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Nerdfighter Joining the Rebellion

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Hey guys,

My name is Lore, I'm a 22 year old recent college graduate and I am ready to level up my life.

So here's the story.

In November of 2011 I decided I wanted to lose some weight and start getting the body I wanted. Well, I joined weight watchers and while I lost weight it was ultimately not something I wanted to do forever. I don't really think calorie counting or point counting works as a long term solution because it doesn't really teach you to eat healthy, it just teaches you to eat less of the crap you are already eating. Well that's useless for me, because being skinny is fine and good, but I don't want to be malnourished, so in April of 2012 I quit weight watchers.

Then in May of this year I had my final set of finals from undergraduate and with all the stress of that and finding a job I didn't pick back up my exercise habits and things have... well I don't want to say I have gone completely backwards, because I haven't. I am still 10 lbs down from where I started, but I want to be in better shape by Christmas so that I can show off to my family. Also, I am signed up for the Disney Princess Half Marathon in February so I need to train for that. :3

During all that time I found Nerdfitness and fell in love, then I started obsessively devouring everything I could find on paleo diets, working out, body weight workouts, running, anything.

I am ready to kick this into high gear and I need buddies to do that with. I am going to be joining the 6 week challenge as soon as it starts and I will probably be posting about my progress with that over at my random-as-heck tumblr as well as on here.


So hi!

And any friends or buddies that want to encourage each other, I am always up for friends. I have an AIM account that any one can have also and it will be awesome. :)

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level: 1

str: 1 | dex: 2 | con: 3 | sta: 1 | wis: 4 | cha: 4

We do not grow absolutely, chronologically.

We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another;

unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative.

(tumblr) (challenge)


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Are you a Nerdfighter, as in John Green's Nerdfighters?!?! Regardless, you are awesome for just being here. :)

90+ Masters Weightlifter

Current Lift PRs
Snatch: 93kg/205lb // Clean and Jerk: 113kg/248lb // Back Squat: 170kg/375lb



2016 USAW Senior Nationals - 6th place

2015 USAW American Open - 8th place
2015 USAW Senior Nationals - 9th place
2014 USAW Senior Nationals - 9th place

2013 USAW Senior Nationals - 9th place


Instagram - MyFitnessPal

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