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I have been exploring the site and forum for the past month or so and have finally gotten to that tipping point everyone seems to get to where enough is enough! I need to get with the program and stick to it! But first, a little about myself.

I'm Canadian, 22 years old, and just starting out my final year to get my Information Systems Technology degree with a major in networking. Pretty exciting stuff! So I definitely have the nerd part covered! Fitness.... not so much. I have an extremely difficult time gaining weight, currently I'm at 125.2lbs and stand 6 feet tall. Clearly I am not doing something right.

I have fallen victim to the classic "advice from friends/co-workers" in the past, and I think the biggest problem with that is the difference in body type. I don't know anyone else trying to GAIN weight, and that really puts a damper on things. Like everyone else, I'm here for help. But in my case I need to gain mass. My strategy thus far has been just eating what is put in front of me, and a lot of it (still living at home to afford school). But that's just not doing it. I regularly eat until I feel like exploding, and I've gone down the weight gain shakes route as well. But the only results I see are maybe 3-5lbs gain one day and then immediately back down to 125lbs in no time. FRUSTRATING!!! Short term goal, I want to see 130lbs! I've never reached it.

As far as working out goes, I've only really taken some initiative on that recently with some push-ups and kettle-bell exercises. But I would be lying if I said I've been sticking with it.

I know I need to solidify this to myself by setting goals or I will never stick with it, and I would really like to be the size and shape of a normal looking person by Christmas time when I go to Vancouver to see my siblings and extended family.

I'll have to take some pictures, but I am an extremely skinny build and have a really deep dent (for lack of a better word) in my chest. All guys have one to some degree, but in my case I have a short sternum that makes it especially huge. Basically, it makes me look even more skinny!!!

Any help would be SO appreciated, I feel overwhelmed with information and don't know where to start. I have a few foods written down that I should probably try to eat, and same with exercises... But I really need someone to help me tailor a weekly ritual of meals/snacks and work-outs so that I can get started the right way. No more waiting around, time to get my degree and look good doing it!

I can't wait to become part of the community and get to know everyone!

P.S. I have a full replica/prop quality Stormtrooper armor that I would REALLY like to fit properly into... just doesn't look right when you can see through cracks in the armor pieces, that's a side goal :P

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Hey Radude,

Grats on joinng and that school work.

Now I take it by mass you mean muscle and not just any old mass?

Post your an example of your diet so people can get an idea of what your eating. For putting on muscle the general rule is 1gram of protein per pound of body weight. So you'll need 125 grams of protein to start out.

The Frist thing I going to tell you to do is stop looking at that scale everyday. Get a tape measure and figure out your numbers, write them down.

Second part sticking with it is key, your diet and the workout. Sorry no short cuts. Unless you want to get fat that is.

Cheers, J.

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Haha, definitely not out to get fat. Muscle gain would be ideal. As far as diet, a typical day starts with Oatmeal and a cup of coffee to get me out the door. Then a snack before lunch, usually a fruit like banana or apple.... sometimes granola bar. Then lunch I will typically have leftovers from dinner. So that's everything from steak to pizza, depending on the day. Then I try to have something when I get home, usually another snack item. Then dinner. I really try to take a lot of food for my lunch and dinners, but even as I actually write down everything I can start to see where improvements need to happen. That's even an ideal day, a lot of other days I get lazy if the parents aren't home and I'll have the Mac&Cheese dinner or chicken fingers and fries.

To clarify, I would like to build up my arms and chest. With more chest muscle it would fill in the gap I have and potentially enhance the appearance of muscles. I don't expect short cuts, but I do need a lot of help to get started. What can I say, I'm a data gatherer! I have to have every bit of information before I can commit and make it happen. I'm not even sure that I have a tape measure around the house either.... might have to invest in one

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I can use the school gym for free since it is a college and I do pay stupid amounts of money to be there. The biggest block for me is that I want to find someone to go with. I have never been to a gym before and I'm self conscious about knowing what to do and being so scrawny. As a cop-out I am all for bodyweight workouts at home!

But you're right, there is no reason why I can't start today! Even if they're just little steps. I am going to go chug some milk and set my alarms early so I have time to make bacon tomorrow.

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Have you tried to log and calculate how much calories you consume per day? It might sound like oversimplifying but basicly you just need to find out how much your body needs to gain muscle/mass. I'm following a blog of some guy that says (and i believe it) he needs over 6000kcal per day just to keep from loosing mass. The stuff he eats everyday is way past impressiv.. i'd explode trying to eat that much ;). Milk as mentioned can help a lot to eat more calories, nuts and 'fatty' stuff too. Maybe if you start to log what you eat and look at the calories its easier to see how much to add..

Level 2   Human   Ranger

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STR 7.7  CON 4.8  Battle Log  We are Rangers.DEX 2.0  WIS 2.9               We walk in the dark places no others will enter.STA 4.9  CHA 3.3               We stand on the bridge, and no one may pass.


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I know your young but 125 seems awfully skinny for 6ft tall. I would get a full blood work test ask about your hormone levels. You may have hyperthyroidism it is not as uncommon as you may think. Your physician will prescribe the right medication if needed then you can follow all the other diet advice.

Race: Mul (Dark Sun, AD&D)

Profession: Battle Monk


Str/4 Dex/3 Con/4 Wis/2 Cha/2

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