHA:4

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I totally have little man cookie cutters! I think I will, when I make it to the health food store. Anyone else find paleo the most expensive way to eat ever? It's worth it though.

Cookie dough blizzards.... duh. Right now I've developed a habit of shoving nuts in my mouth and taking a bite of pure unsweetened chocolate. Or sucking on a spoon of almond butter. It's incredibly naughty but I can't get by being a nice girl all the time. I figure the cravings will lessen the longer I abstain.

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