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Hey all!

Been reading the blog for a long time now and have been wanting to join the forum too, but it took me until now to actually get it done. So there's one of my problems right there; I'm all too good at the "I will do this, but later" thing.

But lets start with my background;

I have always been tall and thin, skinny I would say. Growing up I didn't do any sports and I didn't want to cos I sucked at it. Instead I played games, made websites and programmed (grew up with basic and qbasic). A lot of time spent in front of the computer. When I left home to study I joined a gym and really liked it. The problem is that since then I have joined a number of gyms, trained for a while and then some life situation or something has made me quit. So I would build some muscles and then loose them and so on. I worked to put on some weight so I wouldn't be so skinny, but then in 2009 I got pregnant and put on a lot of weight, although the wrong type; fat and no muscles. My back took some damage too from the pregnancy and after trying acupuncture (ouch!!) and back exercises to no use I finally found I guy who practices Ortho-Bionomy and he fixed my back. Also I started taking aerobic classes and I slowly lost the weight I had put on. In spring 2011 I started eating primal just to try it and after a month or so I finally could start wearing my clothes from before the pregnancy, yey! But then, I got pregnant again. On with the fat again. And once again; Hello back pain! Baby is now 6 months and I'm really tired of looking like I'm still pregnant. All excess fat is on my stomach and hips, which makes my body very unproportional. I hate it, I can stand in the closet and try on clothes for a long time before I will go out the door because nothing fits. Also, I'm tired of my back hurting in the morning from lying in bed all night and in the evening from moving around all day.

So basically, what I want to do is this;

  • Loose the excess fat - I'm not concerned of how much I weigh, since I've always been underweight and wanting to increase I don't see the scale as my enemy. I want to feel and look good, numbers have nothing to do with that for me.
  • Get strong - I want to be able to function; I want to be able to climb and lift things. I want to be able to do a pull up. I want to be able to play with my kids - and more importantly I want to be able to assist them when strength is needed.
  • Get moving - I want to run like the wind. I'm not aiming for long distance running, I want to run fast!
  • No more pain - I need to fix my back, non stop pain is not good for.. well.. anything.

I need to find something that I love. My main exercise right now is walking. I have always liked to walk and I'm good at it. Also I have started the Angry Birds Workout to build some basic strength again. But I want to find something else. Something more primal and play like. Something which I won't think of as a workout but as something fun that will make me think "can't wait until next time!" instead of "finally it's over!".

First step done; joining the rebellion. Next step; 6 week challenge, here I come!


Fenone - Level 2 Elf Ranger

STR: 5.5 | DEX: 6.5 | STA: 5 | CON: 4 | WIS: 4 | CHA: 2

"Think of the solution, not the problem." - Sword of Truth

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primal and play like you say? Have you ever heard of parkour? I just posted my into thread and in it I talk about how I'm just now trying to get started with it. Parkour is going from point a to point b in as straight of a line as possible. If you youtube it, you'll see some guys doing some really crazy stuff (a bunch of flips, handstands and all kinds of things) but there is a blog entry here on nerd fitness about the basics where it has a good video of what it is without the flips and tricks that go with it too.


^Handy link

It really utilizes your own body weight to do all the moves. Your running, and jumping over things in different ways, or maybe your pulling yourself up a ledge after jumping up to grab it. Pretty much a full body workout. I wish I could give you more info on it, but the article linked has it covered really well.

At any rate, welcome fellow newbie! I look forward to being a rebel with you!


Be the hero!

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iFirefight, yeah I know parkour and I have been thinking of it. A little concerned of all the jumping though, not sure what my back will think of it. But I won't know till I try, will I? :) Will check the link tomorrow, thanks!


Fenone - Level 2 Elf Ranger

STR: 5.5 | DEX: 6.5 | STA: 5 | CON: 4 | WIS: 4 | CHA: 2

"Think of the solution, not the problem." - Sword of Truth

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Your goals look to me like you should start weight lifting with some moderate endurace sport! And also eating clean.

That should take care of getting rid of some fat and also make you stronger and faster. Stronger legs make you walk or run faster ;)

Maybe strength training also helps with your back. A weak back can hurt a lot. But you really should have some doctor take a look at it to make sure you do not hurt yourself as backpain could also indicate some real problem..

Also weightlifting is be very primal. Just pick some heavy sh*t up.. what could be more primal :)

Level 2   Human   Ranger

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STR 7.7  CON 4.8  Battle Log  We are Rangers.DEX 2.0  WIS 2.9               We walk in the dark places no others will enter.STA 4.9  CHA 3.3               We stand on the bridge, and no one may pass.


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Your goals look to me like you should start weight lifting with some moderate endurace sport! And also eating clean.

That should take care of getting rid of some fat and also make you stronger and faster. Stronger legs make you walk or run faster ;)

Maybe strength training also helps with your back. A weak back can hurt a lot. But you really should have some doctor take a look at it to make sure you do not hurt yourself as backpain could also indicate some real problem..

Also weightlifting is be very primal. Just pick some heavy sh*t up.. what could be more primal :)

Yep, I'm currently doing the Angry Birds Workout 3 times a week to build up some basic strength. Then hopefully I can move on to more advanced stuff. And I will see someone about my back, the guy that helped me last time is now a 350 km trip away since we have moved to a new town. But I'm working on it, either finding someone else or go see him anyway.

Agree that weightlifting is very primal, but I need something more game-like. And also, something I can do on my own. Like parkour or climbing.


Fenone - Level 2 Elf Ranger

STR: 5.5 | DEX: 6.5 | STA: 5 | CON: 4 | WIS: 4 | CHA: 2

"Think of the solution, not the problem." - Sword of Truth

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primal and play like you say? Have you ever heard of parkour? I just posted my into thread and in it I talk about how I'm just now trying to get started with it. Parkour is going from point a to point b in as straight of a line as possible. If you youtube it, you'll see some guys doing some really crazy stuff (a bunch of flips, handstands and all kinds of things) but there is a blog entry here on nerd fitness about the basics where it has a good video of what it is without the flips and tricks that go with it too.


^Handy link

It really utilizes your own body weight to do all the moves. Your running, and jumping over things in different ways, or maybe your pulling yourself up a ledge after jumping up to grab it. Pretty much a full body workout. I wish I could give you more info on it, but the article linked has it covered really well.

At any rate, welcome fellow newbie! I look forward to being a rebel with you!

Feeling a bit more confident with trying parkour after reading the blog post, before it felt like something for the cool young people and not something I should try to do, but then all I had seen where the flashy moves on Youtube.

But starting slow with easy moves, that's something I can do. Since I can't do a pull up or even a real push up I think I will have to start really slow though.. :)


Fenone - Level 2 Elf Ranger

STR: 5.5 | DEX: 6.5 | STA: 5 | CON: 4 | WIS: 4 | CHA: 2

"Think of the solution, not the problem." - Sword of Truth

My intro

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Agree that weightlifting is very primal, but I need something more game-like. And also, something I can do on my own. Like parkour or climbing.

Have you seen the webpage www.bodyrock.tv ? Maybe you like the bodyweight excercises..

Level 2   Human   Ranger

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STR 7.7  CON 4.8  Battle Log  We are Rangers.DEX 2.0  WIS 2.9               We walk in the dark places no others will enter.STA 4.9  CHA 3.3               We stand on the bridge, and no one may pass.


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