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Freyja, from the cold northern plains of Canada

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Good morning everyone!

Though I'm not totally new to the concept of running and lifting weights, I am here to learn how to do it properly. I am also here to meet awesome people with similar fitness goals to my own and build my support team. I wrote a little bit about myself in my profile description, but I suppose I should provide more details here...


Height: 5"5

CW: 126 lbs

GW: A weight where I have lots of muscle and a flat tummy, I guess.

Waist: 27.5"

Bicep: TBA

Earlier this year I was training for races, so I was running long distances 3 times a week, with some weightlifting and cycling in between. I can happily say that I completed a 10K and a half-marathon this past summer. I recently starting training with a heart monitor and running shorter distances 4X per week. I have no real ambition to run a full marathon yet, though maybe that's a future challenge for me.

I've taken an interest in the Paleo/Primal lifestyle and I have been reading all the free literature I can get my hands on.

I hope to become a stronger and leaner version of myself without starving myself or having to run a million miles. I recently joined the Dumbbell Division and I expect to start next week.

Off the topic of fitness, I'm incredibly interested in writing, reading, obscure music, archaeology/anthropology, nutrition, and anything Lovecraftian. If you want to chat about any of these things, please send me a message! :)

Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free. - Jim Morrison :star:

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Looks like we signed up on the same day, at about the same time. I haven't even posted an "I'm here" post like yours yet. If you've already done a half marathon, I think you're past being new to runnin- been there, done that and it takes some mileage (or since you're Canadian should that be kilometerage?) to get that point. Welcome aboard, see ya around.

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Huh, what a coincidence! I guess we have good timing? ;)

I was honestly nervous about posting an "I'm here" post. I never know what to write about myself, and I tend to come off as a little eccentric (crazy?). I'm glad it was interesting enough to at least garner two responses!

I only consider myself new to running, because I made the mistake of immersing myself in the running culture this past year. Most runners are highly competitive, and set their goals exceedingly high. Most seasoned runners have not only run one 10K or half-marathon, they have run dozens. So relatively speaking, I'm still a running n00b. I measured my distance in mileage, because mentally it makes my runs seem shorter and more bearable somehow. Instead of thinking "Damn, I have to run 19.2K this weekend", I think "Hey, I only have to run 12 miles this weekend." Little mind games like that help tremendously with motivation.

I love the lawn gnome zombies, by the way!

Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free. - Jim Morrison :star:

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Hey Daniel,

I tend to write a lot of essays for university, and some in my spare time. For fun, I write poetry, lyrics, and short stories. I stopped writing or doing anything creative this summer due to a major depressive episode. NerdFitness inspired me to kick my own butt, and crawl out of my deep, dark hole of depressive thoughts.

Recently, I've been listening to Linkin Park's 1000 suns album. Not so obscure, I know, but I love the direction they took with that album. They did a beautiful job of combining musical genres and sonic textures. Here's a shortlist of bands/albums that I like or have been listening to lately:

1. The Stiletto Formal - Fiesta Fiesta Fiesta Fiesta

2. TOOL - Lateralus

3. Cyberpunkers - I Needed to Go [EP]

4. mind.in.a.box - Crossroads

5. Amon Amarth - Surtur Rising

6. ohGr - unDeveloped

7. Siouxsie Sioux and the Banshees - Tinderbox

8. The Mars Volta - De-loused in the Comatorium

Favourite genres: industrial, electro-industrial, EBM, (black/melodic black/thrash/progressive/folk) metal, classic rock, classical, and some folk/indie for when I'm feeling particularly soft and girly.

I redirect the same question to you...what are your favourite genres/artists/bands?

Thank you! It was quite an experience. :)

Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free. - Jim Morrison :star:

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You crawled out of the hole, and that's the important part. I submerged out of my personal dark hole around 3 years ago, and am happy you made it out, too! I'm more a blog write myself but am intrigued in writing a novel someday. Probably will focus on the blogs for now, but will start that long-term project soon.

Okay, you have excellent taste in music. I haven't heard of 3 of those, and just wrote down to look them up, given the solidness of the others. Amon Amarth, Siouxsie, and Mars Volta are three of my favorite bands. Crazy.

Here's some obscure-ish ones for you. Hopefully something new for you to check out!

Blitzkid (rockabilly/punk)

Girl Talk (dance/DJ)

Skeleton Witch (metal)

Astronautalis (indie/hip-hop--guy does some crazy free-styling live, he's insanely impressive)

Dresden Dolls (pop-ish, hard to describe)

My blog ---> www.thewallenway.com

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Nah, not crazy. More eccentric or interesting than anything else.

Wish I could claim credit for the zombie gnomes (z-gnomes?) but my son found those. I have been getting a lot of mileage out of them though.

