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Building a fitness routine, and seeking wisdom!


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Hello, all!

I'm literally starting from slightly below level 1, with little fitness knowedge, and in terrible shape.

I'm 5'4, roughly 190 lbs. (been a while since I checked, but no less than 185, I'm sure).

For the next month, I have no access to gym equipment or weights, so all exercises are bodyweight exercises (or using simple things, like gallon jugs of water).

So, I suppose I'm just wondering what you all think of this routine, and my upcoming modifications! Any advice (honesty welcome!) would be deeply appreciated!

I've started out with a hybrid of the Angry Birds workout and the Basic Bodyweight Workout.

Today was day two, but I'm increasing each section incrementally until I meet the 'level requirements' specified in the angry birds excel (I can send to anyone who wants to see how I'm recording my progress/data).

Doing every other day and increasing as needed:

70 Squats (2 sets)

30-60 wall pushups to failure

1-rms rows 8-12 lbs. - 30 reps

20 lunges (trying for 50 within 1-2 sets next time)

40-60 jumping jacks at the beginning and ending of each routine as a warm-up.

As soon as I move into my apartment and gain access to running shoes (aug. 1), I'll be beginning the Couch to 5K program on my off days, having one day a week for total rest. I hope this isn't terribly vague, but again, I'll be glad to answer any questions!

my goals are to kind of hybridize scout/ranger/assassin. I love running, but also love rock climbing/rafting/anything on water. I also want a little by way of strength, but mainly just enough to allow to do the above activities without passing out from exhaustion.

I'm making small changes now, and will begin paleo-ish eating habits on August 10th (after I quit my job at, go figure, panera of all places). So...yes! Any questions, comments, or advice will be welcome! Well-rounded routine? What could be better? Just assume I'm in terrible shape with no experience. :topsy_turvy:


Short-term-ish goals would be to proceed through the time phases of the C25K program, and begin to be able to do full pushups soon, but I'm not sure what a good time frame for that would be. A month to be able to do pushups? I literally cannot yet do one, but am working on it! Within 2-3months (again, is this reasonable?) I'd like to be able to do 1 pull-up.

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I would add a vertical row or negative pull ups. One other thing, that sounds like a lot of wall pushups. You could probably 15 max per rep. I know you are trying to build strength and endurence. It is kind of hard to do both. I would try to get strong first.

Side note.... YAY! Squatz

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]Level 1 Dirge. Singing songs that make you run or die.


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Wow. That's a lot of squats. That and being able to do 40-60 jumping jacks as a warm up means you're starting out above the "in terrible shape" line.

That's also a lot of wall push ups, how about incline push ups instead? It also looks like you could use something heavier for your rows - maybe a backpack full of books or put sand or even wet sand in your milk jug (a gallon of wet sand is ~17#).

A simple body weight circuit alternating with a 5k plan is a great program.

Also, welcome.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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That does sound like an awful lot of squats (I'm sure you can do it, it just sounds like very many). Maybe do fewer of them, but increase the difficulty with weights (like that gallon jug) or repositioning your arms? The wall pushups might be too easy; consider pushups on a table or bench instead if you feel up to it. I started with a mix of table pushups and bent-knee pushups, and managed a complete "standard" pushup in about a month. You weigh more than I do (I'm around 138 lbs. at 5'5"), so it might take you longer. Perhaps set it as a goal in 60 days?

Jumping jacks are a great warmup, although I get bored with them really fast ... you might want to switch it up with jumping rope or brisk dancing every now and then. Let me also congratulate you on remembering to warm up, and remind you that cooling down is also part of the routine. Budget 5-10 minutes at end of workout to walk around or move gently to cool down, then stretch. Do not forget to stretch.

You're going to be working out 6 days a week, and that is a lot if you're starting at ground zero. Listen to your body, eat well, and if needed, mix in some "active recovery" days. Your muscles will not grow if you don't get plenty of rest and sleep.

Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Hylian Assassin 5'5", 143 lbs.
Half-marathon: 3:02
It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

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Wow, thanks for the great comments! Darn work, delaying my responses!

So then, if I am trying to build strength (and I would like to start there), I should do fewer reps of something that's waaaaaaaay harder, instead of more reps of something easier? Because it seemed like, if anything, I was only able to do *maybe* one inclined pushup, and no knee push-ups. So if I can do that one, should I keep pushing from there instead of focusing on wall push ups?

I'll also try those negative pushups! Vertical rows look good, but I think I'll have to wait until I can procure and item that will let me even vaguely make that motion! lol, we only have one gallon jug between my sister and I. But we'll work on it! Also, will totes buy a jump rope to mix up the warm-up! We may also borrow from the Jillian Michaels (my sister loves her) 30 day shred warmup and cooldown.

Thanks for the awesome comments! Also, if it help, here's my last workout, with the modifications suggested. Look better?



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Oh. I misunderstood. I thought 60 reps was one set.

Yes, build strength with fewer reps at a higher intensity.

Keep working the wall push ups until you can do at least 3 incline push ups then switch to those.

I'm klutzy, I'd be afraid to workout with a laptop.

I've heard good things about the Jillian Michael DVDs, but have never used them.

Looks good. Make sure you get enough sleep and protein.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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