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hiiiiiii!! my names joan (said like JOEANN) or my friends call me jizzle...i like long walks on the beach...candlelit dinners...fan-service friendly animes (see HIGH SCHOOL OF THE DEAD)...pink glittery shiny things....oh wait. this is a fitness site right? whoops!

soooo anyways. i need help. obviously. thats why were all here right?! first....uhm. how does this whole membership thingie work? like how do i post a member pic?....hmm....i forgot what i was supposed to do....introductions yes?

well really quickly (hopefully)....im a retired nerd who decided that hanging out with the cool kids and being the ultra cool and fun partygirl was a more satisfying lifestyle. and when i say ultracool and fun...i mean disgustingly drunk and sloppy. needless to say im far from satisfied. so after 6 years of b/s...which is typical for most girls that live this lifestyle (abusive relationships, self-degradation, terrible health blah blah blah)...ive decided that im done pretending to be someone im not and go back to my roots and get healthy (yes in that order). and lo and behold....NERDFITNESS has arrived on its white horse to rescue me. thank you babyjesus.

i can go on and on cuz i like talking about myself...but i like meeting new people even more. especially new people with the same goals/beliefs. and if we are to believe what steve says....all of us are smart...goodlooking...humble...modest...average joes...or joeanns. hah!

so please. im not as vapid or shallow as i probably tried to sound. im just desperate for a support system that doesnt involve drugs, sex and alcohol. and ive trolled the forums/articles since my initial discovery of NF enough times to garner the impression that everyone shares the same educated/intellectual/sarcastic humor that ive long had to bury deep within my decaying spirit. how morbid. anyways!

i have a few goals...ill just list the short term ones...

go 100% paleo in 21 days....im on day 3 and i feel fanfuckentastic. (can i say tastic?)

and halloween is right around the corner after that....so i wouldnt mind if i could fit into any costume i want....

....but overall im changing my mind and my lifestyle. soooooo herreeeeee weeee goooooooo!!!

ps. if any of this didnt make sense. its past midnight and im "studying" for economics.

pps. i like to use lowercase, parenthesis, and ellipses...alot.

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Not really sure what you mean by "retired nerd" but it sounds like you might be coming out of retirement by joining the rebellion! Huzzah!

It took me a while to figure out how to change my profile pic as well, but if you go to the link at the top labeled "Forum Actions", click and choose "Edit profile". I believe on the menu to the left on that page there will be a link for changing profile pictures :)

arcticMaiden the Unshakeable

Arctic Adventurer - Level 3
Epic Quest || Travel Blog || Challenge 1 || Challenge 2 || Current Challenge

STR: 8 / DEX: 7 / STA: 9 / CON: 9 / WIS: 6 / CHA: 6

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Welcome! How are you meeting the paleo goal? Cooking your own food? And anything else you doing to work towards that costume? Good luck!

THANKS!! im meeting the paleo goal ALOT easier than i thought i would. i havent cheated. and if ive strayed at all its because i didnt know and im still unaware of whats okay and whats not. but for the most part yes..i cook my own food. or i try to stick to foods in their rawest form. so pretty much ive been consuming alot of fruits, veggies, nuts and eggs/chicken/turkey....and its not too terrible. the only thing i miss is the sugar. im a candy kid through and through. and i miss cookies. wah. but how im feeling tastes waaaay better than any sourpatch kid. and before i started the paleo diet i was working out 30-90 min a day varying from cardio/yoga/pilates. thanks for the support!! :D

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Not really sure what you mean by "retired nerd" but it sounds like you might be coming out of retirement by joining the rebellion! Huzzah!

huzzaaaah indeed!!! retired in the sense that i had to give up the things i hold dear (reading, gaming, comics, etc) and pretend to be dumb to hang out with the people who really were dumb so i could party and fit in. BUT NO MORE. and not to say that people who party are dumb....just this group of people specifically were very undesirable and very uneducated. and thanks for the pic tip...i owe you my first born....and holy canoli. is that a hula hoop?!?! O.o

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