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It's time to level up...

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Hi, my name is Sarah from the UK, I turned 30 this year and I want to level up on my STR, DEX and CON.


- I am one of those people who was rubbish at PE at school and absolutely hated it as a result. I've realised now I have gotten a little older I actually quite like doing things individually, it's just teams sports/having to be picked for things/being humilated by sadistic teacher becuase I was rubbish I hate.

- My weight has an up and down history (in 2005 I dropped to 130lb due to stress and therefore for me not eating); I am currently 5'10" and weight 220lb, however I don't think of myself as "fat" more "curvy" (think Joan from Mad Men ;) )

- I have very poor co-ordination (I am not sure if this is something that could be improved?).

- I fratured my talus bone in my right ankle about two and a half years ago, and have never really got the stregth in that joint back, despite physio. I've recently been experiencing tendanitas in my right shoulder and right arm, however this is slowly improving.

Currently what I am doing:

- The only exercise I really do is walking (about an hour's worth each day), although I do climb seven floors to reach my flat! (I currently

have no lift until the end of November). I can climb five floors fairly swiftly in one go so I hope I am not completely out of shape.

- I am in the process of switching over my diet to being as close to Paleo as possible. I did actually do a switch before I developed tendinitis, and I did feel a lot better on it.

- I have just gone back to pilates classes at the gym.

What I would like to achieve:

- I think the main goal is "feel healthy, better about my body and have more energy". When I say "feel better about my body" I don't necessarily mean "lose weight". I woiuld like to develop some muscle and thus be stronger. Saying that if I loose weight as well, that would not be a bad thing becuase I am fed up of not being able to go into shops and buy clothes I want. I am reluctant to put a number on it, becuase I am not sure at this stage.

- My aim is to exercise four times a week.

Sorry if that was a little long (apprentlly I get wordy given half a chance...)

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Hi, Sarah! Welcome! I can sympathize with you, I also hated PE and never exercised much when I was growing up. A lot of people here seem to want to get back into shape, which is awesome, but I think getting in shape for the first time is even more exciting :)


Loden: Aiel Spearmaiden Adventurer, Lvl 2

STR: 4 | DEX: 3 | STA: 4 | CON: 6.5 | WIS: 4 | CHA: 3

Current Challenge Thread | Fitocracy

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Welcome, Sarah!

- P.E. class doesn't help you in the real world. My P.E. class was literally walking around a track for half an hour. Never learned anything from the class, nobody does.

- Nobody is like Christina Hendricks. Nobody ._.

- Co-ordination is just nervous system ability. Unless you have a neurological syndrome, which is highly doubtful, co-ordination and agility can always be trained!

Currently what I am doing:

- Rather than walking is there a way you could cycle instead? Whether an exercise bike or an actual bicycle, you mentioned you have a bad ankle, and cycling is much easier on the joints than walking is, especially for heavier people.

- What do you mean as close to paleo as possible? As in what are the exceptions?

- Awesome! Pilates or yoga are great things to do. Do you have a gym membership or do you just go to the classes. If you have a membership, you need to try weight training. It burns more calories!

What I would like to achieve:

- Well, as far as weight loss goes, just eating better is 80% of it. The walking definitely helps, but it all comes down to what and how much of it you eat. Again, weight training will help you with that goal of gaining muscle. Another thing is that losing weight can cause looser skin, and having more muscle helps fill that skin out.

- That's a good goal. Any type of specific exercise, or is this just inclusive to the walking an hour a day?

Good look auntsarentgents!

Neutral Good-High Elf Warrior

What we move is far less important than what moves us.

Razor's Three-Fortnight Challenge


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