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Greetings from an Irish Rebel :)

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Hey fellow rebels my name's Nadia and I'm a newbie, woooo! (on a side note, and other Irish nerds out there?)

My decision to start leveling up came when I was getting sick of my excuses, they're so boring aren't they! I am a full-time student studying architecture, and I have 2 waitressing jobs so finding the time or energy to exercise and eat well was always something I left on the back-burner and felt guilty about. I love running, I try do 20-30 minutes a day, but I fail to prioritize my eating as compensation for my sweat! I am 5"4' (around 1m52 I think) and weigh 130 pounds.

I know what we eat is 80% of the battle at least, so armed with this knowledge, here are my goals :

1. Eat 3 square meals a day, 70% Paleo, for the first week, gradually working up to 90% Paleo after 3/4 weeks. And of course start chugging water "like it's my job" ;-)

2. Fitness wise, I would just like to establish and be able to maintain some sort of loose exercise program, before college easy-medium running to start the day and after college gym classes, to help keep me motivated as I get quite lonely running alone !

3. As far as life goals go, the main short term goal I have is to try and save as much money as possible for my erasmus year abroad, and have enough for a nice juicy 2 week ski holiday (my second love), come January. Here's hoping!!

Long term wise, I want to travel. I took a gap year from college (which became 2), and lived in Switzerland for one year of it. I miss learning new languages, living new cultures and living abroad in general a lot... particularly the mountains and lakes. I hope to complete my badass course with as healthy an attitude as I can muster up and pursue a very different style of life after. I don't know what exactly but it will include my mountains and my lakes!!

As a side note, I would like to also make sure that I make at least one post daily to the ner.f community, and I would also love to find a suitable partner in rebellion to join forces with!

Can't wait to embark on this new adventure with you guys :)

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Welcome, lass! Architecture is definitely a good major if you want to travel abroad. Often times foreign architects can make a big name for themselves somewhere foreign, as others are always interested by the structural styles they learned back home. Although with increased exposure to the rest of the world from anybody thanks to the internet, I'm sure you'll still have plenty of opportunities to travel! Make sure you hold to your dietary plan and I'm sure you'll be very happy with your results!

Neutral Good-High Elf Warrior

What we move is far less important than what moves us.

Razor's Three-Fortnight Challenge


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I'm with you on the chugging water like it's my job. One thing that has helped me is keeping an old gallon milk jug and filling it with water every day. That way I can see how much I've drank and how much I still need to.

Good luck with your school and your workout/diet. And remember NF is always here for you.


  1. Long Term: 12% body fat by Dec 31st, 2013
  2. Mid Term: 22% body fat by Feb 6, 2013 (23rd birthday) - Current: 26%
  3. Short Term diet: 64oz of water a day for the first week of January.
  4. Short Term exercise: Increase reps on The Big Four.

Level 1 Dwarf Warrior STR: 4 DEX: 1 STA: 2 CON: 3 WIS: 4 CHA: 1

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] "A banana before, and a protein shake after are two of the three finest things in life."

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Welcome! You have my respect for being so committed while going to school and working a couple jobs. I could never motivate myself to exercise or eat well when I was busier, it's only now that I have more time that I'm able to do it. Best of luck!


Loden: Aiel Spearmaiden Adventurer, Lvl 2

STR: 4 | DEX: 3 | STA: 4 | CON: 6.5 | WIS: 4 | CHA: 3

Current Challenge Thread | Fitocracy

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