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Daily biking question


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So my job moved me from a 30+ mile drive daily to a 3 mile drive (both one way) and I though, hey, awesome chance to ride a bike to work!

So I got a great bike, gear, and did it today.

I was mentally prepared but man do I feel like #%*%! But kinda feel great at the same time. Proud of myself.

Im a total couch potato fast food junky, 5' 9", 270 (poor bike, it is NOT muscle) so My question is:

Can I do this every day, without risking body/joint/ etc damage? Or should I aim for 3 days a week for the first month, then 4 for a week or two, then 5?

If I do 3 days, could I, should I, consider doing some mild weight stuff on the 2 non bike days?

Ps: bike ride to work is all downhill. Bike ride home in 100+ heat is all UPhill.

If it was easy I would be skinny already.

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You can do this every day, but will you have the endurance to do so is the real question? Do it as many times as you can. You know when you're just not wanting to do it versus not being able to, so do it as often as you can.

Joint impact should be minimal with biking unless you're going over some pretty rough terrain, which from the sounds of it I don't think you are.

As far as weight lifting, do it along with this not as the alternative to this. Find a program and do it. The biking will benefit your body in different ways, so it's good to have both.

I know that may seem like a lot of working out, and at first it'll feel like it, but you'll be glad you did, and after even 6 weeks you'll be wondering why you didn't do this every day.

All of this is based on experience, where I used a bike as my primary mode of transport for nearly 2 years. I rode close to 5-10 miles everyday, and the joints are great. So you know I was 235 5' 9" while doing it. I also had to just jump on it and get it done. So I know you can do it.

Good luck and keep us updated!

Hylian Adventurer

STR – 3

DEX – 2

STA – 1

CON – 2

WIS – 4

CHA – 3

My 1st and Current Challenge: Right Here Folks!

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Sure! Start the biking! Biking to work is an awesome way to get around and a great start to more exercise. Plug away. It's easy on joints. Keep bike Ina low gear going up hill. Take it slow. You'll get better fast! I bike commute every day (also a short distance). It's a perfect start to my day! Cheers & good luck.

I AM going the distance


'Cause all I wanna do is go the distance. Nobody's ever gone the distance with Creed, and if I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I'm still standin', I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood.

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That sounds like a perfect set up to get to and from work, easy downhill ride to work (so you don't get too sweaty) harder ride home (you will try and get home faster so will challenge you) plus the ride home can act as a good warm up if on 2/3 days you want to jump into a weight/body weight/kettlebell routine!

There will be no joint impact as you are on a bike but if you have no been active I would recommend looking after your joints by, making sure the bike is setup correctly so as not to stress the joints (mainly knees due to seat height and angle) and taking maybe 2000mg of omega 3 to help keep yourself supple

As far as can you do it? yeah, why the fuck not. but if you are starting to feel fatigued then take a day off, no shame in that.

Good luck and enjoy!

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Thanks all.

I wasn't sure about the stress on muscles or joints from going full couch potato to riding a ton. I was always told to leave a day in between workouts to allow some muscle repair and resting. I ended up not riding to work today because...I didn't go at all (friend needed some help with something so I took a day off). I think my goal is going to be to ride daily and next week I'll start a 2 day workout in addition, then increase the load. I have to get used to spending my video game time on not-games, otherwise I'll freak out if I try to do it all in one fell massive swoop.

I didn't have the bike fitted to me, but I did buy one that was sized correctly for my height according to the salesman, and I haven't had any knee/etc. pain from riding it yet.

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Thanks all.

I wasn't sure about the stress on muscles or joints from going full couch potato to riding a ton. I was always told to leave a day in between workouts to allow some muscle repair and resting. I ended up not riding to work today because...I didn't go at all (friend needed some help with something so I took a day off). I think my goal is going to be to ride daily and next week I'll start a 2 day workout in addition, then increase the load. I have to get used to spending my video game time on not-games, otherwise I'll freak out if I try to do it all in one fell massive swoop.

I didn't have the bike fitted to me, but I did buy one that was sized correctly for my height according to the salesman, and I haven't had any knee/etc. pain from riding it yet.

