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Recruit Speedy, reporting for duty.

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I found this community by actively searching for some way to combine role-playing games and fitness. I think it started when I read this XKCD comic and said to myself "Of course! That makes perfect sense." I spent a couple of months searching before I found you guys and OMFG, and I am uber-excited for it to take off.

So, a little about me. I am a software engineer and active member of the United States Marine Corps Reserve. I do not have a natural inclination towards exercise or sports, but I recognize their value and my need to stay fit if I'm going to stay in the reserves. With that in mind I'll be rolling a human ranger in OMFG. I hate running, but I hate it like I hate mowing my lawn; it's just something I need to do. One of my goals is to be able to do 20 pullups(or chinups, I'm not picky) before May, I'm currently at 12.

That's all for now, fight on Rebels!

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Hey man! Welcome to the boards! What sort of fitness things do you prefer? We exercise because it is fun, thats a rule of the NF Rebellion, so best to find something that you enjoy or take pride in accomplishing. There is tonnes of ideas here!

"Let another say. 'Perhaps the worst will not happen.' You yourself must say. 'Well, what if it does happen? Let us see who wins!' ".

- Seneca, 63 AD

"There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength." - Henry Rollins

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I definitely prefer weight lifting and I enjoy martial arts (though I've yet to find a dojo I like or the money to pay for lessons), so I'll probably splash some Warrior and Monk. Now, don't get me wrong, I do take pride in my run time. A couple years ago I was struggling to pass our physical fitness test, all because of the run. I really started to concentrate and get my run time down after a very embarrassing failure. Right now I'm just over 25 minutes and my next goal (after the 20 pullups) is to break that 25 minute mark before May. What I'm hoping is that OMFG will take some of the suck out of running and make it a little more fun.

Oh, rock climbing and skiing too. I'd like to ski more often, so another goal for me could be to save enough money for a season pass next winter.

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