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Nobody wants to be a fat stormtrooper...

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Howdy folks! I'm new here... here's my story:

I used to be in *decent* shape, I thought. I worked a job where I was on my feet 12 hours a day, moving at a fast pace, unloading trucks. Then, I got a great job working at a desk, sitting on my ass for the majority of the day. Couple that with being in front of sugary snacks and having a general disdain for physical activity, I started packing on the pounds. I gained about 80 lbs, and had to buy bigger pants and bigger shirts. Not cool. So, I did what I thought was right and joined a gym, cut out (what I thought was) junk food, and lost about 20 of those pounds. And that's where I've been for the past four years. Teetering between 260-280. Not where I want to be at all. It's time to change that.

I really began to notice my weight gain when I started costuming with the 501st Legion - after all, black spandex only leaves so much to the imagination. Not wanting to be the only guy walking around busting out of his stormtrooper gear like a can of biscuits, I knew something had to change. And I'm here to start that change with what seems to be a great support group.

I'm also getting married in a year and a half, and want to look like a dapper gentleman instead of The Penguin.

So, I'm looking to you guys and gals as that support - I'm starting fresh today though, so here's my numbers:


Height: 6'3"

Weight 260.4

Measurements incoming...

I'm starting Paleo tonight after getting rid of all the junk in my pantry/fridge. Seems easy enough - I think the willpower to stay away from Mountain Dew and chocolate is gonna be the hardest part.

Wish me luck!


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Hi Bunny, I'm new here as well. Paleo is great: I've been doing it for around 3 months now, but I eased into it gradually. I think giving up everything all at once is quite drastic, and (speaking from my own experience) whenever I had a clean sweep to start a new eating regime, I was back on the candy by lunchtime!

It might be easier to give up gradually- that's what I did and it was so much easier to stick to. Go for chocolate first, for example, and when you've managed a couple of weeks without it, ditch the soda and so on. That's the only way it worked for me.

I still have a cheat meal once a week, which is something to look forward to, but I never drink soda, as I find it's too addictive!

Good luck!

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