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A Rebel's Introduction

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Howdy everyone, I just joined here a couple days ago and I just wanted to chime in and introduce myself. My fellow digital junkies call me Lancor, the very few humanoids that get a chance to see me emerge from my server room call me Brandon. I'm married (almost 6 years) and have 2 children (one girl (age 5), one boy (age3)).

I'm very glad to be here, to give you a little background on myself. I was a very active child/teenager, always biking, hiking, running, lifting heavy stuff, basically getting the job done regardless of the effort required. This active lifestyle kept me in very good shape. At 16-17 yrs old I was 5'-10" and 175-180lbs. I was not squishy, jiggly, or in any way considered "fluffy". My doctors would always ask me how much I worked out, or if I lifted weights. I never did (in a traditional sense). I never had to work at it to stay solid. That is, until my Sr. year of High School...

...I was 17 years old and I woke up one morning and couldn't get out of bed. The pain I was experiencing can not be described in words. After many weeks using crutches, my parents helping me out of bed in the morning and endless trips to specialists around our state. A rheumatologist diagnosed my symptoms as consistent with Ankylosing Spondylitis. The quick definition...Basically a chronic, inflammatory arthritis and autoimmune disease. Mainly effecting the spine and sacroiliac joint in the pelvis. Although I experience pain my my hips, hands, neck, back and shoulders. Needless to say, this put a damper on my "active lifestyle". Unfortunately, it did not put a damper on my eating habits. They pretty much stayed the same. Fast Forward ------> Now that I'm 24, I hit the worst shape of my life in June of this year. Clocking in at 240lb, and by now considered "very squishy". I have trouble with any exercise (Pain, out of breath, tired, etc.). Thankfully, I have been able to manage most of my pain, unfortunately only with extensive trials of many different medications. I finally got fed up with being "fat" and out of shape. In the beginning of July I overhauled my diet in an extreme way. I cut out all sugar, almost all carbs (except those from veggies), all processed foods, and most fat. I also greatly increased my protein intake. Just enough to keep my muscles from being used for fuel. It's been 9 weeks and I've lost just over 40lbs (last weigh-in was 197.4). I have so much more energy now than before, I'm not nearly as fatigued as I used to be after a normal days work. Finding NerdFitness has pushed me to focus more on getting healthier, stronger and "leveling up my life" than straight weight loss.

Sorry for the essay, long story short...I'm here for the long-run. I'm pumped about getting stronger, bigger, faster and maybe getting a few levels completed in this game we call life. Any tips, tricks or comments are greatly appreciated. I would like to start my journey this weekend if I can get this latest pain flare-up suppressed. If anyone else has dealt with arthritis while leveling up your life, let me know. I would love to know how you got started and what you recommend.

Thanks for bearing with me, hope everyone is having a great Saturday. And may the Triforce be with you!!!

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Welcome! Enjoyed reading your background story. Wow, sounds like you have been through the ringer with your medical condition. Props to you for your hard work to turn your health around! Your progress so far is amazing...it takes commitment and drive to make those changes, especially in the face of excruciating pain. You are to be commended, sir.

I haven't dealt with arthritis myself, so I don't have any advice to offer there. I will say there are hundreds of Rebels on the forums so I imagine you'll start to find others with similar situations. You might also try searching some of the boards...there is a "Search Forum" option on the right hand side of each forum page...I bet if you put "arthritis" in there you'll find some good info. Seriously, the "Search Forum" feature has been my favorite discovery since joining...I got so much good info re: my goals, workouts, and diet just by searching some key terms.

So glad you're here! Look forward to seeing you around the boards. :)

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Wow, good for you. I'm sure it was hard I have trained so many people with auto immune issues and arthritis it's not easy but you can do it. I would suggest swimming in a pool used by seniors (they keep them warmer). YMCA's are a good place to find warm pools. Do your weight training as comfort allows. You probably know best.

Race: Mul (Dark Sun, AD&D)

Profession: Battle Monk


Str/4 Dex/3 Con/4 Wis/2 Cha/2

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No matter how much pain I'm in...Even if I can't walk. If I hop into a pool, all my pain goes away. It's amazing how much it helps to take the pressure off my spine and give those nerves and tissue some room to breathe instead of being pinched.

This weekend I didn't have much time to do any formal exercise routine. I spent 4 hours on Sunday moving logs (150-300lb) across a yard, splitting and stacking them. Managed to get about 30 weighted squats in there. (The log I was holding was about 110lbs). This morning I expected my body to fight me back but after I got moving this morning...I'm feeling great. I might go back and continue on the project later if time allows. I have good days and bad days...today, good day so far. Minimal pain, joint stiffness is receding...no complaints here.

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No matter how much pain I'm in...Even if I can't walk. If I hop into a pool, all my pain goes away. It's amazing how much it helps to take the pressure off my spine and give those nerves and tissue some room to breathe instead of being pinched.

This weekend I didn't have much time to do any formal exercise routine. I spent 4 hours on Sunday moving logs (150-300lb) across a yard, splitting and stacking them. Managed to get about 30 weighted squats in there. (The log I was holding was about 110lbs). This morning I expected my body to fight me back but after I got moving this morning...I'm feeling great. I might go back and continue on the project later if time allows. I have good days and bad days...today, good day so far. Minimal pain, joint stiffness is receding...no complaints here.

Firewood workout w00t! :) I love that we live in a rural area and use firewood to heat our house in the winter...so many ways to build a workout around firewood. Also glad to hear you're having a good day today so far! :)

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I'm all for getting some exercise while making progress on "chores". If you're not doing walking lunges while carrying that boulder from that ditch you're digging to the woods, you're doing it wrong. :) Fun stuff...spent 4 hours after work doing that yesterday (My back sure is sore today.)

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