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Reporting for duty against the imperials (Skyrim, ftw!).

I used to be just like 90% of my patients (I'm a nurse)...morbidly obese, asthmatic, suffering from craploads of other ailments...just from how I chose to live my life. At this point in my life (310lbs, to be exact), I had just gotten out of a controlling relationship, was incredibly depressed, and even had thought about ending it all at one point. I loved fast food and anything smothered with bacon and cheese, while chasing it all down with Mountain Dew. One day, a few months after I had gotten my life back together somewhat, I decided it was time to take my life into my own hands.

I hated being fat. Hell, I couldn't walk up a flight of stairs without feeling like I was going to keel over. I knew I needed to do something, but what? I was just a fat, band-geek-gamer-chick. What do I even do with all those machines and treadmills and skinny toothpick girls staring at me? It was scary, but sometimes you just have to grow a pair and dive right in. From then on out, absolutely no fast food, no processed garbage, no white/starchy carbs to gum up my system, no sugar, no soda. Back to square one.

310lbs. Size 3XL, 24W-26W


Three months into it, I had lost 60lbs. That isn't a typo. Just by simply cutting out all the stuff we Americans are so prone to eating from convenience (or laziness) and going to the gym 4 to 5 days a week, the fat just started to melt off me. I felt stronger, more energetic, and started to build a confidence I never had before. I had even found a new nerd-companion, who subsequently was coaxed into marrying me 3 years later (sucker :tongue:)

My first 100lbs down, we threw a huge party, with anything horrible known to man to eat and drink, and all my closest friends. Our tiny apartment was crammed full of people that supported me. It was one of the biggest milestones I had ever reached in my entire meager existence on this planet. I never felt so loved or proud.

A couple months later, I found myself bored with my workout routine. It was like a chore to go to the gym at that point. I found myself making excuses for not making my fitness a priority, until one day, my friend and I decided we were going to do something incredibly ballsy. We joined a rugby team.

Rugby. God, I love rugby. If you don't know what rugby is, think of it as a little bit of soccer and American football thrown into one chaotic game. No pads. No helmets. No time-outs. Just 80 minutes of running and hitting the crap out of eachother. My friends thought I was insane. Some even laughed in my face. It was what I needed to keep my workouts interesting, as well as a new support-group of other ladies with similar goals of fitness and strength.

This, over time, brings me to who I am today. Married, with a big-people nursing job and still playing rugby. At 150lbs, I tell all my patients "If I can do it, anyone can do it." There's no pill out there that will suck the fat out of you, and there's no product that will do the exercise for you. You just gotta get up, grow a pair, get active, and cut out all the crap. It's not easy at first, but it's so worth it.

I came across this site looking for literature on the paleo diet. LOVE IT. Our rugby coach is a big advocate of paleo and, if I have favorable results myself, am hoping to start pitching it towards my patients. The ones who are just like the old me. My goal now is not just to keep finding ways to become faster and stronger, but to help others start the same journey I did 5 years ago.

150lbs. Size S-M, 6


Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some Zelda that needs to be played :emmersed:





Khajiit Ranger

STR: 5 DEX: 1 STA: 3 CON: 2 WIS: 2 CHA: 2

"Don't let fear decide your fate."

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