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Greetings to all!

Almost a year ago circumstances made it necessary to move home and take an active role in the family business. Before I moved I participated in kung fu classes and went on a lot of walks (I adore urban exploration!) My home town is smallish and there is not a whole lot to do but get fat, so I did that. I went from a fairly built 190 to a fat 220 in about 11 months. About two weeks ago I discovered Nerd Fitness, went Paleo and started working out again. This morning I was at 206, and I was able to wear some pants I haven't worn in months.

Right now, my fitness goal is to get down to a lean/ripped 180. However, if I happen to be a lean/ripped 190 before I am a lean/ripped 180, I am going to consider that a bonus and work towards more muscle. I aim to work out atleast 3 times a week, but I must admit I don't always reach that goal. When I do workout, it tends to be a combination of weights, body weight exercises and kung fu.

My other goals at this time are to get better at using Linux (just installed Mint after years of saying I was going to get away from Windows), mastering the Dvorak keyboard, and learning how to connect well with others in conversation.

My flaws seem to be a lack of patience, a tendency to be stubborn about things (even if I know I am wrong,) procrastination and a tendency to get discouraged.

I hope to learn better habits and get inspired by the members of this community. I believe now that I need other people to help me along on my journey, if only so I can see that I am not alone in my desire to better myself. I can't really think of a clever way to end this, so I'm just going to stop here before I ramble on too much.

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ManiacX, welcome! ^_^

I'm a noob to Nerd Fitness, too, but totally love it. Congrats on your success so far, you sound really motivated and have some good goals. I agree, support is vital to success! We are all in this together ^_^

"When you feel helpless, help someone." - Aung San Suu Kyi

"He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead..." - Albert Einstein

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Welcome to the rebellion! You dropped 14 pounds in two weeks!? I hope you've got some more fitness goals lined up, because at that rate, you're going to knock this one out of the park in no time. Good to have you on board!

I did not think about it as 14 pounds in 2 weeks. I thought about it as 'crud, not there yet.' When you put it like that, though, it does give me some perspective. Thank you for that.

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