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You’d think being a marine currently deployed in the sand box id have no problems with my weight/fitness level. Buuut you’d probably also be surprised at how many marines are able to smoke, eat whatever they want drink like its going gout of style and then still manage to run 18 min (male perfect run time) or 21 min (female run time) 3 miles for our PFT (physical fitness test).

I hate every single one of them (in the best way of course =D)

Marine here of the female type stumbled upon this site and its way more up my alley (being a nerdy marine and all) I’m 5â€6.5 and I Weight in-between 152-158 I shot up to over 170 before deploying excusing what I was eating by saying “I’m deploying I DESERVE thisâ€â€¦mmm…right.

Current goals

-to not have a panic attack every time we have an official weigh in. only the marine corps has made me worry about my weight normally I’m much more a “am I in shape or am I shapely?†instead. This means if I’m put at 5â€6’ I have to weigh less than 156 lbs 158 for 5â€â€™7. (so close! id upload a pic but i cant upload or download anything really on this internet)

-bench my body weight or over current 1RM is about 120 I started in May at only about 90-100

- get a 300 on both my PFT and CFT (combat fitness test, I can elaborate more on this if anyone wants to know) then after THAT work towards high males standards if not a 300 for the male standards. My best run time for 3miles is 21:10 (im not at that right now maybe 24-27 though I did just run 8 miles in like 1 hr and a half) and I currently can’t do a pull up (20 is perfect for males females do the flexed arm hang) before I get out (this might be unrealistic as I get out next year)

And my vague not helpful goal is to eat better (I’ve already eliminated all soda except my precious precious monster energy…..preciiiiiouuuss)

ULTIMATE GOAL: beat staci at SOME weight lifting event…buwahaha j/k =D

First thing though is getting another tattoo (that I’m working on out here) and sushi <3 as soon as I get back as a weight loss return from deployment reward!

I’ve dabbled in most things nerdy (table top RPG, LARPS [WOD], magic, warhammer40k, LOVE video games, comic you name it)

As for the classes I’m feel the most are warrior/monk/ninja but I’ll start as an adventurer and go from there?

LVL-1 adventurer

aspiring to be a warrior/monk/assassin

Str: 3 | Dex: 3 | Sta: 2 | Con:2 | Wis:1 | Cha: 4

"Courage takes many forms. There is physical courage, there is moral courage. Then there is a still higher type of courage--the courage to brave pain, to live with it, to never let others know of it and to still find joy in life; to wake up in the morning with an enthusiasm for the day ahead.â€

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Heya Lizzies! Welcome to the Rebellion! Here we can help you with anything you need from Advice to Motivation, just don't hesitate to ask! OOO I'm a WFB player myself, I almost did 40K but it was too much at the moment. Adventurer is your best bet into trying to become stronger overall, if you want to specify then you can choose another guild and get stronger from there. Fitness for the most part is 80% diet and 20% Exercise, you'll start seeing improvement/weight loss if you simply change what you're eating. You can do it, and we'll be here to support you in any way!

Level 25 Final Fantasy Rebel

My Epic Quest | My Journey | Currently on the Trial of Orthos
Str: 60 | Dex: 23 | Sta: 66 | Con: 28 | Wis: 55 | Cha: 14

Goals for 2021:

  • Build my brother a Destiny 2 Lamp
  • Learn how to do a Handstand
  • Play 1 song on the acoustic guitar
  • Clean up the Christmas Decorations and finish setting up my apartment (hang things up, plus some other few things that need to be organized)
  • Re-introduce Pull-ups into my routine
  • Build a shelving unit next to my Desk

"No matter what, if you can hold your head up high, you've done the right thing."

"When you stand with your family, your family stands with you."

"Write what needs to be written."

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Welcome to the rebellion, soldier!

First of all, do you have a gym or any area with free-weights where you are? When my room-mate was stationed in Afghanistan (and morocco for that matter), there was a PT area that had dumbells and a barbell with plates. That would seriously help with your Benchpress goals.

-Good on your bench, you started off where I just got to.

-Details on what is required for your CFT/PFT to get a perfect score? I'd ask my buddy but he's with his girlfriend right now, I'd hate to interrupt.

-You could easily do a pull-up by the end of the year if you practice as long as you have a pull-up bar and a stool of some sort. Go to the assassin's forum and look for convict conditioning on pull-ups. It's a journey of exercises that eventually lead to the one-arm chin-up. Truly awesome.

-You really should get rid of your precioooousss. I'll play a riddle game with you if you'd like. Precious likes riddles, yessesses? esses? essesesseseses?

"Touch me and I die.

But I never come alone. A million brothers come with me.

We overrun the earth. What am I?"

Since you're military, you need to get Hawkeye's back tattoo from Fullmetal Alchemist. Do that, and you shall forever remain the most bad-ass chick in the western world.

