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Training for the Zombie Apocalypse!

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Hello! I'm SgtOctopus, I am a 20 year old college student who is training for the Zombie Apocalypse.

My whole life I have been the slowest, the weakest and afraid of any sort of apocalyptic event. I mean terrified, which I blame on my mom's obsession with Revelation and the End Times and all that (Seriously, it's the stuff of nightmares). It became very clear to me that should an event like this happen, there was no chance in hell that I would survive. So a week ago I decided to turn my greatest fear into motivation for actually getting into shape and living a healthy lifestyle.

So far it's been working out okay, I've decided to focus on being able to run farther and faster then ever (seeing as I've barely been able to run a mile, can't exactly outrun any sort of danger with that). And have been working on building my strength and endurance up thanks to Jillian Michaels. I haven't really been focusing on diet too much, as since I still live at home and don't really have much control over what is bought or made for dinner.

Other things about me, my dream job is to be a writer and I'm going to school to become a librarian. Simply put, I love books and stories. I'm also a total internet nerd, especially when it comes to online video, blogs and tumblr. I'm also a very very casual gamer, seeing as I'm broke most of the time and my favorite game requires a monthly subscription. I also absolutely love tv shows, it's a horrible addiction but I love how detailed tv can get compared to movies (not that they always do but you get my point). These are probably the reasons I'm so out of shape, as I'm sitting on my butt all day or else chillin in bed. I have a horrible love affair with Mr. Smith, my laptop.

One thing I feel I should mention is that I am no way overweight, I just have more fat than muscle and I really want to change that. And of course there's some health reasons to it as well, nothing that I'd have to deal with for at least 15+ years, but when my mom constantly tells me that she used to look like me and seeing how many health problems she has now because she never really did much exercise and since diabetes runs in my family, I have started to become a bit concerned about my future health. Plus I think it'd be much easier to change my habits now than wait for any major health problems to occur later on.

So I've decided to start by running, something that has always been difficult for me to do, in order to prove to myself that anything is possible and hopefully out run any zombies that come my way.

And I guess that's all!

- SgtOctopus

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Welcome :D Great to have you.

A few tries at rock climbing might not go amiss, it would compliment the Parkour suggested by theLittleWhiteMage....

Then again, if its the Zombie Apocalypse, why not give some martial arts a try? Have you considered a Class/Guild type :)

'Along this path of life we're bound upon, the right road is wholly lost and gone.''

Dante's Inferno


Bothan Assassin

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Thanks Sam!

I've actually done some rock climbing in the past, it's always fun. Though I've never gone too high up as I'm a bit scared of heights. xD Also, like parkour, never sure if I could find a place to do it. (Darn living in the middle of no where) Martial arts on the other hand is awesome. I used to do it all the time but never got to far though cause I would always move and have to start all over again. Plus the strength thing, never could hit hard enough. xD

And nope, I haven't looked into it yet, but I definitely will now! :D

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Yay, hopefully another survivor come the zombie apocalypse. *high five*

Welcome to the boards. I am wicked interested in rock climbing, though its on the back burner right now. I am really afraid of heights so I am working on that first. I am totally into martial arts. I am taking kajukenbo, and am loving it. I don't think it will be a good defense against zombies, but againt evil survivors, that I don't want to waste bullets on.


Shapeshifting Rebel

It is the job that is never started that takes longest to finish. - J.R.R. Tolkien

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Woot! We always need more survivors!

I definitely understand the whole Rock Climbing thing! The only way I can stand heights is if I can't see the ground, otherwise I'm terrified (though surprisingly okay in planes).

And that was totally my thinking for martial arts as well, don't want to risk getting infected by touching them (unless I can find a suit that can protect my skin) but people are bound to go crazy should zombies happen and that's when you'll need a way to subdue them, which Martial arts would be good for. Definitely xD I'm not really counting on guns though, to be honest. Easy resource to run out of, but still it would be handy to know how to handle a gun.

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