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BAM! Im in!

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wow. Hi, this is exciting.

Its time for a change. A big one.

Ive been reading nerdfitness for a couple of months but have only posted this now because, honestly I didnt think I would stick with the fitness. Old me, was a fat lazy sh!t. excuse the swears but its true. I always thought about getting fit. I knew it was in me but for whatever reason i did nothing. Until a couple months ago.

Long boring back story? last year I was depressed. Really depressed, im only lucky that my parents go through it and so I knew what i was dealing with when it came along, but man did it punch hard. Luckily I was able to come out the other side, scarred but relatively unscathed, and now i am a new me. Ive realised that I need goals to stop me back sliding down that dark slope and so here we are. (Also, and this is good for anyone that may be in that dark place now- endorphins are fricken awesome! seriously, that rush of happy is almost unbelievable in the begining but it will stick around.) So goal number one, get fit enough to kick some ass. ( i saw someone that wanted to survive the zombie apocalypse- um yep, great idea, me too! )

Sometimes it gets tough, or im working too much and I feel tired and blah blah blah i dont wanna work out- thats when i have been coming here, and reading awesome stuff on the site and getting the motivation to go and do it.

Ive been getting fitter and lifting weights for a couple months and i am NEVER going back to the old me. Ever. Because I am rather ( and perhaps absurdely) excited to see tiny shoulder muscles where there were none before. Yes, I do spend large amounts of the day flexing and looking at them. ok glancing ( im not a total d****e) but hey, everyone likes shiny new stuff right?

So now that I have been woman enough to actually (albeit anonymously) scribble my name on this page, I hope that ill have the motivation to always stick with it (and hopefully someone will call me out if I fall off the wagon) and ill be New me forever, until its just Me.

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I'm here for the butt kicking as well. There is nothing wrong with flexing all the time to look at the pretty new muscles, and as you continue lifting they continue to get prettier. I have gotten to the point of poking my fiance and saying "feel them!" and he grumbles that he can see them just fine. Have you gotten the tricep ridge yet? That one is my favorite on girls, looks and feels like a big rigging rope under the skin. Glad to have you though, and keep up the good work!

LVL 3 Animagus Ranger
STR: 8.8 | DEX: 5.6 | STA: 6.25 | CON:8.55 | WIS: 6 | CH: 6


"Today is not tomorrow." -Unknown
Third Challenge: Victorious Valentine
Current Maxes(Female 160lb bwt): OHP 110x2, Squat 265x1, DL 275x1 , BP 140x1

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I'm SO GLAD I'm not the only person who flexed in front of the mirror -- I totally did this when my little muscles started peaking out. I was like, "OMG -- VEINS! MUSCLE TONE! Whattttt!?!?" It's awesome, isn't it? If this motivates you, do it without question -- it totally helps me keep the drive to do it :)

It took some dark-times to steer me in the direction I took as well -- I'm happy you're dealing with your baggage appropriately. I wouldn't change a thing, because I might have never done anything about my health or body if it didn't happen.

What is your lifting routine like? Never lose this newer, shinier you. Do everything you can to stay on path and motivated.

My blog ---> www.thewallenway.com

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Thanks for the welcome guys, its great to be here.

Im glad there are other show ponies out there- cant imagine how bad ill be once i am actually ripped. haha

Funnily enough i always have the tricep ridge. Its not very defined at the moment but its getting anything above it that is hard. Well, was hard, now im just going to keep building on the teeny bit I have and go from there.

Right now i dont have a proper lifting routine ( as in i cant tell you how much i deadlifted today or anything, but give me time) but i will have to start noting it all down. Ive been sort of doing that "oh this one is too light now? ok next weight up" thing. Right now im going to try and get my base fitness up a bit, get a bit of muscle in there before i go too nuts and pull something. :S

cant wait for work to finish so i can go to the gym!

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It took some dark-times to steer me in the direction I took as well -- I'm happy you're dealing with your baggage appropriately. I wouldn't change a thing, because I might have never done anything about my health or body if it didn't happen.

Always nice to hear that someone gets what Im talking about. I sort of have this 'open letter to depression' in my head that goes 'Dear Depression, you suck and i hate you but thanks for giving me the ass kicking i needed. Now go away and never come back' . It certainly sucked at the time but now i feel so much better that i guess i should think of it as a cocoon.

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I don't know if it was an intentional set-up by the mods or if it's just the inherent awesomeness of the NF community, but one of the things I love about this crew is that they're concerned about, and supportive of, getting healthy as a whole person and not just as a meatsack of muscle tissue. I've not heard anyone mention it as such, but there's a lot of focus on whole-human wellness here in addition to cheering you on as you lose weight/deadlift mountains/run all the marathons. I totally ganked a trick from unicornassassin where she named her depression Kim Kardashian as a way to think about it in more manageable terms.

So I think there are a lot of people here who can support and encourage you, because they totally get where you're coming from. I'm glad you're on board with us!

On an absolutely unrelated note...Daniel, I was not prepared for the new avatar. I caught it briefly as I was scrolling through and thought, "Omigah, Chris Isaak joined the rebellion!!!"

Wood Elf Ranger

LEVEL 1, It don't mean a thing if I don't hear that ding: My Epic Quest


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I don't know if it was an intentional set-up by the mods or if it's just the inherent awesomeness of the NF community, but one of the things I love about this crew is that they're concerned about, and supportive of, getting healthy as a whole person and not just as a meatsack of muscle tissue. I've not heard anyone mention it as such, but there's a lot of focus on whole-human wellness here in addition to cheering you on as you lose weight/deadlift mountains/run all the marathons.

That's why I like this place, too. Before coming here, I made the mistake of checking out some body-building forums. I posted a brief progress-to-date summary and it was basically, "Omg, why haven't you got further by now, all you have to do is do Starting Strength and eat a lot," which I tried to explain didn't work (it just made me fat), so it took some time to find what worked for me. This didn't jive with the meat-heads though. Clinging to dogma, being a jerk is manly, etc. Much prefer the atmosphere here!

On an absolutely unrelated note...Daniel, I was not prepared for the new avatar. I caught it briefly as I was scrolling through and thought, "Omigah, Chris Isaak joined the rebellion!!!"

I haven't heard Chris Isaak before, but I can live with that, thank you! I was actually doing an Edward Cullen impersonation in that picture, because people are always like, "OMG you look like Robert Pattinson." I'd rather be compared to Chris Isaak, but I'll take what I can get!

My blog ---> www.thewallenway.com

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