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Not new to the fitness game, but not good at it, either.

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Hail Nerds!

I am a lady type, super dorky and awkward, 30-something, finisher of two triathlons and a 5K in the last two years, all at an amazing 290lbs (down from 310)! Go me! I’m very, very proud of my achievements already, and intensely dislike judgment based on what I look like. I’m not cut (cue the hearty laughter), but I’ve got a strong core and have better endurance than most sedentary skinny folks.

I’m here mostly because after I formalized this relationship I'm in with us moving in together at the beginning of the year, all the hard work I put in last year by lifting heavy things kind of went to the wayside. Obviously, now that I’m in a Relationship, I’ve got some very important snuggling and hand holding to do. Also, we have to watch ALL of the Doctor Who. Now that I’ve beaten Arkham Asylum, it’s imperative that I go back and do it all on Super Intense HARD. Important things, guys!

The fact of the matter is that while being a fat kid gives me some AWESOME cleavage, I intensely dislike the spare tire I keep feeling around my middle. i thought it was gone for good last year. Boo. I also intensely dislike feeling as though walking the dog for two blocks is equal to a workout. So…it’s time, and this time around, I’d really like some support from awesome people. Note: I DO NOT loathe my body in its current incarnation. In fact, I like me, just as I am. But I know it craves strength and movement, and that's what I want to give it. So, my main focus is not weight loss, it's gaining fitness and strength so that I can live my life as a happy and active person! Weight loss will happen as it's meant to.

My biggest roadblock towards the life I'd like to lead comes down to my eating habits. This is key, and I'm having a really hard time with it (esp considering that The Boy is a chef...). I’d like to get to know you guys, get some encouragement and accountability, and share my experiences for the benefit of future generations.

Thanks for humoring me. :)

‎"If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." ~Bruce Lee

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Hey zaika! I applaud your goals of important snuggling and hand holding. I might add those to my list!

First, wow, congrats on the triathlons and the 5K! Those are some great achievements! Second, I think this is a great place for both encouragement and accountability. I've only been here a short while, but I already feel like I've gotten both in spades. Good luck!

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Thanks to you both! :)

Yes, hand holding and snuggling are super important. Gotta get your daily quota in. ;)

‎"If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." ~Bruce Lee

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