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This New Zealander wants to be able to experience his own country outdoors

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Hey my name is Nathan I'm 17, I weigh 120 kgs (264 pounds) and live in the great country of New Zealand. I am a gamer and have a heavy interest in computing which are both involve well next to no exercise. My family has a history over being over weight and every time I visit my grandparents my granddad always talks about how I'm getting bigger which really hurts to know that that's my grandfathers first thoughts about me. So after trying and working myself up multiple times I have decided that I want to get fitter and slimmer here are some reasons why:

1) So I can make my grandfather proud that I can actually loose weight if I want too.

2) So I can play sports and run with friends. I am really unfit and I feel real out of place and an easy target when we play sports and other games outside.

3) So I can experience the New Zealand landscape. Earlier this year I went on a school trip to the Tongariro National Park. When we were there went did the Tongariro crossing a very intense day walk. I however was unable to complete the walk I felt very humiliated in front of my classmates that I couldn't complete it someone even said that I wasn't man enough which was a real insult to me. But I want to enjoy the nature I went for a bush walk for the hell of it yesterday I made it 10 minutes into the bush before I was too tired to carry on which is pathetic.

4) So I can look better and feel better about myself. Let's face it being overweight sucks you feel like crap, you're always tired and you're constantly eating food that you instantly regret eating after you finished it.

5) So I can find that special someone. Lets face it not many chicks want to go out with a lazy guy who won't go out and spend time with her just like guys wouldn't want to go out with someone who is lazy and doesn't do things with them.

Well those are the main points as to why I want to loose weight. Now I think I'm going to have a few problems im going to face and if you guys could hook me up with advice that'd sooooo helpful.

1) My lifestyle consists of sleep, school, work, gaming and thats it no exercise but I don't know where to start to build cardio and muscle without having to spend heaps on equipment and gym equipment.

2) This is probably my biggest problem, food. I love food and I am very critiacal of food I hate maccas because it is so fake but I don't like salads because they're sooo boring. Im not a big fan on broccoli or cauliflower infact I hate them. Is there a way I can make veges taste good? If you have any recipes please send me a link or write out the recipe. Also I snack a lot is there any snacks that are fulling yet taste good and fill you up.

Well thats about it. So if you guys could help a brother out thats mean so much. Thank you in advance :)

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Welcome to the rebellion!!

You have some good motivation, and the endorphins from working out are going to make you feel so much better in general.

You've probably seen a million times here that losing weight is 80% diet and 20% exercise. So the food thing is REALLY important. We tend to have this mentality that unhealthy foods are a "treat" or "reward", but once you realize that those things are actually more of a punishment, it will be a lot easier to make good food choices. You may feel like you've earned a bowl of ice cream after a good work out, but what you've actually earned is healthy, filling food that your body needs to make the most of that workout.

Check out the "Recipe Book" under the Nutrition section, you'll find a lot of great things there.

What you said about instantly regretting what you eat, I used to have that problem ALL the time. So now, before I eat something, I ask myself if I'll regret it later. It seems simple, but it helps a lot. You're also going to find that there are a lot of paleo alternatives to the foods you love. I'm still perfecting my wheat-free bread recipe but once I figure it out I'll share it with you!

This whole thing will be a lot easier to accomplish by setting specific goals for yourself. When you turn 18, try the six week challenge. It's nerdy, and it's awesome. It's great motivation.

And don't worry about gym equipment! A lot of great workouts are based on body weight (and those workouts really pay off for people like us, because we weigh so much!) Take it slow, and don't beat yourself up. If your workouts are difficult, you're doing it right!

Check out my blog (in my signature) if you're interested in overcoming some of the mental blocks that keep a lot of people from getting in shape... the first entry is my favoritest.

You can do it! You have a whole rebellion behind you! Best wishes, Kiwi.

Level 4 Shape Shifting AdventurerSTR: 3.5 | DEX: 6.5 | STA: 6.0CON: 5.75 | WIS: 8.25 | CHA: 7.25


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Yuss! Another Kiwi :-)

Can I ask what your favourite foods are? Because you can probably make healthier versions of them for a start. Or take parts of them and add them to stuff you're not so keen on (like the veg and salads) to make them more palatable. I'm trying to tackle my own food problems at the moment (as are lots of people on here) so I know how you feel - you WILL get there! I bake stuff aaaall the time, it's like my stress relief, so I feel stuck between a rock and a cupcake most days :-p I'm trying to make it a personal mental challenge to just say no lol. I'll let you know how that goes!

If you're new to exercise, definitely check out the bodyweight exercises like 61st says above. Add some easy cardio into your day like a short walk. Then next time, a longer walk. Then a brisker, longer walk. And so on and so forth according to how you feel.

But yay, I'm happy to see another New Zealander about the place :-) Kia kaha!

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