Know what you mean about hanging around hardcore runners. The guy who runs the local running store I frequent has about his race numbers from somewhere around 50 marathons posted around the shop. I like running, but there are too many other things I like to do to spend that much time and effort to get that good at running. Plus, the really hard core ones are just so SKINNY. I did run the Marine Corps marathon in DC my senior year at West Point. Don't know that I ever need to run another one, but I'm glad I did it and it does boost your confidence to know that you can actually prepare yourself to do something as insane as run 26.2 miles. If you prepped for a half marathon, you've already learned a lot of what it takes to hit your other goals. Now it's just setting them, planning how to get to them and then doing it.

Siouxsie and the Banshees, huh? I used to listen to them in high school and college, probably before yours or Daniel's parents even met. Might have to check out the other bands both of you recommended once I get back to a decent internet connection in the States (I think we're using tin cans and baling wire here with a server powered by two emaciated hamsters). If you both like classic rock, ever check out Heartless Bastards or the Detroit Cobras? Neither is old classic nor are they cover bands, but are kind of in an updated vein.

What guilds are you two leaning toward? I'm pretty sure I belong in Ranger- too much of a generalist for anything else.

DANIEL- Kingsport, huh? I grew up in Memphis. Small world running into another Tennesseean in Afghanistan, even if it is on a web forum. First time I was here in 2004 I was living in a compound called The Alamo. I didn't think that was such a good given what happend the last time a bunch of us were in a place called the Alamo....

Time to get my day going (even though it's 2:30 pm- day off and I'm being a slug). Later.


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I'm not fully out of the metaphorical hole yet, but I'm desperately clawing my way out. There are good days and bad days, but I'm attempting to create more of the former than the latter. (I'm also attempting to use the conjunction 'but' less often...) I kept up a blog this summer; however, I closed it down recently when I noticed that it became self-deprecating and self-flagellating in nature rather than inspiring. I may start it up again, but with a different statement of intent (BUT AGAIN! ARGH!). I think it's best to start big project, like a novel, in smaller, digestible chunks. The worst mistakes budding authors make is starting enormous projects and never finishing. I'm afflicted by the same too-much-ambition-too-little-motivation disorder...

Thank you for the compliment. I'm glad I gave you some new and different music to listen to! I hope you enjoy the music.

I've heard of 2/5 of the bands you have listed, so I'll make sure to check out the ones I haven't heard. I absolutely adore the Dresden Dolls. I normally dub them 'Cabaret Noir' or 'Dark Cabaret'. Mostly because when I listen to their music, it evokes images of creepy old theaters in my mind. Perhaps I'm the only one? That aside, Amanda Palmer is my musical heroine! ...and the fact she is married to the one and only Neil Gaiman makes her even cooler in my books. No pun intended. ;) I'm happy to meet a fellow lover of obscure music...we are few and far between. I don't know anyone who appreciates the Mars Volta. If I ask someone whether or not they've heard of them, I normally get blank stares. Go figure.



I think eccentric is the most appropriate descriptor--and opinionated. I like to think those are positive qualities to have. Maybe I'm wrong.

Heh, Z-Gnomes. I like it.

I've stopped frequenting running stores on account of the overwhelming snobbery emanating from the employees. I have walked in a number of times looking for help to find running shoes, gels or other running paraphernalia and have been met with condescending attitudes. Not that I haven't experienced good customer service, it's just rare. I also expect to be treated like an equal (you know, a human being) rather than an inexperienced runner who clearly isn't as hardcore as s/he is. [cue eye rolling here] I have a hard time spending hours upon hours doing an activity that's so hard on the joints when I could be doing other, less harmful and more fulfilling activities.

Hah, that's fantastic! I would have loved to have been at the height of the goth/post-punk musical movement. The music and fashion styles were so much more innovative back then--mostly because they had to be. You couldn't just walk into your local Hot Topic and get your Starter-Goth or Starter-Punk kit like you can now. Oi. Sorry, my cynicism is showing.

I haven't heard of Heartless Bastards or the Detroit Cobras, but I will add them to my growing list of music recommendations.

I'm not sure what guild I'd really fit into. Probably one that's not full of extremists. Realistically, I don't desire huge muscles or a six-pack. I'd just like to fit into skinny jeans and feel good about my body. In sum, I'm looking for a good workout-work-life balance. As someone recovering from a severe case of exercise bulimia and anorexia, I don't want to slip back into thinking about nutrition and working out all the time. Unfortunately, I relapse more than I'd like to admit. Any suggestions?

Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free. - Jim Morrison :star:

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Welcome Freyja. I hope you'll enjoy being a part of the NF community.

Maybe this will help you; however, on the other hand, nevertheless, still, yet, though, although... and except, disregarding, without, not including, aside from, passing over, barring, omitting, etc. Now you will never have to use but, EVER again.

