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Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

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True as most of us did awake and did not found themselfs extinct. But it is a good reminder, that change can happen, every day. And it does for the living.

I am First, and I am dead.

As of this moment, we are all dead.

We go into battle to reclaim our lives.

This we do gladly, for we are Jem'Hadar.

Remember: Victory is Life!

(for everyone who doesn't know where the Quote comes from, I envy you for the oportunity to see the (in my opinion) best Star Trek series (DS9) for the first time.)

Aren't most people realy only living dead? Getting up, going to work having the same boring empty routine every day all over again, spiced with some tasteless food? How comes, people see Matrix as dystopian Science Fiction, while they are nothing more than batteries for other peoples?

Well, i have been there and i do not know the answers.

The road so far.

I have been quite a slim teen, with my 63kg on 181cm, who loved pc games, books and his TV (Knight Rider, Mac Gyver and Star Trek been some of my favorites :)).

So when i went to university, i still loved to play pc-games. Diablo 2, Counter Strike to many beers and smokes made my 63kg some solid 100kg. But is was quite a first year, spend going out drinking and playing. But the 15-20 beers a day don't realy do anything good for you. So i dropped out of university and started to work. And from one day to the other i stopped drinking too, for about a year (lucky me, no withdrawl no problems, it wasn't even hard, just didn't felt the wish to drink alcohol). At least i stoped drinking alcohol, but my addiction was Coke, 2-4l a day.

Bloody mistake.

But lets make a list.

Rayen the first 30 years

On the plus side:


I had a training in a publishing house

I had a training as a medic


I have been to



England and Scotland, Spain, Hungary, Italy Germany (as a european quite a focus on europe)


Live was quite good to me.

On the down side

Job I wasn't that happy

And it is getting harder to become a job with a good pay.


I was obese with 130 kg

I was smoking to much (in my 12 years of smoking i blew 16000€ into the air, while poisioning myself, in a good fond that money would have been a solid gournd for investments and if i would have saved all my smoking money for the rest of my working live into a fond I would have a nice age with 650 000€ on the side without ever missing something)


Yep the last 5 years (is it plus or minus?)

So there are some plus and some minus and i can't say that i lived anything else than a good life beeing able to afford what ever I wanted.

But hey than you get older. Going out with young friends leaves you wasted for a week, smoking while still fun when socialicing is taking its toll, and while working you realice, damned, there is to few free time.

And than you have to decide if you hang in the ropes or cut loose and jump.

So i jumped.

Rayen the years from 31

Well, they just started. This year. And did you know, 30 is the new 18? so 31 is only 19, and there are still posibilitys out there to have fun see the world and find the one women to spend the next few years with.

On the I did list

I stoped smoking (easy with Allen Carrs Book)

I started to watch every movie and TV Series in english to train my english (and to save some money)

I stoped drinking coke (ok sometimes there is the red bull cola but only sometimes)

I started to eat more clean paleo (Hell I love steak :)) and lost 30 kg (97 something at the moment) but fell of the wagon and struggeling to come back

I startet with yayog and had fun, but struggeling at the moment too. (Ill and now at the restart got some serios headake from my visit at the dentist)

I enrolled for university to become a teacher

On the to do list


Get back on Track with sports and paleo and down to 80 something, but than more muscles and more kg would be ok too...

Living healthy on a tight budget with €5 for meals a day.

Doing Yayog to an end

Restart with martial arts or yoga (don't know now) or start with weight training.


Become a teacher

Personal life

Find a regular group of people to play all that ameritrash games i buy and love.

Find a regular group of people to play P&P RPG

Find the right woman

Stop wasting time on the internet, specially frequent visits on uninteressting forums or facebook, limiting that to one or two times a day.


Plug a vandalism Swich to my PC and work it into my desk.

Build a Deskcase for a PC

To lay new flooring into my flat

To get the damned lights to work in my flat (i am sick of the dark inside, but still like it outside :))


To travel to Japan.




Somewhere in Southamerica (don't know where at the moment)


And maybe the USA.(gotta stop watching ciminal minds if i want to go there :) )

So thats it for now.

And a final Quote from Ds9

"I am Rayen. I'm very much alive and I intend to stay that way."

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Wow, love your intro! Your goals are epic indeed. :) It sounds like you've already done a lot toward your goals so you're well on your way. I am trying to do paleo/primal on a budget too. So far it's been good but it is easy to go overboard with expensive meats and produce. I take it as a personal challenge to create tasty, healthy meals that are also not expensive. I'm focusing more on yoga, too...it helps me with flexibility and balance, which in turn helps me in all my other goals.

Love Criminal Minds. Love DS9. You will fit in well here, I think. :) Welcome!

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