Also, hope you like third person action games (Assassin's Creed, Watch Dogs, The Last of US, Remember Me, and Tomb Raider.) This year is the season of third person action games in the states, best of the best of what's going to be released. So pick em up or try to get em over in Sandland.

Neutral Good-High Elf Warrior

What we move is far less important than what moves us.

Razor's Three-Fortnight Challenge


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I do in fact! it what I’ve been using on top of body weight work outs

For the PFTS it’s broken down into three events that you do in a little over an hour

MALES- pull-ups/crunches/3mile run Females is a little bit different it’s a flexed arm hang/crunches/3mile run

Flexed arm hang is where you get in the up position of a chin up and hold yourself there 70 seconds is 100points/perfect I usually don’t have a problem with this unless I don’t work on it.

PULLUPS- 20 is 100 points Crunches- 100 crunches for 100 points for both

3mile run- 18:00 male’s 21:00 females

CFT or combat fitness test is also three events

Movement to contact/30lb ammo can lift/ maneuver under fire

Movement to contact- is a half mile run in “boots and utes†which is or camouflage uniform but without the blouse 2:45/3:23 male/female

Ammo can lift – your essentially shoulder pressing and ammo can that weighs 30lbs as many times as you can in 2 min, your arms have to end just shy of locking out. 91males /60 females

Maneuver under fire 2:12 /3:01- this one is more complicated

as i cant upload a damn picture anyone know of photo uploading sites that arent flickr or photobucket? (which are blocked *grumble*)

if you google maneuver under fire cft they have a pdf showing pictures and stuff but bascially you start laying down on your stomach get up and sprint 25 yeards then low crawl 10 and "baby" crwal 15 then run in a zigzag for 25 yards wherupon you come up on your "casualty" you drag them through a zig zag that is 10 yards pick them up in a firemans carry and run all the way back to the start for about 65 yards.

were only half way done.

THEN you pick up 2 30 lb ammo cans sprint 50 yards back to the zigzag cones set them down and do a grenade throw into a square target a distnace away

pick your ammo cans back up zigzag again and then sprint the remaining 65 yards back.

so yeah like i said it makes more sense with pictures (or maybe thats just me I R MARINE lol)

I’ve improved A LOT over the years except the last one( I nearly failed the initial test at boot camp which is HALF of the PFT), aaaaannnd I could come up with a million and one excuses as to why for both that and last year but meh they’re jus that. Excuses.

as for my monsters! We wants it, we needs it. Must have the precious. They stole it from us. Sneaky little px store clerks. Wicked, tricksy, false! Lol anyway I have greatly reduced my intake on top of eliminating soda I’ve also reduced my monsters from anywhere from 3-5 a day to only one and sometimes I don’t even have one but oh I love them sooooooo.

as for the tat Damn a missed opportunity! I already have a back tat that covers most my spine and shoulders! (Could email a picture even though I got my avatar pic up I can’t seem to upload into a thread, but I’m by no means a forum expert) also, I’ve been looking around for the convict conditioning you were talking about and I’ve seen a lot of posts referencing though is the whole plan a book/plan id have to buy? so far ive been doing a lot of inverted rows on my upper body days along with assited and negitives. but being able to show up my boys with a one armed pull up would be the bee's knees.

i ALMOST FORGOT the riddle. i do like them. my first thought was bactiera but a lot dont die when you touch them! so something that comes from the sky. hail,rain, snow cause its not that object anymore once its touched? or a sand storm they are much more unpleasant except is stubborn and obnouxious and does not die or evaporate!!!

LVL-1 adventurer

aspiring to be a warrior/monk/assassin

Str: 3 | Dex: 3 | Sta: 2 | Con:2 | Wis:1 | Cha: 4

"Courage takes many forms. There is physical courage, there is moral courage. Then there is a still higher type of courage--the courage to brave pain, to live with it, to never let others know of it and to still find joy in life; to wake up in the morning with an enthusiasm for the day ahead.â€

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oh oh! i did have question about the stats i read the FAQ about allocating points but i kinda wonder like what does a 5 in STR mean you can do? vs like a 2?

LVL-1 adventurer

aspiring to be a warrior/monk/assassin

Str: 3 | Dex: 3 | Sta: 2 | Con:2 | Wis:1 | Cha: 4

"Courage takes many forms. There is physical courage, there is moral courage. Then there is a still higher type of courage--the courage to brave pain, to live with it, to never let others know of it and to still find joy in life; to wake up in the morning with an enthusiasm for the day ahead.â€

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oh oh! i did have question about the stats i read the FAQ about allocating points but i kinda wonder like what does a 5 in STR mean you can do? vs like a 2?

It's basically versuses what else your good at. Somebody else might have a starting strength of 5, but even if you can lift double what they do but strength is your weakest field in fitness it would still get a lower score than the rest of your stuff. You get 15 points and you need to apply them somehow. (At least this is how I have interpreted the rules).

lIt's all relative to YOU, you don't need to compete with anyone else (for now, maybe they'll fix the system to make it so that you can't level up certain stuff until you lift x weight, idk).

