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Hi, my name is Sherman. I am interest in getting into lifelong shape. I usually put alot of effort to get into shape and once i get to a certain point i lose motivation and stop trying. Then the weight creeps back up and I am back at the same point I was before. I'm not too bad off now just would like to get into better shape and stay that way. I think if i had more support then it would not be such and issue. I look foward to meeting people on here and hearing your stories and goals!!!

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Hey Sherman, welcome to the fray.

I used to be like that, putting in effort for a bit and then lose motivation. I found for me it was catch 22 situation though, being fat meant I didn't feel like exercising, felt like I had no energy e.t.c. Last july I started cleaning up my diet (getting rid of a lot of the crap) and exercising and the more weight I've lost and the fitter I've got the easier and more fun exercising has been. I'm afraid the early stages you just have to suck it up, use the support from here and if you have a shit day, you have a shit day. Don't beat yourself up about it just jump on the horse again tomorrow (don't do what I did for so many years, well I ate like crap yesterday so it doesn't matter if I do the same today, I'll start getting fit again tomorrow - I kept putting it off and obviously got nowhere).

Not sure if you're trying to lose weight or just get fitter, you do mention weight creeping back up. If you're trying to lose weight 80-90% of that is diet, not exercise. Not that exercise isn't important.

Looking forward to seeing you progress.

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Hi Sherman, and welcome to the awesomeness that is Nerd Fitness! I, like many of us, have been exactly where you are now - struggling to get fit and keep it that way! Fitness is certainly a marathon, not a sprint and it seems SO hard cause the finish line is never truly in sight. But! You don't finish a marathon by thinking about the finish line...you have to start with a plan, execute the plan, and pace yourself so you don't burn out :)

So, specifically, what is your plan? What's your personal marathon? Once you have that answer, can you break it down into a few even more detailed steps? For me, I've got a few specific goals that are steps along the way to the finish line. As I reach those goals, I set new ones...then I try to reach those (hell, sometimes those goals are just to maintain my previous goals :)).

Some goals might look like this:

1. Lose 15 lbs in 2 months

2. Do 10 push-ups in a row within 1 month

3. Bench press 150 lbs within 2 months

4. Bring body fat % down to 20% within 3 months

5. Go to the gym 3x week for 6 weeks in a row

6. Reduce soda/soft drink consumption to 2 per week for 6 weeks in a row

7. Run a caloric deficit of -250 calories/day for 4 weeks in a row

Just some ideas :) Anyway, looking forward to seeing what your next steps will be!!!

What you do, and what you don't do, matters.

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