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Hey all :)

I found this boards not long ago through Fitocracy and fell in love with it! I have been looking for ways to get closer to a healthier me for a while and even started working out a little, but this website and community give me so much motivation and information that I don't think I will ever stop finding ways to get better, from now on :)

As for myself, I was born in Italy not so long ago *cough*, but moved to France 5 years ago for work and somehow ballooned to 10 kilos heavier. i soon realised that a passion for good food while doing no exercise at all and working a sedentary job could have been the cause, so here I am! :)

I'm a vegetarian and still trying to figure out what to eat and when, but so far I am fine with just trying to eat healthier and stick to the Rebel Fitness program. :smug:

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Welcome!! My job is sedentary too so I can totally relate. I challenge myself now to find little ways to move around at work, on my breaks and whatnot. I'm paleo/primal so no help with the diet there ;), but there is a vegetarian/vegan forum here that I am sure is awesomesauce. :) Glad to have you here!

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I have definitely improved, I walk to work and back (my car had a small..accident), exercise 3 days a week and try to stay active the other days, eat better, bring my own food for my lunch break at work (though this part is a struggle).

Paleo/primal does look interesting and my boyfriend is following it, but it does get a little complicated and too restrictive in my opinion, for a vegetarian :P

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My old self (talking about 2 months ago) would have never thought I would say that, but there it goes:

I have only started working out and eating healthier about a month ago and I am already feeling/seeing the effects. I did lose some weight, but I realised that's not important for me anymore, even though I know weight loss will follow. Right now all I want to do is make today's workout better than yesterday and I *love* feeling stronger. It's incredible how much energy I found out I have, when only 2 months ago I thought I was the laziest person on the planet.

I am still following the Rebel Fitness guide, increasing the amount of reps/weights when it starts getting too easy and I noticed that on my rest days I can't just sit on my butt and do nothing, cause I have so much energy and it feels like a waste not to use it! That was so not me I still can't believe it! So yesterday I went to a beginners pole dancing class with some colleagues during our lunch break, in the evening I started the C25L program with another colleague/friend and I am also doing the 60 minutes plank per month on Fitocracy (went from 30s to 80s in less than a week, it may not be much but I am incredibly proud of myself!), and we challenge each other in the office. Tomorrow I will start roller skating and will keep on running after work.

I still like to treat myself to some of my favourite food every so often (being from Italy, giving up pizza completely is difficult..oh, and chocolate!) but not nearly as often as I used to and definitely not in huge portions. But I also don't feel guilty when I do, cause I am really pushing myself to get in a better shape.

I guess what I am trying to say is: it IS possible! Find what works for you and be happy with the newly found energy, you will not regret it :)

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