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New guy from Canuckistan

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Today's article inspired me to register on these forums, because I've decide that "I don't have the time" is the most contributing factor to my effed up workout routine (that is pretty much non-existant now). First, I suppose, a bit about me? There's no guideline so I'll go with what I like from what other people have posted.

Name: Anthony

Age: 23

From: Windsor, ON (eh)

Weight: 201 at my last weigh in (almost 2 weeks ago)

Height: ... something like 5'9". (*cough* I haven't actually been measured in a while. And yes, I use imperial for height :( I'm a bad Canadian)

Here's the most recent pic I have, I guess. Shirtless because our friends & family pelted us with eggs, flour, sugar, Coke, etc. We raised a couple grand for our wedding that night, though, so it was worth it (not off this alone). I seem to be tightening my abs in this picture, because I know my gut is bigger than that. This surprises me, because I was pretty drunk. You can tell because of look of pure enjoyment on my face from the warm water. Moving on.


Nerd Credit: I know all sorts of dumb random trivia about computers, space, SF/F, etc. Your generic nerd stuff. But something special... I have a character named after me in Wheel of Time

My fitness story (warning, it's long, tldr at the bottom)

This is where I'll dedicate most of my rambling... :P

I'll cut through the early crap. Fatty as a kid, ha-ha in school, got over it, still fatty. Dating a girl who's mom cooked really amazing things (and huge portions) probably didn't help. Especially because it's been 8 years and I'm marrying that same girl in two months :)

Anyways, fast forward. I've been trying this fitness thing for just over a year. It started with a coworker and I intending to do the 100-pushup challenge together. We didn't get very far, but it did kick things off for me. I've held a gym membership for about a year and a half now, and haven't used it nearly as much as I should. I mostly keep it so I can, whenever I want -- and work pays for a big chunk of it.

I could only do 4 real pushups at the start of the challenge, and now I can do over 20 (I haven't done my max in a long while). It's been at least 4 months since I stopped actively doing a bunch of pushups, but I can still drop and do 20 without praying for death.

I also started the Couch to 5k program a while ago and that was a great success. I never actually liked running, but I began to warm up to it. Near the end I stopped following the "days", and just did as much as I could. Over 3-5 sessions I managed to hit 30 minutes of straight running (well, jogging). This was on a treadmill at 1.0 incline and 5.0 speed (mph, I think? Maybe km/h <,<), but I did some early sessions on the street and plan to hit the street again to improve.

I also tried that body weight circuit that Steve put up... but I just didn't like it. It was boring, and NF helped me learn that I shouldn't do exercises I hate ;)

Over the course of this fitness I did a lot of research and reading. NF was a great resource for me. It really helped me educate myself. I feel like I know things now. How to do pushups, the importance of warming up, deiting, how to run, etc... and I continue to read when I find something interesting.

In the past four months, however, I've slacked off a lot. I've not been in my gym for a while at all, let alone frequently. I have been doing good with eating though -- really trying to stay away from junk food and processed food. Pop(/soda?) and sugar drinks I try to cut out a whole bunch, as well as frozen, pre-packaged crap. I do love my beer, though, and I do love my meat (especially southern bbq), so it's rough. My best friend is orange juice + protein mix in the mornings, and I've lost over 5 pounds in the past two weeks just eating better alone.

So here's the things. I said today's article caused me to come in and post. It kind of kicked my ass. That's exactly what I do. I don't have time for some of the other shit in my life, let alone working out. Eating healthy I can do because, well, being busy at work means I don't go out. Exercise? When?

So let's look at it in terms of priorities. I don't make it a priority to exercise. What am I putting as a priority?

1) I work full time in an office. Yay office chairs. 8:30-5 erryday, no gym in the office and more importantly no shower.

2) I'm enrolled in University part time, finishing my Bachelor of Computer Science degree. About one or two classes a semester.

3) I have a house - handywork, cleaning, chores, etc. They take up more time than I think they should :(

4) I'm getting married in two months. Lots and lots of business surrounding that.

what else...

5) Online community. Browsing/posting/chatting/idly clicking. I also do a lot of work for this community.

6) Hobby gaming - I paint and play Warmachine, a tabletop wargame. I've given up time from painting to a project for now, and I play about 5-6 every two weeks.

7) ??? I don't know what's here. Shopping with the woman, visiting parents/friends, reading, dicking around and doing nothing? (I don't watch TV)

Add 1 and 2 together. My school doesn't have any night courses for 3rd year CompSci courses, which means I put in a few extra hours at work and skip lunch breaks (eat at my desk) to make it up for it. That means, sadly no free lunch hours for a while.

One last stumbling block I blame, and mostly just about time. I sweat like a beast. If I drop and a few sets of pushups at the office, even if it's cool, I'm sweating uncomfortably. This is bad for an office job, because I sit in a chair in "office pants" (slacks?), and I'm a hairy guy... cough, all over. Not a good recipe. I need time to shower after a decent workout. I like to workout hard and get really sweaty. I feel great afterwards.

I do try to drop and do some pushups when I can, if I can not be lazy about it. 10 or 12 or 15 here or there. I did some in my office when I first came in this morning. They help me loosen up my back/shoulder muscles, which is great. I just need more structure.

Yes, so this is really super long. And I know it sounds like a huge whiny rants of excuses. But I know that people with a lot more on their plate still manage to put their life and health first. I don't even have kids at this point. I know this is all in my power... so I'm going to try to fix it. I'm hoping to NF community will help... how do you manage your priorities like that? Any tips for my sweatyness? See anything I missed? I'm open ears. I'm going to try to read and post on these boards consistently... maybe that's the next step.

Oh, and this was really long. Too long for an intro post? Should I move most of that to a new topic in another forum? *cough* >_> Thanks for hearing me out anyways.

TL;DR: "I don't have enough time" has been my excuse. So I get it - priorities. How do I balance these things? Also, how do I deal with being extremely sweat-prone and not able to have "short workouts" without a shower? Also, hi, eh.

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Jeez it's a TV. net invasion (Asandra here)! Good luck dude :)


Wannabe Aiel Ranger

Level 2 - Second Challenge in Progress

.: STR: 3 .:. DEX: 3.5 .:. STA: 7 .:. CON: 2.75 .:. WIS: 4.5 .:. CHA: 6 :.

.:Donate to my Down and Dirty Run :.

τὸ χρεὼν ἐπήρτηται· ἕως ζῇς, ἕως ἔξεστιν, ἀγαθὸς γενοῦ.

Death hangs over thee: whilst yet thou livest, whilst thou mayest, be good.

"Hey, at least you are going out there pooping on elevated surfaces and giving your best! That's what matters right?" - Elefevers the Wise

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So... yup, I've slacked on posting here, but not on my fitness plans :) I've lost 10 pounds in the past 6 weeks, and since my classes have ended for the rest of the year, I've been hitting the gym every day this week at lunch with a few buddies. NF has been a great resource for me... And I have no plans to stop at all.

Time to run around the forums.

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Congrats on your successes and your upcoming nuptials. Reading your intro was like looking into a time-warped mirror. I was the part-time student, full-time desk jockey who likes beer and meat. Mmmmm....

Anyhow, great work. Keep it going.


Human Adventurer, Star Pilot, and Bacon Aficionado-(Lvl 3)
STR 4.5 | DEX 1.5 | STA 6.5 | CON 9 | WIS 1.75 | CHA 5.75

"Try not. Do or do not. There is no try" ~Yoda/ Veritas vos liberabit

1, 2, Current Challenge


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