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Fear kicking in... Help


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Hello everyone

It is a long time since I posted here, I am still struggling with my weight loss, but I have changed many bad habits and lost about 20 pounds in the last couple of months, can’t really complain with that, what brings me here is something else, a new found fear.

I am 27 years old, I studied business administration and a couple of finance post grad courses, worked in different industries for a while and then setup my family business, medical related, which is doing OK, we’ve been on this ship for a year and a half.

Our business is not something I’m passionate about, and for the last couple of months it has been harder to get out of bed in the mornings, knowing that I have to come here every day to do something that isn’t myself, however I do it because it is for my family and we all will benefit from it.

The only true passion I’ve had since I can remember is music, I play guitar and been in bands for over 10 years, getting slowly into recording and live show production, in a very empirical way.

2 weeks ago I received an e-mail from a music school here in Mexico where they announced the opening of a 2 years Music Production & Audio Engineering degree in Mexico City (1 hour drive from me), I was really interested and asked my family for their thumbs up to do it, since I need assistance with a part of the tuition and workload here in the family business.

I honestly didn’t think that they were going to say yes, but guess what, they did! They support me completely in chasing this dream of mine and are 100% behind me.

However, this is where my fear kicks in.

Earlier today I made the first tuition payment and all is ready for me to start courses Aug 20th, however, after leaving the bank where I made the deposit I started to feel this huge fear building up inside of me.

These are the things that are going trough my mind right now

“27 and you are going to start studying a 2 year degree in something that in´t the traditional way of making money?†“Shouldn’t you be more worried in making money?†“That is kind of childish don’t you think?â€

Anyway, the classes are from 8am to 2 pm so I will still have time to do my share of the work here, but I can’t shut up this little voice that is telling me I am making a huge mistake with this, I would love to have your opinions on the matter, maybe I will find some enlightment in this.

Thank you

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If you really want to pursue music as a career, then I think studying music production and engineering is a great idea. A lot of musicians just think they can play and not have to worry about the rest of it. So I think you are being very practical, which is good.

If you don't have a mortgage to pay or children to support, then do what you want. It's your life, you only get one, and think ahead to 5 years from now: will you be happier if you did this, or happier if you didn't? It's your choice.

Going to school will leave you with some debt, but that's okay if it's really what you want. Debt is a curable illness. Abandoned dreams, not so much.

Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Hylian Assassin 5'5", 143 lbs.
Half-marathon: 3:02
It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

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1) Do you love it?

2) Nothing else matters.


"Come with me if you want to lift" -The Brominator

"Later, I would learn that coincidences are the most planned things in the world. Later, I would learn that every single moment is a coincidence." - Douglas Coupland

"Anyone who doesn't want french fries every day is a commie." - AngelaTheGeek

Current Challenge


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darth! You're only 27, buddy! So, let's say you have a good 60 or so years left in your life. 60 years making music vs 60 years drifting along and slowly having your soul sucked away...?

The income thing, the family stuff...it will all work out over time and everyone will adjust. Go out there and grab your dreams with both hands. And just start happy and finish rejoicing, no matter the outcome.

"Enthusiasm is the great hill-climber." - Elbert Hubbard
Human Adventurer

I want to be fit and healthy so I can explore and enjoy all the beauty the outdoor world has to offer, in all kinds of weather, all the days of my life.

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I'm about to tell you a story. I think I read this in the 4-Hour Workweek, but maybe not. No matter where it came from, I'm about to paraphrase it badly and I apologize to the original author. Here goes:

A high-powered businessman was vacationing on a tropical island when he encountered a fisherman playing guitar at a local bar. The man seemed so happy, the businessman asked him what his secret was. The fisherman told him, "I live the perfect life." Intrigued, the businessman asked him to explain a typical day.

The fisherman began, "Well, I get up when the sun rises and go for a walk on the beach. Then my friends and I load up the boats and go out and catch whatever we need to eat that day, plus a few extra fish to sell. Then I come home, have lunch, maybe take a little siesta with my beautiful wife (if you know what I mean), then head out to the bar. I hang out with my friends and drink and sing and have a good time, then I head home, go to sleep, and do it all over again."

The businessman stepped in and said, "Woah woah woah, you are missing a HUGE opportunity here. If I gave you a small loan, you could hire your friends to work for you and buy another boat. Then you would all fish more and sell the fish until you could buy more boats. Then, you could fish even more and set up a distribution network to supply fish to all of the local restaurants on the mainland. Stick with me, and in 10 or 12 years of hard work, you'll be able to sell your business for all the money you can imagine and retire!"

The fisherman pauses and says, "Retire? But then.... what would I do every day?"

"Whatever you want!" the businessman says. "You could get up, go for a walk on the beach, go fishing, then have lunch and maybe a siesta...."

Chase your dream. Grab it with both hands. Growl and threaten to bite if someone tries to take it away.

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(By the way, I quit a horrible job that I hated in order to work for myself as an editor. Earlier this year, I edited a sci-fi book by an award-winning author who is one of my heroes. It never would have happened if I had stayed at that job. Life has to get scary before it can get awesome.)

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I'm 28. I'm chasing the music dream as well. So I root for your success.

There's a video I came across on YouTube a couple of years ago that you may or may not have seen. We used a few quotes for the mixtape we just rereleased that summarizes most of what everybody else has said.


Here's my own addendum. IMHO, the worst thing that can happen isn't failure... rather it's a failure to try. Everyone stumbles and falls. Think of it this way... how many people thought of Apple as a successful company before the iPod? If you want it bad enough... you'll be fine. Like my boy says... "I'm hot because heart overpowers talent."

Sent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2

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