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An adventurer has joined my party, but Fat's minions has grown stronger......

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Who am I?

My name is Rob, a 34 yr old former SGT in the Army. I am from Texas, currently serving as a contractor in Afghaniland (Afghanistan...every time I think of Afghaniland, I picture Adam Sandler saying Disneyland from the movie Bulletproof). I am married to a wonderful woman (just celebrated our 3 year anniversary) and have a wonderful dog named Kona (google Japanese Spitz, youll fall in love). I am currently finishing my BS:IT Network specilization and looking to start my MS: Cybersecurity.

I am a gamer (Diablo III reference in the title), an avid reader, and purveyor of fine films (see movie reference).

Why am I here?

When I got to Afghanistan, I was 215 pounds (see my profile pic taken about a week before I got here) and was able to loose 25 pounds over the course of my first 3 months. I am currently sitting at 195, and would like to get down to somewhere around 180ish and/or 10-15% body fat. I would like to eventually be able to see my abs again (once upon a time I had a 6 pack back in my Junior/Senior years in high school. I was doing Tae Kwon Do 4-6 days a week), and eventually get to a point where I can do something like Tough Mudder. My workout programs are limited out here. There are Crossfit on ramp classes, but naturally my current schedule prevents me from attending them. There is a Crossfit literally around the corner from my house back in Texas, which I intend to fully explore when I get done out here.

What do I want from NF?

Because of my schedule and the size of my office (6 people), I don't have anyone to work out with. It makes it very difficult to stay motivated if you are doing it Lone Ranger style. I also have never been a weight lifter so I have to admit that I am some what intimidated by lifting. I have been doing the Elliptical Trainer 2 or 3 times a week for 35-65 minutes depending. I still find it difficult to get to the gym as I either have to get up at 0330 (holy cow thats early) or after I get off work. Half the time I grab dinner, go back to the room, browse the interwebz, then hit the rack.

Where do I go from here?

I am currently doing some research (thanks for the blogs on Paleo diet, Saint, and Staci) about what I want to accomplish and the best way to do it. While going full paleo out here might be rather difficult, I know there are some things that i can do that will immediatley make a difference (dropping sodas, and bread). I leave this week for R&R (a vacation for 2 weeks) that is going to include a cruise (food 24x7....lord help me!) but when I get back at the beginning of August, my goals will be to be down to 180 (or 10-15% bf) by the 21st of December, which is when I go back on leave.

So, that book being said, I am definitely welcome to any and all suggestions and motivations and I look forward to getting to know ya'll.




Level 2 Elven Ranger

STR - 7.2 Dex - 2 Sta - 7 Con - 4 Wis - 3 CHA - 4

"Do or Do Not. There is no try."

"Why do we fall sir? So we might learn to pick ourselves up ."

Round 2 - Faster, Stronger, Leaner and more Pious?

Lefeux's Ranger Conquest

Workout Log

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