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Ranger? Scout? ...Scranger? What am I?

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Hello everyone!

As you can probably guess, I'm thoroughly new here! I was forwarded a post about Rising Heroes (and promptly donated and am now eagerly awaiting the advent of the Beta), and I thought I'd check out the forums version. :)

Before I can properly introduce myself, though, I need to figure out what I am. I'm definitely either a Ranger or a Scout, but I'm not sure.

I do lots of endurance/distance stuff, certainly. I'm especially into hiking, and I'm doing a lot more of it lately (plus walking and running) to keep going on that Walking to Mordor quest. I also bike daily, though not distance--just to get to and from school. I swim occasionally.

I try to keep myself balanced with strength training, too. I do mostly free weights and body weight/resistance stuff, though I haven't gotten to any particular heavy weights on the free weights yet. (Working on it, I swear...)

I also do a lot of dancing, both partner dancing and fire dancing, but that's neither here nor there. It's all sorts of fun, though, and since I fire dance with metal fans, it adds on an arm strength workout--those things get HEAVY to wave around!

In terms of diet, I try to aim for something Paleo-ish, or at least minimize my carbs and go for meats/proteins and veggies/fruits. I'm not really strict about it, though.

So, yes, that's me! I admit, "Ranger" sounds way cooler, and their icon looks way awesomer, but I want to make sure I'm being realistic and honest. What do you guys think?

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Hi fellow newbie! I've got that problem too (in my case running but not far, and rowing which is sort of a strength work out and sort of going somewhere).

I think Scout sounds/looks cooler personally so I'm going there. I'm new here too so "advice" is guesswork, but probably the best idea is to just go with what makes you more enthusiastic, in order to be motivated and have fun, and anyway it doesn't matter because you can always post in a different class next challenge if it really doesn't suit you.

Level 1 Elf Scout

STR 2 | DEX 2 | STA 4 | CON 3 | WIS 2 | CHA 2

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I'm struggling with a similar decision - trying to decide to be a Ranger or an Assassin. How can I pick? We can't gain levels in both, I assume.

Reasons for each:


I want to build efficient strength to be able to run fast for long distances (stamina)

- Want stamina for soccer, obstacle courses, being able to quickly navigate the natural/city environment if I need to

- Have dabbled with rockclimbing over the years and enjoy it -- would love to have this type of body

- Interested in getting into parkour

- Am interested in getting very lean and cut, but what exactly does "bodyweight" or "bodyweight strength" refer to on the page?


- Want to build strength by weight-lifting 3x a week

- have played a variety of sports all my life

- I do want a mix of strength and endurance

- Also has very low bodyfat

- My diet is mostly meat, vegetables and legumes

Based on this page ( Professions: http://www.nerdfitness.com/community/content.php?137-Challenge-Rules )

The mix of strength and endurance of a Ranger fits me well; with Assassin, I want to get a very lean body and am interested in Parkour but don't know if I will take the training as serious as my weightlifting and running for strength and endurance

Based on this page ( http://www.nerdfitness.com/community/content.php?132-Class-Profession-Info )

I want the stamina and agility of being an assassin perhaps more than brute strength .. I don't need to look like Gerard Butler in 300 exactly .. Maybe Brad Pitt in Fight club is a better fit

I just can't pick! I suppose I could be a Ranger that does some parkour and rockclimbing or an Assassin that lifts weights 3x a week.. hmm!!


Level 1 Northern Ranger

STR 2.5 | DEX 2.5 | STA 2 | CON 2.5 | WIS 2 | CHA 3.5

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It isn't the easiest thing to pick, but being one class doesn't mean you can't do things in other classes.

I'm staying an adventurer at the moment just so I can get used to the system, but I know I'm leaning towards ranger due to my own personal desire for versatility. But this doesn't mean that I am going to do things exclusively based on that description, because I'm not using Paleo as a diet and likely won't be for a while, and that I'm a swimmer. So I'm going to focus on swimming, but work on keeping all the other aspects of my fitness somewhat balanced, which would make me a ranger, but in the end I'm a swimmer regardless of my class.

I saw another thread where someone was trying to pick, and her goals were more Ranger-ish and she felt more like an Assassin (as well as already having completed several challenges as one). It doesn't mean she had to stop being an Assassin if she didn't want to. So as long as you pick the one you think suits you best, it doesn't mean that you can't do things that fit under other classes. It's just a title.

Also, based on the real life examples: not every Ranger is going to look like Gerard Butler. That was a specific style of workout, and as an actor he had the time to train to that point and maintain it... I think he was used more as an ideal because his character in that film was both strong like a Warrior and able to move fast and trek long distances like a Scout.

*Sorry for that little rant at the end*

P.S: Welcome my fellow Newbies!

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@ Thistlefoot: Sounds like you're doing both Endurance and Strength... that means you're a Ranger! Welcome to the best* Guild!

Of course, as North said, whatever motivates you and keeps you enthusiastic is the real point.

If, like me, you're keen to be even more multi-class than Ranger, you could borrow one of the Goals from my next 6 week mini challenge:

"Each week I will browse the other Guilds and adopt one of their mini-challenges and unofficially take part, purely for my own development."

you can go ahead and use that - it's not copyrighted or anything ;)

(*It's not really any better than the others.**)

** it totally is!

Here's me and my Epic Quest: https://www.nerdfitness.com/character/61826




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Yay, thanks for all the replies, guys!

Heheh, I kinda like that rant about the Gerard Butler stuff. I was feeling pretty Rangery until we got there and I was all "WUT. I...I have body fat...I always will...I'm...sort of supposed to....to live....and still have identifiable ladybits...and I can't punch through Persian warriors in full armor. CRAP." I'm totally on board for "strength and endurance," but for some reason throwing in 300 really threw me for a loop.

I think I'll be going with Ranger and exploring the others as much as possible. Except for Warrior. I respect that, but I know it wouldn't work with my body type. Toned and lean and strong for my size? Sure. Big and muscley I'll never be.

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Whatever you choose, you aren't tied to it. You can be a scout one challenge, then jump to rangers the next. Everyone's welcoming, and this helps you find the best fit for you. Whether it's determining what your goals really are, or that your goals change from challenge to challenge.

If you still aren't sure at all, I always recommend starting in adventurer and during the challenge, stalk the threads in the other classes. I mean, stalking is fun anyway, right? :) When you're motivated by one over another or relate to the goals and accomplishments in a certain class, that's probably the best fit for you.

When I chose warriors I did it by saying, "Ultimately, I want to be really strong. But, I also want to...." I still do other stuff, but my primary focus is on strength. So I like to hang out with those who can mentor me and help me out when I'm lost. Which I am a lot!

Shape-Shifting Ginger
Current Battle Log

2" washers for smaller weight increases

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