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Time for something new!

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I am a 34yo female, 5’7â€, 170 pounds.

Summer of 2011 I was 210 pounds. My workouts consisted of spinning (at a gym) and P90x (because I could borrow it from family). I set a goal to compete in a triathlon in June 2012, and I finished middle of my age group. I am now signed up for the Detroit Free Press International Half Marathon. I need specific goals to work toward and hold me accountable to keep me motivated.

I have crohn’s disease, and I was looking up a diet that might keep symptoms down. I was reading about the paleo diet, which took me to this website. I loved the concept, especially realizing it is all ABOUT setting goals and reaching them.

I have since plateaued at 170 for about two months now. Perhaps my body is used to these workouts, not to mention they are not happening as often as they should. I’d like to talk to others, see what they are doing, what works, what doesn’t. I am ready to try something new.

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Hey welcome to the site. I will point you to Loren Wade. He also has Crohn's, went paleo, and I think is up to almost a year now symptom free. Pretty inspiring.

So what are you thinking of trying? Weightlifting? Bodyweight/gynastics style stuff? Yoga perhaps? We've got it all around here.

"Pull the bar like you're ripping the head off a god-damned lion" - Donny Shankle

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Yes, thank you for the link to Loren. That is exactly the type of support I have been looking for.

This website definitely doesn't leave anyone out. Since I have that 1/2 marathon coming up in October, I am going to focus on endurance/distance running. I have yet to run/walk longer than five miles. It's going to be a rough 13.1 if I don't do something.

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Welcome! Just to point something out, there is no such thing as your body "Getting used to a workout", at least not in terms of making it less effective. Your body will still burn the same amount of calories if you do the same thing every time. Most of weight loss is your eating habits. Caloies in< Calories out= weight loss. Either workout out less or eating more would definitely make your weight loss plateau, so be aware of what you're doing and get back on track! Good luck with your training and half-M!

Neutral Good-High Elf Warrior

What we move is far less important than what moves us.

Razor's Three-Fortnight Challenge


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