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(Re)starting fitness

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Found nerdfitness two days ago, great site. Also a funny coincident as i started doing sports again a few days back. So i guess posting here is the way to go..

I'm considering myself a Ranger. I like to try everything at least once and generally i'm interested in both getting stronger and better endurance. Well or get back to or near old stats.

The first part will be done at home with the help of rings (bodyweight exercices) and two kettlebells. So my routine consists of chinups, inverted rows, pushups, dips all done on the rings. And frontsquats, cleans and swings with the kettlebells. Basic plan for now is to raise the reps..

The second part is of course done in nature and to give it a new twist i'm trying minimalist shoes (dislike the word "barefootshoes".. oxymoron anyone?). I started slowly with just 1,5km and still have a bit of DOMS in my calves. There really is quite a difference when using such shoes! Here i'm ofc trying to run further.

Quite a while ago in the gym my personal records for the backsquat/deadlift was 125/135kg and i've also already run halfmarathon distance (in typical shoes).

So with now 33 years i'll take it slow and would like to get to at least 10km with minimalist shoes and improve chinup reps and then using extra weight up to 10kg. I want to train short but daily because i had good results with that in the past.

And true to being a ranger, a few weeks ago i build my very own longbow out of a hazel staff :) Meh.. attachments do not work right now, too bad.. maybe later.

So, hello NF!

Level 2   Human   Ranger

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STR 7.7  CON 4.8  Battle Log  We are Rangers.DEX 2.0  WIS 2.9               We walk in the dark places no others will enter.STA 4.9  CHA 3.3               We stand on the bridge, and no one may pass.


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Welcome, esteel! Have you been doing any calves/feet exercises to get your feet used to the minimalist shoes? Vibrams has some good exercises on their website here if you're interested (scroll down to step 3). And the short training is a GREAT idea when starting with barefoot running....run just a little too far and you'll be feeling it for days and/or be walking like a duck.

Current inspiration for my journey: Prov. 14:23

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

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Thanks for the suggestion D_chelyst. I just like the concept of thin and really flexible shoes so I've been wearing minimalist shoes for quite a while now. At home, work and have also changed from landing on the heel to more on the ball of the foot. But sofar no special exercises. I will try them if my calves do not get used to also running in those shoes.

Today i'll do an other run as the soreness is gone for now :tranquil:

Oh btw i own VFF but i like the ones from vivobarefoot more.

Level 2   Human   Ranger

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STR 7.7  CON 4.8  Battle Log  We are Rangers.DEX 2.0  WIS 2.9               We walk in the dark places no others will enter.STA 4.9  CHA 3.3               We stand on the bridge, and no one may pass.


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That run was great! A bit faster and also further (2.2km) then the last. So far i do not feel one bad thing in my calves. Guess that was just because the last one was the first time actually running in such shoes. Before i just wore them for walking around and while lifting.

But i'll continue to just slowly increase the distance.

Tomorrow i'll have to do the body weight exercises right in the morning, i'll not be at home for the night..

Level 2   Human   Ranger

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STR 7.7  CON 4.8  Battle Log  We are Rangers.DEX 2.0  WIS 2.9               We walk in the dark places no others will enter.STA 4.9  CHA 3.3               We stand on the bridge, and no one may pass.


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How's the running going? And thanks for that link to vivobarefoot! I checked out their videos on barefoot running...so clear! I'm still not quite there with the proper running form, but these videos were great and the bullet points very helpful too.

Current inspiration for my journey: Prov. 14:23

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

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Welcome! Rather than increasing distance, have you thought about increasing pace? It allows you to keep from over-reaching, which is something a lot of people do when they're beginning to do something (Just look at all the new years resolutions). Increasing pace rather than distance is also a much better way to keep track of your progress. (Run 2km and time yourself, you can see just how much you improve each week.)

Neutral Good-High Elf Warrior

What we move is far less important than what moves us.

Razor's Three-Fortnight Challenge


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D_chelyst: Thanks for asking.. its going well. I'm now at 3,1km (1.9mil) and have also already improved the reps of the exercises. As i said i'm trying to do something daily, which means day 1, 2: different body weight exercises and day 3 running, then starting at day 1 again. Really feels good, not fatigue at all.

I'm just thinking about if i should join a gym again as i like doing 'real' barbell squats. The front squats with the kettlebells just do not compare ;)

Razor: Well getting faster is not that much of a priority right now but i'll mix it in. And if its just from keeping the boredom away..