You've got the right idea. Cycling is relatively low impact, so you should be able to do it daily without too much issue. The thing is the mental aspect comes into play and that can be a beast to overcome. If you're going from nothing to pushing yourself to the max, you can get worn out and give up. Start small, take it easy, and build up. 'Small' and 'easy' are entirely dependent on you.



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STR: 4 | DEX: 1 | STA: 1 | CON: 3 | WIS: 2 | CHA: 4

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I honestly don't even count my daily bike commuting as exercise per se b/c my commute is short as well. BUT it's a GREAT place to start. You'll work on some endurance and some big muscles - esp the quads. It will totally help get you in the right frame of mind for adding in more exercise. Your body will get used to it gradually. Then you can challenge yourself - how fast can I get there? how high a gear can I ride in? Can I pedal enough to coast the last 400m? etc. HAVE FUN! I read something recently in which the author, avid bike rider, said he's saddened by people who feel they have to ride their bikes (e.g. I have to train, I have to go to work) and he suggested every day should be "and I get to ride my bike today!" even if it's just a short trip to the shops. That's my daily bike mantra - even if it's a shortish commute to work. Today, I got to ride my bike!!!

I AM going the distance


'Cause all I wanna do is go the distance. Nobody's ever gone the distance with Creed, and if I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I'm still standin', I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood.

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Sounds pretty good to me! A 3 mile cycle up hill in that heat is surely a good way to lose a few pounds too. If I were you I would do as others suggest and simply try as many days as you can - when you're really tired, take the day off (but make that the exception not the norm). Also, as has been suggested, the ride home is an excellent warm up for a further workout. Drink plenty of water towards the end of the day (all day if you can of course) and then get on the bike and get home, once there, well - you're warm now so why not go a little further? Could start with a few simple exercises every day and build from there - perhaps a few bodyweight squats, sit ups, whatever, just for 5-10 minutes, a quick strecth and you're done. Sounds ideal! Best of luck and well done!

My current challenge > My previous challenge

∴ I will be > what I am

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I'm 2/3 days so far this week. Had something to do Tuesday do didn't go to work, so no riding.

Today I ate dirt major hardcore on the way in, and blew my front brakes so I'm going to get it fixed and ride Friday.

Today was easier and more fun than Monday, and I honestly think the fall helped take the anxiety out of it for me. I mean, that's the worst that can happen and it's just a little scrape.

Also convinced me to wear the freakig helmet I bought because city streets are wierd and arcane places for bike tires.

I'm floored at how different ONE day of biking makes the next though.

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Good to hear about it getting better, and sorry to hear about the accident. Glad it hasn't scared you off the bike though. While the bike is in the shop, have them give it a good one over. A good tuning will go so far for you. By getting it tuned up, everything will work better, and in turn make the ride much more enjoyable. It'll also help the bike last longer. This is definitely a case where just a little money upfront will go a long way to keeping you from spending a lot of money down the line. Keep it up!

Hylian Adventurer

STR – 3

DEX – 2

STA – 1

CON – 2

WIS – 4

CHA – 3

My 1st and Current Challenge: Right Here Folks!

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Didn't end up needing any repairs actually. I just stopped by my local, and even though it was like 610 and they close at 6, I stood at the door and asked.

Guy fixed the front brakes in 10 seconds with a pair of pliers (it's an aluminum housing on a quick disconnect, I suspected it could be squeezed back together but thought it needed to be replaced) and rode the bike for a couple of minutes and then just retentioned the tensioner.

Still not sure if I want to ride down tomorrow, just to give myself a break, but I probably will.

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I really hope you continue! Biking to work has been the BEST decision I made when I was working earlier this year. I was really doubting myself in the beginning. I wondered if I'd have the energy. I absolutely hated the mornings, and didn't think I could get up in time. And I really worried about my knees since I injured them. I skipped a couple days here and there in the beginning, but eventually started riding rain or shine! I would actually feel BAD when I didn't bike to work.

Like others have already mentioned, it is low impact. And I think you really get to see your city from a different perspective! I used to think everything was so far. But once you hop on a bike, the city is can be surprisingly small. Then there is always that awesome added bonus of being kind to the Earth. :) Win - win - win situation!

Good luck!

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