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Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more!

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Hello. I have been lurking for a little while and here I am.

Important things first: nerd credentials. I don't play video games, not because I have anything against them, but I have no talent for them. If it moves faster on the screen than solitaire, I am lost. However, I have a couple of degrees, most of them useless and the one useful one I have, I make a point of not using. I refuse to wear stupid shoes ever. The following shoes qualify as stupid: porno heels, crocs, flip flops (unless at a beach or in a locker room), anything that requires "kitten" as a modifier. One should always wear a shoe that will allow one to kick the crap out of something, should the need arise. I wear lots of colors and lots of handknits. In the wintertime, I often sport what I call Demented Miss Marple Drag, which is a study in how many handknitted garments one can wear at once before people start to sidle away from you on public transportation. I seriously do not give a shit. I am a professional putterer, punctuated with periods of employment. I read, I knit, I cook, I think.

Okay, now the rest. I am 38-years-old, female, married, overweight and ready to join the rebellion. I have spent years gaining and losing the same 10 lbs.; there are many reasons for this. My job and my interests are generally sedentary. I eat when I am depressed and when I am happy. As a child, I was a dancer. Dance can be great training for the body, but dance instructors are professional sadists who relish in body-shaming children, especially adolescent girls, and fostering an unhealthy, hateful view of the human body. I was no exception. As an adult, I have practiced yoga for years. I was drawn to yoga because I was generally able to find a supportive atmosphere, but it is inefficient exercise. Oh yeah, I have also been the queen of the elliptical machine. Another waste of time.

Why now? My mother had total knee replacement surgery when she was in her 60s. For her whole life, she was overweight and sedentary. I am approaching 40, and I want to be strong, and I want to keep own knees. I can't kick the can down the road any longer.

My goal is to get stronger and reduce down to a healthy, manageable weight by the time I am 40, so in 17 months. I want to level up to Assassin. I just completed Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, which was a good way for me to start strength training in short, intense bouts. In 30 days, I moved up from 3 lb. to 5 lb. weights, lost inches off my waist and hips, and started to feel muscles. I am a convert and ready for more. I am planning on moving on the to Beginning Bodyweight Routine next, with interval training on a rowing machine or a kickboxing dvd on the rest days. I am counting my calories on My Fitness Pal, and while I have not gone paleo, I am cutting carbs and increasing protein and vegetables.

I am ready to succeed. Long live the rebellion!

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Welcome Diotima! Great that you are focused on your long term goal. Let us know if you need any help along the way. You'll be amazed what you can do in 17 months :D

Also, I recommend taking a starting picture to remind yourself of your progress. Especially when you can take it out when you turn 40 and be all like " That was ME?!?! WTF?"

"Pull the bar like you're ripping the head off a god-damned lion" - Donny Shankle

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Thanks! Yes, I have taken a picture of myself and intend to take pictures monthly to track my progress. I am also keeping track of my measurements. I ordered the book "New Rules of Lifting for Women" and hope to move on to weights after I do body weight exercises for a few weeks. I have a weak knee and need to proceed carefully.

Re: help. If someone in a similar situation (either starting off or on the path to progress) wants to friend me, that would be nice. I have a few friends on MFP, and I find the regular checking in and reinforcement helpful. Tell me your goals, and I am willing support you, too. I am generally not creepy and harmless.

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