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New Rebel here! And fully committed!

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I've known about Nerd Fitness for over a year now, I've read an article here and there, but for the last couple of years haven't made the effort to really change my life.

I've worked out in the past, even did P90x, use to run a lot etc... but a few major life mistakes / near death experiences later and life just went down hill, well I'm back to retake control and have new goals to blast me past my highest peaks in life.

So a little bit about me, the last high peak in my life was age 23-25. Then I finally got my first major career started in the field I studied at school(web design/programming) making good money, body in decent and shape feeling healthy. I basically partied like it was going out of style hardcore for 2-3 straight years. I leveled in drinking, and picked up smoking, party drugs etc... build up an incredible social life, however it all cost me in the areas that matter the most. My health is no where near where it should be, built up paycheck to paycheck financial habits, learned how to get into relationships, but not how to make them work, and lost all spirituality.

I'm 34 now and divorced and rebuilding my life. Well I'm re-rolling a new character, named him AsianBourne, because Jason Bourne was one of my fav movies of all time, and I even took 4 months of Kali training because of it! Restarting over from level 0, and leveling in the Strength guide area now in the Nerd Fitness zone.

What really kicked off this new start for me was hearing about something that Tony Robbins said(I purchased his CDs, really wanting to change my entire life) and one thing he talks about is Role-modeling, finding those that have done what you wish to do and follow everything they did and take massive action. Another fav quote of his is "Wherever Focus Goes, Energy Flows" So I'm flowing it all here :)

What I've done so far this week:

  • Started drinking tons of water (over 64oz, trying to half a gallon a day - helps with sleep and rest)
  • Waking up at 6am, jumping out of bed, cooking bfast, busting out the Angry Bird workout, and still have time to take out my dog, listen to news or play a game lol
  • Going to bed around 10-11 (working to get to 10)

What I have planned within the next few months

  • Start taking Bikram Yoga
  • Start Crossfit
  • Martial Arts (Jujitsu) or Run training
  • Level up to Max on the Rebel Strenght Guide
  • Work on the other levels of life

Level Health Goals

- Get into P90x model body shape & fitness

- Get 6 pack abs (haven't seen them since I was 19)

- 50 consecutive pullups

- Hand stand pushups

- Pistol Squats (just typing that made me cringe, but I'll get there!)

Anyways, sorry for the long intro and haiz! :smug:


Assassin training to be Ranger - Level 1

Str: 2 | Dex: 4 | Sta: 4 | Con: 2 | Wis: 2 | Cha: 1

My Challenges 1 : Fitocracy : Blog

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