Ash nazg durbatulûk

Îα είσαι καλÏτεÏος άνθÏωπος από τον πατέÏα σου

â–²STR 7 | DEX 11 | STA 6 | CON 6 | WIS 9 | CHA 5â–²



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Thank you for the suggestions, Tocho. I was aware of these different conjunctions... I think the trouble is that I'm just a terribly lazy editor. I didn't notice I had such a problem until I edited my recent posts. Looks like I have a serious case of the 'Buts'. ;)

Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free. - Jim Morrison :star:

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"Amanda Palmer is my musical heroine! ...and the fact she is married to the one and only Neil Gaiman makes her even cooler in my books."

NEIL-F$%@KING-GAIMAN'S WIFE IS A MUSCIAN!??!?!? I did not know that. I will have to check her out when I get a chance (If you read NG, you obviously have some appreciation for fantasy. Found a series this year called The Iron Druid Chronicles by a guy named Kevin Hearne. Main character is a 2000 year old Druid - damned good thing this is a nerd forum - and at one point is explaining "to squee" to a vampire - extra damned good this is a nerd forum - and explains it as making a noise like a high school freshman girl upon meeting one of your heroes, for instance like the time the Druid squeed upon running into NEIL EFFFING GAIMAN coming out of an elevator. But I digress.)

Metaphysical hole- I think I have a couple of years on you, and what I can tell you is that most people have those. I remember it seeming, okay seeming hell, being bad back late in high school and going into college. What I can tell you is just relax and let yourself have some fun. Don't take everything so seriously, because if you're not screwing up -sometimes with disgusting regularity- you're just not trying. Make some mistakes, but just make sure you learn from them, then don't make them again. When you try something and it doesn't

T work, congrats- you just found one of the ways to NOT do whatever it is you're trying. And enjoy the process. I'll hit 50 right around Christmas, and I still get a huge thrill out of going down a hill on a sled, or on my bike, or just finding a neat bug I've never seen before. I really think the day we stop learning and playing is the day we start dying. If I'm too young for that, you're SURE as hell too young for it, but (hehe - worked the "b" word in there again) I think the fact that you're looking for support at a place like this shows you already know that.

As for the punk era, it was pretty cool, but don't romanticize it too much. We also had disco, and I was just coming out of wearing bell bottoms (city I grew up in was stuck in a bit of a time warp). I did have an aunt who used to perform in drag shows at a gay club who introduced me to a lot of that music, though. I bet I was the only cadet at West Point who habitually wore a hoodie from a screamingly gay show bar.

CRAP!!! I wrote a LOT. I'll try to a better job of self editing in the future. Oh yeah- guild (although looks like they've just rearranged everything). If you like doing a variety of stuff, go for Ranger. If you're just not sure and are looking to just get fitter and lose some weight, go for Adventurer, then figure it out from there. I already joined Ranger, but still can't figure out how to get the bloody crest on my signature.

Later- Jeff

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I'm not fully out of the metaphorical hole yet, but I'm desperately clawing my way out. There are good days and bad days, but I'm attempting to create more of the former than the latter. (I'm also attempting to use the conjunction 'but' less often...) I kept up a blog this summer; however, I closed it down recently when I noticed that it became self-deprecating and self-flagellating in nature rather than inspiring. I may start it up again, but with a different statement of intent (BUT AGAIN! ARGH!). I think it's best to start big project, like a novel, in smaller, digestible chunks. The worst mistakes budding authors make is starting enormous projects and never finishing. I'm afflicted by the same too-much-ambition-too-little-motivation disorder...

Thank you for the compliment. I'm glad I gave you some new and different music to listen to! I hope you enjoy the music.

I've heard of 2/5 of the bands you have listed, so I'll make sure to check out the ones I haven't heard. I absolutely adore the Dresden Dolls. I normally dub them 'Cabaret Noir' or 'Dark Cabaret'. Mostly because when I listen to their music, it evokes images of creepy old theaters in my mind. Perhaps I'm the only one? That aside, Amanda Palmer is my musical heroine! ...and the fact she is married to the one and only Neil Gaiman makes her even cooler in my books. No pun intended. ;) I'm happy to meet a fellow lover of obscure music...we are few and far between. I don't know anyone who appreciates the Mars Volta. If I ask someone whether or not they've heard of them, I normally get blank stares. Go figure.

Writing serves as great therapy for me, but yeah, I've had the same struggle in the past. I started writing a book once to deal with a relationship that ended on a sour note, and it quickly turned into an angst-fest. No good.

Dark Cabaret is a good term, care if I steal it? Did you get to listen to any of those bands? Yes, I'm troubled by the general lack of interested in discovering new/unique/different music/movies/etc. in most people. Happy to meet someone else who swims against the current! I get blank stares any time music is brought out. I just always find myself hoping no one utters the term "Nickleback" as this usually produces epic twitching on my part. *Shudder*

My blog ---> www.thewallenway.com

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