Level 2   Human   Ranger

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STR 7.7  CON 4.8  Battle Log  We are Rangers.DEX 2.0  WIS 2.9               We walk in the dark places no others will enter.STA 4.9  CHA 3.3               We stand on the bridge, and no one may pass.


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Oh and an other good thing: My weight has finally gone down below what i started with 3 weeks ago. Of course i first gained 2-3kg due to more glycogen and the additional water it attracts. I did not expect THAT much extra though, would have guessed around 1,5kg max.

So today i can be quiet sure i already lost quite some fat and i'm doing the right thing food wise ;)

Level 2   Human   Ranger

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STR 7.7  CON 4.8  Battle Log  We are Rangers.DEX 2.0  WIS 2.9               We walk in the dark places no others will enter.STA 4.9  CHA 3.3               We stand on the bridge, and no one may pass.


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Meh yesterday i was kayaking.. a misstep and hit a toe quite bad on some rock.. its really thick so i'll have to cancel the running for at least a few days. But i'll concentrate a bit more on the body weight exercises so its not that bad.

Rock on :)

Level 2   Human   Ranger

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STR 7.7  CON 4.8  Battle Log  We are Rangers.DEX 2.0  WIS 2.9               We walk in the dark places no others will enter.STA 4.9  CHA 3.3               We stand on the bridge, and no one may pass.


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Things are going well.. yesterday i was biking as that toe is still hurting a bit but its improving.

Today i tried to make all exercises harder, pushups with raised feet, did chinups with +5kg: 4 sets of 3 reps.. I'm thinking about going straight to 7,5kg or 10kg next time its chinup time.

Level 2   Human   Ranger

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STR 7.7  CON 4.8  Battle Log  We are Rangers.DEX 2.0  WIS 2.9               We walk in the dark places no others will enter.STA 4.9  CHA 3.3               We stand on the bridge, and no one may pass.


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That ugly hematoma is gone, my toe finally is completly back at its normal color :) Its still a bit sensitive but i hope that i'll be able to start running again in a week or so..

By now i tried both dips and pullups with additional 7,5kg and i deceided to keep at it for a few days but the 10kg are about to be possible soon.

As i'm about to reach one of my two goals (the +10kg pullup) i'll have to set some new goals:

- Still working towards 10km in minimalist shoes when again able to..

- Incorporate false grip when doing light rows/pullups to work towards a muscleup

- Improve pullups and dips to +20kg and also to do more variations in style

- More weight for squat.. aka get 1-2 heavier KB or sandbag.. OR maybe getting back in a gym and the lovely olympic barbells

Level 2   Human   Ranger

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STR 7.7  CON 4.8  Battle Log  We are Rangers.DEX 2.0  WIS 2.9               We walk in the dark places no others will enter.STA 4.9  CHA 3.3               We stand on the bridge, and no one may pass.


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Today i finally tried the +10kg chinup and actually did 4 sets of 3 reps each. So i'd call this goal totally and royally crushed! Woot!

Next stop: The goals mentioned above ;)

Level 2   Human   Ranger

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STR 7.7  CON 4.8  Battle Log  We are Rangers.DEX 2.0  WIS 2.9               We walk in the dark places no others will enter.STA 4.9  CHA 3.3               We stand on the bridge, and no one may pass.


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Great job! You must be stoked.

Minimalist shoes- I had a short break-in period, maybe a week of 1 km or so, then started going back up gradually. No problems since and running feels better than it has in years, and that includes running on pavement. Feet, ankles, and calves are all stronger than they used to be, and look and feel better, too.

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Yeah it was great fun to actually do those +10kg chinups! Yesterday i also did +10kg (4x3 too) dips and today some moderate biking as i do not yet trust my toe :)

Can't wait to pickup running again.

Actually i'm thinking about joining the gym again when having hit the +20kg chinup/dip. Would be cheaper then getting a (new) olympic barbell and weights.

Level 2   Human   Ranger

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STR 7.7  CON 4.8  Battle Log  We are Rangers.DEX 2.0  WIS 2.9               We walk in the dark places no others will enter.STA 4.9  CHA 3.3               We stand on the bridge, and no one may pass.


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Thanks! I'm currious how long it will take to reach the +20kg. It only took little over a month to get to the +10. Only one way to find out :devilish:...

I'm quite positive i can start running again sunday. I'll keep you guys posted.

Level 2   Human   Ranger

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STR 7.7  CON 4.8  Battle Log  We are Rangers.DEX 2.0  WIS 2.9               We walk in the dark places no others will enter.STA 4.9  CHA 3.3               We stand on the bridge, and no one may pass.


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