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Hi, total n00b here

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Soooo... I am almost 38 and an ex rollerderby girl. I have been struggling with my weight for about 9 years now. I am currently 153 pounds, 5'3" and super embarrassed about it.

I don't think of myself as an overeater (in fact I starve myself) but as an under exerciser. I also have been battling depression since my husband died about 6 years ago and have found that exercising has made me feel a BILLION times better. Problem is, I don't know how to move forward with losing the weight (increments, plans, amounts, blah blah). I think I am on the right path and I am super stoked to get on this weight battle. My goal is to lose 40 pounds so I am nervous, but ready.


I love this site and I am a newb as of today. Really helps with the depression side of things. <3

P.S. I haven't picked a class yet because I don't know where I will fit in, but I am thinking Adventurer to start and then Assassin.

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Hi rubyhellcat ^_^

I think you will find this site very useful and friendly, you're in the right place! Yeah, Adventurer is a great starting point, you can always change class as your goals/interests evolve. Wow, you are my hero for being a roller derby girl, that rocks! What kinds of exercise do you enjoy? That's the best choice, whatever you like and know you can have fun doing! Nerd Fitness has posted some awesome workouts, just pick whatever interests you and go for it. There are also a lot of discussions about nutrition, what has helped me is to focus on how a food makes me feel and how it can help me feel better and to understand that I need to give my body good fuel in order to be my best - and that good fats really are good! The online community here is wonderful, feel free to ask for help or support anytime ^_^

"When you feel helpless, help someone." - Aung San Suu Kyi

"He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead..." - Albert Einstein

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Welcome, hellcat! 40 pounds is a great goal, however depending on what workouts you do you might lose less than that and look better. In terms of losing weight, diet IS the main battle. A workout only burns ~500 calories, if that. However you're putting in at least 1600 calories a day. See where I'm going with this? Even over-exercisers can accumulate fat if they don't watch what they eat. I'm sure you don't need to count calories, just be aware of what you're putting in your body each day, and try to cut out the less healthy stuff. Good luck with your goal, keep us posted with your progress!

Neutral Good-High Elf Warrior

What we move is far less important than what moves us.

Razor's Three-Fortnight Challenge


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Exercising is a GREAT way to improve your mood. I never feel more proud and confident than after a good workout. Good luck on your journey, and ask lots of questions!

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Welcome, rubyhellcat! I can relate when it comes to depression (so sorry for your loss, by the way). It's so easy to just shut down, but exercise is an amazing anti-depressant. Very proud of you for your accomplishments. Keep it going! You can and will meet your goals. You've found a great community of Rebels who will encourage you every step of the way.


Human Adventurer, Star Pilot, and Bacon Aficionado-(Lvl 3)
STR 4.5 | DEX 1.5 | STA 6.5 | CON 9 | WIS 1.75 | CHA 5.75

"Try not. Do or do not. There is no try" ~Yoda/ Veritas vos liberabit

1, 2, Current Challenge


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Welcome, hellcat! 40 pounds is a great goal, however depending on what workouts you do you might lose less than that and look better. In terms of losing weight, diet IS the main battle. A workout only burns ~500 calories, if that. However you're putting in at least 1600 calories a day. See where I'm going with this? Even over-exercisers can accumulate fat if they don't watch what they eat. I'm sure you don't need to count calories, just be aware of what you're putting in your body each day, and try to cut out the less healthy stuff. Good luck with your goal, keep us posted with your progress!

I have been using MyFitnessPal on my phone religiously to track my calories. It has me benchmarked at 1400 per day but I usually only eat around 900. I know that isn't very much but at the same time I feel like 1400 is too much and I am not sure how to change that. I THINK it's because my goal is a pound a week? My diet is very healthy, I read labels religiously and always make my own meals from fresh ingredients. I will admit that I HATE working out. Hate it. I mostly just to random hill climbs on the treadmill and random stupid machine stuff because I feel self conscious. I am also completely covered in tattoos so I feel like I am getting looked at so I don't wander over to the free weight area of the gym with all the d00dz. Does that make sense? Anyway, thank you for your advice. :)

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Best approach, one step at a time. Think about it as a derby match, one lap at a time. I'd start with small goals. Start off small, increase as you go and stick to a plan. For example, when do you hope to be done by? Christmas time? Next summer? Figure out the end goal specifics and plan backwards. Or do the opposite and this week aim for 1 lb gone. Next week aim for 2 more.

As far as how to get going, well, you can obviously stake, why not start there? Stake around the block a few times. Increase distance from there. Or start with one of the many beginner workouts that are listed on the blog. The important thing is to build momentum. Don't miss a planned workout the first few weeks. It's easier to keep going than to start and stop, start and stop.

My $.02.

Also, tattoos are awesome. Have a few myself.

See you in the funny pages.

-Count Vertigo

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First off, I am sorry for your loss. If you hate long boring cardio sessions like me, I would suggest looking into HIIT. You don't have to do it on a machine. It can be done outside, on a track, on a hill and it is about 20 min total. If you do it right, you will completely exhausted by the end of it. Or pick an activity that you enjoy doing be it hiking, biking, swimming, etc. Also, 900 calories is way too low and it's good that you acknowledge this. You are essentially putting your body in starvation mode and your body will fight to keep the calories consumed. The scale is okay to gauge "weight" loss but remember it doesn't take into account lean weight vs fat weight. So while you may be losing fat you might also be gaining muscle and muscle is more dense. Hope that helps and good luck on your journey :)

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First off, I am sorry for your loss. If you hate long boring cardio sessions like me, I would suggest looking into HIIT. You don't have to do it on a machine. It can be done outside, on a track, on a hill and it is about 20 min total. If you do it right, you will completely exhausted by the end of it. Or pick an activity that you enjoy doing be it hiking, biking, swimming, etc. Also, 900 calories is way too low and it's good that you acknowledge this. You are essentially putting your body in starvation mode and your body will fight to keep the calories consumed. The scale is okay to gauge "weight" loss but remember it doesn't take into account lean weight vs fat weight. So while you may be losing fat you might also be gaining muscle and muscle is more dense. Hope that helps and good luck on your journey :)

Thank you, I will look into this HIIT. :)

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