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Dead Athletes Don't Lie


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The first video is just a brief interview, the talks are below the video and I recommend Dead Athletes Don't Lie. The summary of these talks are that people get common diseases because of mineral deficiencies, which has been prevented in animals / livestock for decades by simple mineral supplements.



* Also watch

if you have the time.

If what I gathered is correct some interesting points are;

  • Cholesterol is not bad itself but rather a symptom of other issues. Having a cholesterol deficient diet can cause brain disease. (There's an insulation material in the brain called myelin which deteriorates if you don't eat enough of it's main component; cholesterol)
  • It's how you cook the fat which makes it bad. 462% increase in colon/breast cancer when eating burnt/well cooked animal fat a study shows. Boiling or light cooking is best.
  • Salt is not bad for you, rather the opposite. Salt deficiency causes weaker stomach acid which in turn causes poor absorption of nutrients. No study has proven that salt causes cardiovascular disease.
  • When you sweat all 60 mineral/nutrients are slowly depleted from the bloodstream, if you do not refill these minerals and nutrients you become deficient and, not seldom, can cause disease or death. Which is a main cause for heart disease and death among athletes. (due to selenium deficiency to name one cause)
  • Eating good food is not enough to get your nutrients today. Our fields in our society today are depleted from minerals, which means that even if you eat the right produce you won't refill your needs as much as you should. Hence, as an active person, supplements is a must! A couple of dollars a month could save you a medical bill or two.
  • Deficiency of chromium and vanadium, together with excessive sugar intake, causes insulin resistance. Chromium/Vanadium helps insulin do its job.
  • Carbonated drinks are the single greatest contributors to osteoporosis, arthritis and fractures to the bone. They interfere with absorption of nutrients, especially minerals, and digesting protein.
  • High fiber contents also interferes with nutrient absorption.
  • Taking mineral supplements for 10-14 days can stop some types of binging and cravings in patients, simply because the patient had a mineral deficiency rather than an eating disorder. The same has been the case for some anorectic patients, who've regained their interest in food after refilling their mineral needs.

While I bet this is a hefty subject for debate I think most of us can agree that some extra mineral and vitamin supplement won't do much harm, what else can it do than improve our health or keep it the same?

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Tagged for later reading and posting of thoughts.

Quick note: As for the animal fat thing, I have read studies that heating mono/polyunsaturtaed fats at high temps can cause them to change in such a way that is bad for the body. I know, I didn't cite anything, but I will as soon as I get home and find my notes.

"Pull the bar like you're ripping the head off a god-damned lion" - Donny Shankle

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Tagged for later reading and posting of thoughts.

Quick note: As for the animal fat thing, I have read studies that heating mono/polyunsaturtaed fats at high temps can cause them to change in such a way that is bad for the body. I know, I didn't cite anything, but I will as soon as I get home and find my notes.

I'll save you the trouble. Anyone with google can look into oxidized fats and learn about why this is a bad thing. I cook at low-medium heat with grass fed animal fat or coconut oil. Why? Because oxidized PUFA's are poison y'all. Poison! SFA's are the bees knees. And they help you make sweet cholesterol. Which you need to be awesome.

In summary. Sat fat: yes. Cholesterol: yes. PUFA's: only cold and well sourced (most are oxidized on the shelf); freeze that fish oil y'all. Eating a high PUFA diet? Your body will make poison cholesterol and have to deal with all sorts of nasty oxidative stress. No bueno, senors.

Eat. Sleep. High bar squat. | Strength is a skill, refine it.
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I'll save you the trouble. Anyone with google can look into fatty acid oxidation and learn about why this is a bad thing. I cook at low-medium heat with grass fed animal fat or coconut oil. Why? Because oxidized UFA's are poison y'all. Poison! SFA's are the bees knees. And they help you make sweet cholesterol. Which you need to be awesome.

In summary. Sat fat: yes. Cholesterol: yes. UFA's: only cold and well sourced (most are oxidized on the shelf); freeze that fish oil y'all. Eating high UFA and low carb? Your body will make poison cholesterol and have to deal with all sorts of nasty oxidative stress. No bueno, senors.

And jdanger comes in to drop some knowledge!

That's exactly what I was aiming for, buuuuut I've only had two cups of coffee this morning, so I am a little slow with teh werds.

"Pull the bar like you're ripping the head off a god-damned lion" - Donny Shankle

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You know, I've been feeding my horse selenium supplements for years because I know that our soil is selenium deficient. It never occurred to me that the produce that I am eating is probably just as deficient as the hay and grass that I'm feeding her. Definitely worth further research.

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that leads to total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." -Frank Herbert, Dune

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With multivitamins I've always thought: why not?

There are obvious reasons as to why they could help and as far as I know, over consuming vitamins isn't particularly harmful.

'Not as good as the real thing' is an argument I've seen before, but who says it's one or the other?



there is a bad side to everything.

Never let your fear decide your fate.

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Diet and its affect on health is something I have been studying for the past few years. One of the big things I have stumbled on is that inflammation and oxidation cause most of the problems in people. Both of these issues are caused by excess sugar intake and processed oils. Cut those things out of the diet and a lot of chronic issues disappear. I no longer have allergy problems, joint soreness after exercise, and I don't get headaches anymore. A good check for inflammation is an HS-CRP test and for oxidation is a VAP test to check whether LDL cholesterol is Pattern A or Pattern B. Pattern A is big and fluffy, Pattern B is small and dense and oxidized.

There are so many deficiencies and issues with modern processed foods it is amazing people can survive on it for as long as they do.

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I take your point, but a lot of that focuses on 'megadoses'. Ie:

'Unless your health-care provider tells you that you need more than 100 percent of the recommended daily intake of a particular nutrient, you probably don’t.'

And that's totally legitimate. But if you aren't getting 100% of something from what you eat, then taking it in pill form seems logical.


Jack Blog | The Blog of Jack

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And that's totally legitimate. But if you aren't getting 100% of something from what you eat, then taking it in pill form seems logical.

As long as most of your calories aren't coming from chips, candy, donuts, and soda and you eat a varied diet and aren't a vampire, chances are you're good across the board with micronutrients.

currently cutting

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don't panic!

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