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It's time to start mowing down excuses

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<Insert long explanation of why I am where I am, and how it really isn't my fault!!!>

I'm obese. And I'm out of shape. And I've got muscle imbalances and tightness and whatever that makes my body look and feel like a pretzel.

Aren't I a special snowflake? Isn't my struggle so hard?

Eh. Suck it up and decide where to go from here.

1) Eat less!

I've done it before, and I can do it again. Stopping the habit of nibbling on candy would go a heck of a long way. Even if I replaced it with fruit. Or salami and cheese. Or fruit -and- salami with cheese. Oh, and some nuts, and some of that leftover curried eggplant... What do you mean a plate of food bigger than my head isn't better than a square of dark chocolate?

2) Move more!

  • The small-fry takes martial arts from an instructor I love. Guess who's going to start coming to class?
  • I have a small (but growing) list of mobility exercises and stretches for my pretzel-muscles. They're -really- good for me and I hate them. I read that every workout you should do something you despise, and right now, they're it.
  • Posterior chain work my a-, well, yes, technically it is. And making it stronger helps unwind the pretzel. I anticipate being good enough at those exercises to start hating this about the time my dislike of mobility exercises reduces to a grumble.
  • School starts in two weeks, and there's an aqua-fit class that starts five minutes after she should be on her way to school. Conveniently, it's about five minutes from my front door! It's offered six days a week, I should be able to make it twice a week.
  • I can almost swim freestyle. A few minutes of practice after aqua-fit each day should smooth out my stroke, and once I manage that breathing thing..... it'll be time for a 0-1650 workout.

Now I want to go and find some music for my training montage - but I think instead I'll do a round of martial arts warmups with the kid, then get a baseline number of reps/sets for my mobility routine.

"What's a black belt?" "It's a white belt who never gave up, Ma`am!
flourless | level 3 halfling monk

STR 5 | DEX 3 | STA 3 | CON 3 | WIS 7 | CHA 4

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Rocking ankles 2x10

Fire hydrants 2x10

Mountain Climbers (leading foot outside my hands) 2x10

Calf Stretches 2 x30 seconds

Small-fry skipped pushups when she led warmups today and I didn't correct her because she'd hit frustration with her memory. Later I should do poas stretches, reverse lunge with twist, twisting back stretch and all those leg lifts/clamshells from my pulled piriformis muscle. I can see that I need to inventory all these small exercises so that I can do them in a logical order or in smaller groups as needed.

"What's a black belt?" "It's a white belt who never gave up, Ma`am!
flourless | level 3 halfling monk

STR 5 | DEX 3 | STA 3 | CON 3 | WIS 7 | CHA 4

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hey there! welcome to the forums, and i'm liking the attitude. let us know how we can help :) and aqua fit... is that kind of like water aerobics? because i'm all about the water aerobics.

...we, each of us, are responsible for our own fulfillment. Nobody else can provide it for us, and to believe otherwise is to delude ourselves dangerously and to program for eventual failure every relationship we enter. - Tom Robbins


Current Challenge: Life, man.

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Welcome, Flourless.

You ARE a special snowflake. One who's about to dominate. Go get 'em.

Haha very nice. I can empathise with you on the nibbling, Flourless. I tend to be a bottomless pit of hunger to the point where people who might want to accuse me of not eating enough (because I've recently lost some weight) are clearly the people who don't know me very well. Started on a Paleo-style diet recently and am currently combating the advice that I can eat as many nuts as I like; I'd like to eat ALL the nuts, like, ever. And I never even used to like nuts. Anyway, welcome! I'm new too.

Geah, Level One

Troll Ranger w/ Scout Bias


"I get knocked down, but I get up again, and you're never gonna keep me down!"


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hey there! welcome to the forums, and i'm liking the attitude. let us know how we can help :) and aqua fit... is that kind of like water aerobics? because i'm all about the water aerobics.

It's not at all what I was expecting, but I've never done water aerobics either. The first day I went, it was generally what I'd think of as water aerobics. Lots of bouncing and spinning and kicking and whatever. The second day, she broke out the resistance bands and said "I hope you wore your water shoes, because otherwise this is going to hurt!" and had us doing mixed work - 2 minutes of strength and 3 minutes of cardio.

My lack of experience with the classes combined with her generally glossing-over of technical aspects meant it was a really bad thing for me. At one point (after an exercise I skipped completely, because I had no clue we were supposed to do) she said "That was supposed to be a core exercise, not an arm exercise, people." About half of the things where I knew what she wanted, I abstained from to prevent injuring myself.

Those were evening classes, and the morning classes have a different instructor, so I'm really hoping that there's either a predictable rhythm to the classes (so I can just go to the cardio ones, which were fun) or the instructor will use words that make sense to me when explaining the exercises. Otherwise I'll have to find something else to do!

"What's a black belt?" "It's a white belt who never gave up, Ma`am!
flourless | level 3 halfling monk

STR 5 | DEX 3 | STA 3 | CON 3 | WIS 7 | CHA 4

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Started on a Paleo-style diet recently and am currently combating the advice that I can eat as many nuts as I like; I'd like to eat ALL the nuts, like, ever. And I never even used to like nuts. Anyway, welcome! I'm new too.

Mmmm. Nuts. I -like- nuts. There's a "nut guy" at my farmer's market. He has a very dangerous stand. I won't buy anything other than pistachios more than 4oz at a time. Pistachios are slow to eat, and I end up with a big pile of shells in front of me, and I look at the big pile of shells and think "Y'know, maybe I've eaten enough nuts...."

"What's a black belt?" "It's a white belt who never gave up, Ma`am!
flourless | level 3 halfling monk

STR 5 | DEX 3 | STA 3 | CON 3 | WIS 7 | CHA 4

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Welcome, Flourless.

You ARE a special snowflake. One who's about to dominate. Go get 'em.

Now I have an image of a delicate little snowflake - all dressed up like a football player. Pads 'n helmet and all. Growling. I can work with this!

"What's a black belt?" "It's a white belt who never gave up, Ma`am!
flourless | level 3 halfling monk

STR 5 | DEX 3 | STA 3 | CON 3 | WIS 7 | CHA 4

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