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New member, with a friend soon to follow.

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Hows it going everyone? Names Nozza, outside name's Rob. Nice to meet all of you.

Came across this site when I was looking for motivation for my friend and I searching for "ways to incorporate experience/Levelling to your work out," And came across the wonderful profession and level up your life articles. Within a few paragraphs I was convinced. With a text, my friend/workout partner was also convinced.

So a bit about myself, that dark nubian visage of badassery in that picture? Not me, I'm the goofy looking ogre bastard in that side picture. Which, the goofy doesn't bother me. Nor does the size really. I've always been bigger. And strong. I decided to work out to increase my endurance, and benefit my health. I guess I would have to say, with what I read from the profession article i'd say I was stuck with being dealt a warrior. Possibly a Ranger--And that's what I'm looking forward to train towards.

I've also always been a nerd, my father taught me of RPGs at an early age, and i've been hooked ever since. Reading, art, history, science...if it's something new I'd like to read it or learn about it. I'm really unsure of what else to throw in here other than just hello to everyone.


After my daily routine, I'm feeling a bit more wordy.

As I stated, stumbled upon this site, this community, this rebellion on accident and was immediately drawn in. I've already started my journey before I made it here, but isn't that rule one? Not where you came from but where you go? So I'm going to assume any of the progress I've made thus far was my journey from level 0 to level 1. And this evening at the gym I was already drawing up my plans for my path to level 50.

Through my browsing on the Recruitment Hall boards I noticed one of the older members(possibly a mod?) had said the forum server had just switched and the challenges and class forums/stickies would be back up that pointed us in a direction of what kind of baseline to follow for leveling. As stated above I personally am looking more towards Warrior/Ranger. I passed through the Adventurer board momentarily, but I don't recall seeing a writeup on the original article of them--So any help or knowledge would be welcomed.

As far as what I can bring to the table, The days will surely tell what I extra I can bring, but I know I can bring kind and encouraging words, and a strong good nature competitive spirit to share.

Level 1 Male Orc Adventurer Str 3|Dex 2|Sta 2|Con 2|Wis 4|Cha 2

MyFitnessPal[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]My Challenge

-When your base is ashes, then you have my permission to GG.-

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Welcome! Enjoyed reading your intro, and I love that you're already envisioning your path to Level 50. :) Right this second I'm not sure where the "helpful info" stickies are...you're right, the forums did undergo some major maintenance recently and since then the usual challenge info links haven't been working. I imagine they'll pop up again in some obvious location soon. Or, you can just wait until the next challenge, which is like a week and a half away...they'll post up all the details with the new challenge sign-up link, I'm sure.

Glad to have you! Look forward to seeing you around the boards.

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Thanks! I was doing some browsing, the challenges and mini challenges I did have a question on. I'm assuming the six week personal challenges people were posting were based off the structure of a baseline challenge and customized to fit their own personal goals? Same with the mini challenges?

Level 1 Male Orc Adventurer Str 3|Dex 2|Sta 2|Con 2|Wis 4|Cha 2

MyFitnessPal[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]My Challenge

-When your base is ashes, then you have my permission to GG.-

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Thanks! I was doing some browsing, the challenges and mini challenges I did have a question on. I'm assuming the six week personal challenges people were posting were based off the structure of a baseline challenge and customized to fit their own personal goals? Same with the mini challenges?

For the 6-Week Challenges, you get to set whatever goals best fit you. The basic structure of that is outlined in detail in an archive-hidden thread here that ERMAGERD SHOULD BE STICKIED because your question is both legit and common. You just set 3 fitness goals and 1 life goal for the challenge, all of your own choosing. The mini-challenges are usually flexible enough that you can decide for yourself how to achieve them.

I'm not sure if that was exactly what you were looking for, so feel free to ask for any clarifications if you need. Also, welcome aboard! :)

Wood Elf Ranger

LEVEL 1, It don't mean a thing if I don't hear that ding: My Epic Quest


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Welcome to the forums and to the rebellion! I think it's great that you already have a buddy in real life to help you work towards your goals here, hopefully you can keep each other motivated and we will try to keep you motivated as well. I look forward to watching you climb to level 50!

arcticMaiden the Unshakeable

Arctic Adventurer - Level 3
Epic Quest || Travel Blog || Challenge 1 || Challenge 2 || Current Challenge

STR: 8 / DEX: 7 / STA: 9 / CON: 9 / WIS: 6 / CHA: 6

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Cyninga- Sambie has been personally helping me out and breaking things down about some stuff I didnt understand. He's been very helpful with answering my questions. He actually pretty much outlined that whole thread for me and has been even giving me some suggestions on how to deal with transition with diet. But thank you for that thread link, with it, I can now print of a clean cut copy.

arcticMaiden- It is awesome having a companion to start off. We've been buddies for a while and he's been wanting to bulk up and help motivate me to slim down. He said he's sign up but combined working two SIN jobs, and school, he's not had much time to sit down and read through things like I have. I posted over in the base camp about where we had been failing at, and worked out a new routine that suits both of us that we're going to be putting to the test today(well for him, I did a run through on saturday and was impressed with the results).

But again, thanks for everyone being so supportive and helpful!

Level 1 Male Orc Adventurer Str 3|Dex 2|Sta 2|Con 2|Wis 4|Cha 2

MyFitnessPal[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]My Challenge

-When your base is ashes, then you have my permission to GG.-

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For the 6-Week Challenges, you get to set whatever goals best fit you. The basic structure of that is outlined in detail in an archive-hidden thread here that ERMAGERD SHOULD BE STICKIED because your question is both legit and common. You just set 3 fitness goals and 1 life goal for the challenge, all of your own choosing. The mini-challenges are usually flexible enough that you can decide for yourself how to achieve them.

I'm not sure if that was exactly what you were looking for, so feel free to ask for any clarifications if you need. Also, welcome aboard! :)

OMG CD, do you have ANY IDEA how many minutes (okay maybe like an hour) I spent employing all my search term prowess looking for that fracking thread in the archives?!? I wanted to send it to Nozza too....I knew I had seen several people link to it over the recent weeks but couldn't find ANY of those posts this weekend when I was actually searching for them. Gah! So glad you posted this. Bookmarking the crap out of it right. now. :)

So yeah, Nozza, def check out all the info on that thread if you're still unclear on the challenge specifics. Super helpful (that's the link I used when I was just starting to get all my stuff figured out).

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