You already have a back tattoo? You can still be like Hawkeye! Just get somebody to apply flames to your back >:D

A site you might be able to use to upload stuff is imgur.com

Good for you! Use those freeweights! How much are you lifting and what's your rep/set scheme? I'd definitely do higher reps, like a 12/10/8 to train for endurance if I were you. Do sprints on your leg days at the end, even if you have jelly legs. Doing sprints will help improve your cardiovascular system, your overall body co-ordination (sprinting uses virtually every muscle in the body), and since you need to sprint in your test it's good practice. Sprint as hard as you can, ideally in sand where it's harder (this is what many athletes do to train explosiveness). However do whatever you want, these are just my suggestions (And I'm only 3 months into lifting and 6 months into researching so somebody else might have better ideas).

Oh, and heres convict conditioning on pull up progression (Yes it's a book, but it's easy to find the pics all over the internet. I have this one saved and uploaded it):


P.S. Snow was the right answer. Snowflakes die when you touch them :(. Your turn. Unless you want to gives up the monster!

Neutral Good-High Elf Warrior

What we move is far less important than what moves us.

Razor's Three-Fortnight Challenge


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YES the imagur is not blocked on the internets! wee ok! i hope im doing this right

this is right before i left when i was over 170 and right after i cut all my hair off....again


not a great overall body pic but you can still see the difference between it and


in the marine loverly green-on-green this is from june but i had already lost 15 pounds

and well because were talking about tats...


back tat! and hey look i have hair! lol

as far as my work outs im kind of all over the place, i work out 6 days a week and usually throw in cardio of some kind or HIIT everyday as well. if i go with either of my boys they do more the isolate one muscle group for the whole work out like today was tricep day. i dont like that as much but it does end up being more structured than what i end up doing on my own. which a couple days ago i did the advanced Body weight curcuit with the one legged squats,tricep dips (aissited i cant do my body weight) 3 times then did just the bar and did a set of 5 normal 5 narrow grip and 5 wide grip right after each other and alternated between that and assited pullups to keep my heart rate up. i usually do jup rope at the end of my work outs too. i just downloaded JEFIT which seems to be a pretty cool little app more for body building but it also tracks if your going up in weight with graphs!

LVL-1 adventurer

aspiring to be a warrior/monk/assassin

Str: 3 | Dex: 3 | Sta: 2 | Con:2 | Wis:1 | Cha: 4

"Courage takes many forms. There is physical courage, there is moral courage. Then there is a still higher type of courage--the courage to brave pain, to live with it, to never let others know of it and to still find joy in life; to wake up in the morning with an enthusiasm for the day ahead.â€

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Personally I'd avoid isolation stuff. Especially in a job where you need functional strength, compound movements based off of movements you must do in the field are MUCH better than just building a muscle.

The vast majority of isolation exercises are for bodybuilders and people lifting for aethstetics. There's nothing wrong with that, I just think doing compounds is much more in-line with your goals. Sometimes in a compound you might be able to tell a certain group is lacking, like your wrists or hamstrings, and so training those can help make sure your lifts are safe and injury free. But if you can help it, keep doing your rows, squats, pull-ups, etc.

One thing is that since you workout 6 days a week, plan them so that each muscle group gets a few days to recover. This lets them get stronger quicker and keeps them at full force (I.E. you can lift more once they've been rested).

Neutral Good-High Elf Warrior

What we move is far less important than what moves us.

Razor's Three-Fortnight Challenge


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if i havn't said it yet thanks for al lthe help/encouragement!

generally speaking i dont do isolation but in a.... i end up doing it only once or twice a week with my boy-o's kind of way lol although im finding my grip is limititing me on a lot of things. such as right now on dumbbell rows im kind of stuck at 65's because my left hand starts to fail after rep 6-7. as for breaks i try to do a upperbody day--->leg day---ab day. with cardio mixed in (mostly eliptical after my 8 mile run i had to ditch my shoes and its nearly pointless to buy new ones as im leaving the sand box soon.) so my muscle groups have 24-48 hours to rest the big thig is sleep is very elusive for me out here which is probably problem #1 follwed by extremly limted food options. well im worried about losing what ive gotten out here because well day-to-day life is waaay different! but hey thats what NF is for eh?

LVL-1 adventurer

aspiring to be a warrior/monk/assassin

Str: 3 | Dex: 3 | Sta: 2 | Con:2 | Wis:1 | Cha: 4

"Courage takes many forms. There is physical courage, there is moral courage. Then there is a still higher type of courage--the courage to brave pain, to live with it, to never let others know of it and to still find joy in life; to wake up in the morning with an enthusiasm for the day ahead.â€

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