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"Reasonable" is vague. Add "force." Does it solve the problem?

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Asphalt. Grime. Face down, vision exploded by a galaxy of stars and spun centrifugally by a blow from someone I didn’t see. The taste of iron oxide running in warm dribble down my eyebrow and mixing with the tang of warm sweat.

“Get up,†I told myself. It wasn’t enough.

My hands clawed for purchase to hold steady and my arms urged for the strength to haul myself from the ground. I was jelly in human form, and shook to a heap when someone’s boot socked me in the ribs and stole the effort I’d spent getting to my knees. Now I wasn’t just battling to stand. I was battling to breathe. A palm shoved me in the back and a row of knuckles ground against the nape of my neck.

Static crackled through the lapel mic of my radio. Someone was trying to contact me, while someone else was trying to make sure I couldn’t answer. I depressed the microphone button and wheezed a single word. “Urgent.†My face bounced off the road again and I felt movement on my right hip.

It was at this moment, this instantaneous and absolutely unforgettable and permanently haunting moment, that I knew I was going to die. A torrent of dread rushed through me and filled every fibre of my being. It was like my life was nothing but procrastination and the end just a deadline, and this bastard was going for my service pistol with intent to change the date. I rolled over and flailed my arm at a figure I couldn’t see through the blood pouring out of my gashed face. I kicked wildly, I screamed, I clawed fingers into any soft surface that wasn’t my own. I prayed for my thumbs to gouge out the mother****ers eyeballs, keep digging in for his brain and scoop it out through the empty sockets.

I heard a siren, screeching tyres, and the staccato thump of Baxter boots at an outright sprint. There was the crunch of a dropped shoulder, shouting, a baton leaving its retaining ring and raining blows onto someone that—at least in my mind—deserved every one of them and a thousand more. Whoever was on top of me suddenly found someone on top of him. Then another, and another, and another. My buddies were all very, very ****ing angry.


So, here’s my thread. I’m here because I’m going to work myself into a state where no one is going to get over me again. I’m currently recovering from healing sprains to the wrists and elbows and planning to return to training Krav Maga two or three times per week, roster permitting. I work as a member of a police force and my goal is to get leaner while retaining strength. If there is any mass of my body that doesn’t have help me move quicker, stronger, or longer—adipose tissue, anyone?—I don’t want it to be a part of me.

My interests? What keeps me sane is the embracing of my inner nerd: writing, gaming, and music. I play drums and read voraciously and mash keyboard with my guildies all night when I can. Guild Wars 2 release is so close I can taste it. Here, I think I can find likeminded people to share all these kinds of awesome things while we train like we mean it and get what we want!

My bodyweight is 173 pounds and around 16-17% body fat.

Today’s training was:

Squats – 132x5, 176x5, 220x5, 242x4, 286x3x2, 220x5x2

Slow negative dumbbell fly (can’t bench with bad wrist) – 79x10x3

Wide-grip pullups – 10x3, x6, x5

Weighted dips – 44x8x3

Weighted crunch machine – 110x8x3

I plan to return to a compound lift regime when I’m all healed up.

Diet will be intermittent fasting based (-20% maintenance on non-lift days at around 40P/40F/20C, +20% maintenance on lift days at around 40C/40P/20F) and daily expenditures and intake logged with my BodyFit monitor.

I'm yet to choose a class, but I'm thinking Monk might be it...

"I'm sorry sir, but I'm going to have to break your leg."

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Welcome! I'm interested to hear the story that lead up to the events of your story. As well as where the quote in your sig came from.

Don't do crunches, they're better than sit-ups but still often target hip flexors and are bad for your back. Do planks instead (Basically pushup position, but on your elbows rather than hands, keep your spine straight.)

Good luck with your recovery and your monk/warrior goals!

Neutral Good-High Elf Warrior

What we move is far less important than what moves us.

Razor's Three-Fortnight Challenge


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Welcome aboard Dug. Thank you for your service. I'm a volunteer chaplain with a police department in Texas. Stories like yours are what make me pray my phone doesn't ring when i'm on call. Good on you for getting back on the horse and training to get back out there. Stay safe.

Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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Welcome to the Rebellion Dug! I'm always happy to see another drummer come aboard. Your writing style is great by the way, really engaging.

I have a profound respect for you for not only risking your life for others in general but for heading back out there after something like this. Here's to a speedy recovery and best of luck with your training

The body is just a vehicle for the soul...

I wanna build a racecar!

LV. 4 Lycan Assassin STR: STA: 10CON: 8.25  WIS: 5CHA: 4.5   DEX: 3.50


Past Challenges: {1} {2} {3}

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Thanks for the welcome all. I'm still figuring out if the right way to do things is start my log in the class forum I end up choosing, or to kick it off here and transfer it over once that call is made. The training I'm able to do at the moment seems safest if it remains within the boundaries of lifting, as explosive wrestling/sparring/quick direction change and so on is kind of out of the question presently. I'll keep it contained here for now.

To all US Rebels... Undoubtedly, you've read in the paper or internet, or seen and heard on the news, about the cases of excessive and unjustified uses of force by police in places all over the country. Specifically, in recent times, Anaheim and LA. Please remember that these things aren't excusable, and that I don't count myself among the same ranks as those people. They need to be punished and charged and removed from duty. It shames me to say that not all cops are good guys. If you see something unjust happening, film it. Report it. Speak up and help do something against the crooks that ruin the good name of the rest of us.

Yesterday's calorie intake: 1947, 45P/45C/10F. Too low. Today: 1922, 50P/35F/15C. Close enough to macro goal. Nil cardio today.

"I'm sorry sir, but I'm going to have to break your leg."

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