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Well i finally took the plunge i have been looking at this site for about a month and i decided it was time to sign up to the community page (hey better late than never right?). Any ways i started working out back in February when i had the opportunity to lift with the football team at my high school, with no lifting experience i sucked royaly haha. But i gave it my all for 3 months and i was cut. I started at 205 pounds my heaviest point in my life and got down to 196 no where near my goal of 170...

So dropped off the team and no more access to the beautiful weight room, i freaked wondering what to do, so i got onto Google and researched away, got a gym membership and did every routine i could find and i couldn't shake 195lb. But then i found nerd fitness and i dove headfirst into paleo and heavy lifting i am already at 189 after only 3 weeks or so and i can already see more muscle definition.

I hope to keep up my routine for the rest of high school at least, my dream for a long time now is to be fit enough at 17 or 18 so i can enlist in the marine core, something i have wanted to do since i was 10, and i am on here to try and get some support for my dream as my over protective parents exactly thrilled by my dream. So any bit of moral support to help me keep this up is greatly appreciated.


As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil because im the baddest motherf*%&er to walk this land

-Marine Corps :livid:

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Hey man, welcome. Joining the Marines is a very honorable profession, one that I was talked out of by my parents when I graduated high school and looking back I wish I had stuck with it so good luck to you! And congrats on the weight loss too, that's for sure nothing to be ashamed of, lol.


Be the hero!

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One of my room-mates is a marine. Depending on what job you get, it's not all it's cracked up to be in terms of a career. But it's a great life experience and will help keep you in shape (ladies love it too).

As you've probably already discovered, a good diet it is what drives weight loss. Whether you're trying to gain muscle or keep it, calories in/calories out (law of thermodynamics) is the universal, incontestable rule in terms of weight gein/loss. Good luck!

Neutral Good-High Elf Warrior

What we move is far less important than what moves us.

Razor's Three-Fortnight Challenge


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