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War on Bellyfat is on!

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With the scale pointing at 113.7kg it's about time to go for a change! With my heigt of 187cm the goal weight is at 90kg, but I'm not rushing there. I know the battle will be a long one. But since Frodo made it to Mordor, I figured I can make it to 90kg...

No war is won without a decent plan, and I know there will be a lotof battles to be fought... Well, though or not, I have to now!

So, the plan will be this:

1. Paleo

I love eggs, meat and nuts so that won't be the problem. Need some work with the love for fruit, but since weight loss is the goal I won't go berserk on fruit. My issue will be with the intake of sweets and cookies....

To keep up the diet I will make a weekly mealplan to stick to.

2. Workouts

- Cycling

I recently bought a mountainbike and plan on riding my bike every week through the countryside for at least an hour. That will be a cardioworkout. The rides will get longer and I will go faster as I progress. Ultimate cycling goals are to climb Alpe d'Huez and the Mont Ventoux, my two favorite Tour de France climbs! Let's see how we get there. When I will attack these beasts I will keep you informed!

Running a marathon is also on my goal list, but I will have to lose weight before even thinking about attacking that guy...

- Gym workout

Twice a week I will head to the gym for a workout. Mainly strength training and some cardio involved. Strength training will be a total body workout, I do not like to isolate bodyparts on specific days.

- Bodyweight workout at home

Once a week, maybe twice, I will do a bodyweight workout at home, focussing on strength.

3. Mental toughness

- Sleep

When I sleep I cannot eat. When I am well rested I feel better, and when I feel better there is less urge to overeat.

Therefor I will commit myself to seven hours sleep a night.

- Meditation

I want to be calm and at ease with myself, daily meditation will help me on this.

- Accountability

My girlfriend is going Paleo too, so that's a big help for me! She is very supportive with my weight loss. To add more accountability I will keep a weekly report here on the messageboard, but I will try to log all my workouts here.

There will sure be enough things to think of along the road, but this is my plan so far. Curious what you think of it.

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Guest ApptivGames

Welcome to the group and that sounds like an awesome plan! Nice to find a fellow MTBer here! Talk about getting the heart pumping! My best advice is to find a mountain biking buddy, there's nothing like the rush of pushing each other up that last steep hill to get you going. When I ride alone, I often quit a lot sooner than if I was with a friend who motivated me.

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