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6-week countdown to TOUGH MUDDER


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So I signed up to do the Tough Mudder, which will be held in Frederick, MD (any other members running this?) on Saturday September 8th. Honestly, I'm not totally sure what I got myself into. I don't know anyone that has run this but I've heard that it is pretty nuts and so I'm looking for some training advise.

My background: A bit over a year ago I decided to get of my butt, quit making excuses and reclaim my physical fitness. So I cut out most of my junk food intake, started hitting the gym on my lunch breaks and started running. In about 7 months, I dropped from 256 to 215 and I've kind of plateaued at that weight; although my ability and physique still showed improvement.

Recently, I've been running about a 9-10 minute mile for 7-12 miles every Saturday morning (If you live near Frederick, MD, you should totally hit me up for a run), I've been doing 2-3 shorter runs during the week and some circuit training for 30-45 minutes 2-3 times per week.

My plan is to kick the training into high gear for the next five weeks and taper off in the sixth week, just before the race. If I can manage it, I'd like to do the Mudder weighing below 200 but I've been stuck at 215 for months.

Tips, tricks, advice, Tough Mudder stories would be appreciated!

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Hey Hondo!!

Nice to hear from a fellow-soon-to-be-mudder!! I'm running one over here in the UK, i have a bit more time untill mine (luckily??) I've been training with a team of friends in preparation for the event. This is our work out:


If it’s not correct form, it’s not worth doing. Correct form with no weight is better than poor form with any weight. You can be ripped up and stronger than most without any weights at all.

5 Minute Shadow boxing warm up


Squat thrusts with 10k – 45 Seconds

Mountain Climbers – 45 Seconds

Close Grip Pressups – 45 Seconds

1 Minute Rest

Tuck Jumps – 1 min


Dumbbell Plank Rows with 10kg – 30 seconds per arm

Dumbbell Lunges – 1 min

1 minute rest

Single arm dumbbell snatch with 10Kg – 1 Min

Dumbell Swings with 10 Kg – 1 Min

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ureD1a84Ge0 (-keep back straightish, more squat than bending of the back)

Leg raises – 1 min

– (Don’t touch the floor with your feet)

Negative Curls (5 seconds down) X 20

(Quick up, slow down, count 5 seconds – stop when perpendicular to your body)

Slow dips x 20

(Quick up, slow down, count 5 seconds)

1 Minute rest

5 seconds shadow boxing warm down and a stretch.

'Along this path of life we're bound upon, the right road is wholly lost and gone.''

Dante's Inferno


Bothan Assassin

English Literature with Film Student

Guild Wallpapers

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Good luck! I'm doing one in July, so I've a while to train :P


Wannabe Aiel Ranger

Level 2 - Second Challenge in Progress

.: STR: 3 .:. DEX: 3.5 .:. STA: 7 .:. CON: 2.75 .:. WIS: 4.5 .:. CHA: 6 :.

.:Donate to my Down and Dirty Run :.

τὸ χρεὼν ἐπήρτηται· ἕως ζῇς, ἕως ἔξεστιν, ἀγαθὸς γενοῦ.

Death hangs over thee: whilst yet thou livest, whilst thou mayest, be good.

"Hey, at least you are going out there pooping on elevated surfaces and giving your best! That's what matters right?" - Elefevers the Wise

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I'll definitely keep you posted and I'll post pictures of the event.

Yesterday consisted of a 4-mile run before work and then 30 minutes of intense circuit training during my lunch break.

My food intake consisted of instant oatmeal with peanut butter for breakfast, protein shake for lunch, peanut butter with an apple as an afternoon snack, baked chicken, spinach and corn on the cob for dinner. Also about a gallon of water throughout the day.

If I can stay disciplined on my diet, then I'm golden but I love food and not necessarily only healthy food, so we'll see if I can be good for the next month!

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I'm doing the Spartan Super in 4 weeks in Leesburg, VA. I'll be hitting some cross training after this weekend, when I'm doing an International Distance Triathlon. I'm expecting both the SS and TM to be as much upper body strength and endurance as running speed and endurance. So it sounds to me like you are on track with your training and your plan. I'm not doing the Mudder, because I'm doing a Sprint Tri the next day. Good luck on your training and your race.

[TABLE=width: 700]


Wherever you go, there you are.

FSJJunkie (FSJ = Full Size Jeep)

Spartan Scout w/ assassin tendencies

STR:7.75 DEX:7.33 STA:14 CON:5 WIS:7.5 CHA:4

Multisport Athlete (Triathlon/Duathlon/Offroad Triathlon/Adventure)

Previous Challenge


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Man, I really wanted to do the Leesburg Super Spartan! Mainly because it has a kids' course that I think my son and daughter would love! Unfortunately all these races are killing my bank account and I wasn't able to swing it. Next time, though.

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