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My name is Thundra and I would like to survive the zombie apocalypse.

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I am actually surprised how nervous I am about posting here. I feel like I have shown up to the cool kids table going "BE MY FRIEND!"

So, hello! My name is Thundra. My civilian name is Anna, but let’s bypass that. I go by Thundra at roller derby, and most of my friends know me as that. Also, it just makes me feel more badass. ("What hope do you have against the power of Thundra?!" Ah comics.)

My history with diet, exercise and my body is a long and boring one, so the short version is: eating disorders, martial arts, roller derby, getting over eating disorders, being a good skater but letting weights and fighting lapse.

Even though I’ve been a reasonably fit young lady, eating all my vegetables and skating four-five hours a week and walking every day, I still had something of a turning point a few weeks ago. Or, several turning points over several weeks:

• My friend Pete, the ultimate badass, suggested that he and I fight sometime. I really wanted to fight him, but knew I would only embarrass myself as I haven’t trained properly in years.

• I got the Grey Warden (From Dragon Age) tattoo I had been thinking of for years. I was looking at it, thinking “This tattoo deserves to be on someone badass enough to be a Grey Warden.”

• Discovering Nerd Fitness.

• Thinking about how, in a zombie apocalypse, I might not be strong enough or fast enough to protect myself and the people I love.

So, while I was fit from skating and still reasonably strong (I am one of those people who puts on muscle and bone density like a boss), I wanted to be a badass. I wanted to be like Pete. I wanted people to look at me do things and go “Oh my god, that woman is a machine!”

So, in addition to skating and walking, I am now:

• Running every day, or every other day using “Zombies, Run!” I hate running, but I love playing that game. And it is slowly making me love running.

• Doing the body weight workouts from nerd fitness every second day.

• Trying to eat more protein and vegetables, fewer carbs and much less junk food.

• When I go for walks, I try and incorporate parkour elements – climbing chain link fences, jumping over anything and everything, and stopping to see if I can pull myself up a ledge. Still can’t do it, but still trying.

• Playing on the Wii on my downtime, rather than sitting down and browsing tumblr for hours on end.


• Being able to climb a chain link fence to the top, and climb down the other side.

• Do a Crane jump from parkour.

• Jump twenty six inches from a stop.

• Skate 10 laps in 1:30.

• Do the six push-ups and side stands on the Wii fit with perfect form.

The biggest thing is trying not to think about my weight. I know that path already, and that path is gross and full of swamps and I’m fairly certain you have to climb through a bunch of blackberry bushes. I would much rather stay as fat as I am now, than be skinny and have those monsters living in my head again. I'm okay reading about other people trying to lose weight or what have you, but I know that path can not be mine.

TL;DR: My name is Thundra, I do the roller derbies, and I want to be able to survive the zombie apocalypse.

Level 1 Orc Assassin STR: 5.5 | DEX: 5 | STA: 5 | CON: 5 | WIS: 5 | CHA: 6.5 "My strength lies in my tenacity."  

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You are already pretty badass in my book. Roller derby is super cool and super challenging, not something most people would be able to do. I hope to see you around the boards.

LVL 3 Animagus Ranger
STR: 8.8 | DEX: 5.6 | STA: 6.25 | CON:8.55 | WIS: 6 | CH: 6


"Today is not tomorrow." -Unknown
Third Challenge: Victorious Valentine
Current Maxes(Female 160lb bwt): OHP 110x2, Squat 265x1, DL 275x1 , BP 140x1

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Excellent stuff, Thundra. I'm one of the many people who could never ever ever ever ever do roller derby. It would be murder on my feet and ankles (deformed and rigid from a birth defect).

And I truly hope you're not nervous about sticking your head up in here. No offense meant to my fellow nerds, but if this were the cool kids' table, I wouldn't be within a hundred miles of this place. You wouldn't be willing to have me. :tranquillity:

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No offense meant to my fellow nerds, but if this were the cool kids' table, I wouldn't be within a hundred miles of this place. You wouldn't be willing to have me. :tranquillity:

Pssht. Doesn't everyone discover at their 10-year reunion that we're the new cool kids? We're just a lot more suave about it than the old cool kids.

Wood Elf Ranger

LEVEL 1, It don't mean a thing if I don't hear that ding: My Epic Quest


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Hahah, i didn't know Perth had a roller derby scene... actually now i think about it, my city does too. Talk about rough and tumble. I'm not lacing up a pair or skates with any of you sheilas around :P

Welcome, looking forward to see what you get up to Thundraaaaaaaa.

"Strength is the cup. The bigger the cup, the more you can put in" - JDanger

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You know what, i've just watched some more Derby stuff, apparently theres a docco cming out shortly "This is Roller Derby" staring a lady by the name of Hell Grazer.

..I need to get a hardcore derby name.

"Strength is the cup. The bigger the cup, the more you can put in" - JDanger

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Some people will never survive a zombie apocalypse. They will run for their lives in despair and fear. You will not be one of them ^_^

When I run i usually think "pain is only weakness leaving the body" and when i want to quit i tell my body to run faster, so whenever i want to give up, i will run faster instead.

Then i got an injury... Resting from it now, i'll have my hopes in you!

Current Challenge

STR 1 | DEX 3 | STA 3 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 2

"And when you get to the point where all you wanna do is be is successful as bad as you wanna breathe ,

then you will be successful. And I’m here to tell you that number one, most of you say you wanna be successful but you don’t want it bad, you just kind of want it"

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Thundra, I'm pretty sure you ARE the cool table. So glad to have you around!


Wood Elf Adventurer

STR 1 // DEX 1 // STA 2 // CON 3 // WIS 4 // CHA 4

"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of our exploring will be

to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."

T.S. Eliot

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